A John Wick-inspired heist set in the City of Steel & Steam during Delilah's Rebellion, using Blades In The Dark
These are the last days of the Golden Age. As the Holy Cathrican Empire teeters and falls, the effects on the rest of Hyperborea are profound. In the distant Hoedenheim Territory, retreating glaciers reveal lost Red Age secrets and lead to the discovery of a new magical mineral called Arcanite. Nothing less than the crystallized condensate of magic itself, its thaumo-technological applications are nigh-limitless, and it is only found in Hoedenheim. Instantly, it becomes the most valuable commodity in the world.
With the Cathrican Cradle in chaos, Hyperborea's other continental powers turn their attention to the unspoiled Hoedenheim territory for control of these resources. As rumours of a Runespeaker rising in the north add new heat to ancient tensions between the Ordning of Giants and the Conspiracy of Wyrms, droves of explorers and settlers pour through the gateways of the North in search of fortune and glory.
The Steam Rush is on!