Introductions Report

General Summary

The characters have met.  They joined the Avalonian Navy for 5 years and through either station or merit, have been assigned as Officer Cadets called Midshipmen.  The 2 senior middies (they were there for a few months) were assigned Junior Non-Commanding Officer rankings as Ensigns and helped the crew get stowed aboard.  First they got to meet the Quartermaster, a Lt Commander, named "___________", who assigned the lot (there are 8 including the cat) to the middies berth where they began to settle in.   A few minutes later, the marine commander, a rather large and attractive Alfar, named Lt.Commander Goldenbough, Navar, came in to introduce himself, and later, Navar's younger brother came in to dress them down for petty crap and assigned them all extra duties.  It seems Lt. Goldenbough, Numilor, was not getting off on the right foot.   After the night shift did their duties with the young druidess pulling a late night/early morning to not upset her new post Lieutenant, one Lt. Tremaine, Alisander, Druid's mate, they returned to their bunks to get some sleep and wake the day shift.    Ensign Madrimlian found a note tucked into his hammock, and opening it in a manner common to him, alone in the corner, gets a wide eyed look on his face and says "I have to talk to my father, before he beds down for the day, " and hurries out the hatch, note still in hand

Rewards Granted

Characters are Officer Cadets working on Commissions

Toy Soldiers: Old School

Lylas Madrimlian

4-Level Cipher Investigator 6-Level Psion

Selene Wintermist

Sidhe elf
10-Level Cleric (Merciful Healer) of Arianrhod

Ardan SpellSword

Elf (Sidhe)
12-Level Magus

VonVin StarSong

Star elf
4-Level Druid 5-Level Arcanist 2-Level Mystic Theurge

Ruavel Sunfall

1-Level Magus
Player Journals
Journal entry 1 by VonVin
Thoughts on the people I met today (plus notes on new ideas for my weapon) by Ardan
Report Date
05 Apr 2020

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