Stop the Poaching - Group 2, Session 3

General Summary

19th day of the Time of V'nbarrgh's Greataxe, 2171CR

After catching their collective breath, and nursing a few painful wounds following the brawl in the Two Bridges Inn in Feybridge Crossing, the party members decide to retire early for the evening. They plan to get on the road toward Dryad Falls early - it will be another 7 days or so on the road. At least there will be two nights where they hopefully will find hot food and warm beds at roadside inns.

As Aryk, Thornas, Tanalith, and Zat descend the stairs from their rooms to the common area, their thoughts are on a good breakfast before hitting the road. Pickles the Goblin had apparently risen early - he wasn't in his bed when his roommate awoke - so they figured he was getting an early start on a big meal. But as they descend the stairs and scan the room, there is no sign of the Goblin. But the bartended waves them over toward the bar, a leather pouch in the hand she's waving to get their attention. As they reach the bar, she slides the pouch along the bar, mutters, "Your friend said to give you this when you appeared", and returns to her task of cleaning a tray full of tankards.

Thornas takes the pouch, and the four adventurers find a table in the sparsely populated common room. Inside the pouch, they find an assortment of gold, silver, and copper coins, and a crumpled up note.

Sorry... couldn't stay. I took my share of the coin, so the rest is yours. It's been fun! Seeya!
— Pickles

"Well, that explains that" is all Tanalith could say, apart from muttering about wondering just how much of a share the goblin took. After finishing their meal, the party departed the Inn and the village of Feybridge Crossing, headed for Dryad Falls.

The seven-day journey was completed without any difficulties. The road was well traveled, but not crowded, and the two nights at the inns were appreciated. As the four enter the town and approach the town square, they realize that there is a festival going on. "Of course! Founders Week! How could I forget?!" exclaimed Zatqualmie, the Gnomish cleric. Zat had grown up in Dryad Falls, and so was quite familiar with the town. In fact, he had spent the last few days telling the others about this shop and that, this inn, that tavern, and so on.

Even before reaching the square, the aromas of wonderful foods fill the air. Two sides of the square are lined with small carts and tables with folks selling food and drink of all varieties. A third side of the square featured temporary with merchants hawking trinkets, small pennants, and cheap children's toys as well as other more common goods. Sounds of flutes, lutes, singing and laughter fill the air. In the center of the square, a makeshift stage has been erected, and a banner there announces that the Traveling Troupe will be performing at sundown. There are already numbers of people gathered around that stage, most sitting on blankets with picnic baskets of food and snacks splayed out among themselves. Zat exclaims once more, "The Troupe! How wonderful! You folks are in for a real treat... the Traveling Troupe is renown for their performances. Always a highlight whenever they perform!"

The group decides to wait for the show, and shortly it begins. After introducing the Troupe, the first performer begins. She is half-elven, and introduces herselve as Elannia Altuliel. She begins with a lilting ballad - in Elvish - about lost love. She then swings into a rollicking tavern tune about living in the Feywood. Many in the crowd sing along. When that is finished, she introduces the next act and steps off the stage. As Mystro the Illusionist begins to conjure up firedrakes that breath illusionary fire over the heads of the crowd, Elannia wanders over to a small group of folk only a few feet from where the party is sitting on the green. She begins a conversation with these apparent acquaintances, which the party cannot help but overhear.

...little fey are disappearing... forest friends near Spirit Lake... very worried... being hunted...
...very, very bad... Elven patrols investigating...
...Rangers investigating... stopping merchants...
...trouble between Elves and the town if it doesn't stop...

Tanalith decides he needs to ask this Elannia more about what he is overhearing, and so he rises and approaches her. Zat jumps up and tags along. Tanalith and Elannia discuss the "Fey situation" for a few moments. Elannia explains that the Troupe has recently passed through Spirit Lake, and the village is worried. They are aware of the Fey disappearances, but they aren't sure what to do. They don't know what's going on, but they do know that the Fey - and the Elves - are not happy. They are beginning to fear reprisals "from the Forest". Elannia has Fey friends in the area around Spirit Lake as well, and they too are frightened - afraid they will be the next to disappear. Tanalith explains that he and his companions are investigating at the request of the Fey Council. Hearing this, Elannia begins to consider what help she may offer.

But Elannia is interrupted by a young Halfling that had apparently also been listening intently, while lurking behind the great oak that stands near the stage.
Going to Spirit Lake? Investigating the Fey disappearances? So am I! I'll come along with you!

Tanalith looks down at the newcomer and asks, "And who might you be?" The Halfling responds, giving her name as Aliya, and explains that she has Fey friends too -- friends that are frightened -- and she had decided to see what she could do to allay their fears. And since Tanalith and his friends were investigating the same thing, it only made sense to join forces!

Tanalith isn't sure. But as he ponders, Zatqualmie gets quite excited, and begins to regale Aliya with (somewhat embellished) tales of the adventures he has already had while accompanying "these heroes... these Adventurers!" Zat motions to where they left Aryk and Thornas, not noticing they are gone until he sees Aliya's confused face. But a quick scan of the area finds the Dwarf and the monk purchasing ales at a nearby vendor cart. Zat pulls Aliya over to introduce her to the two.

Tanalith still has reservations, but Thornas voices his opinion that running into another Adventurer investigating the same situation as they could not be a coincidence - it must be fate. Tanalith reluctantly agrees that Aliya can join them, and with that, Aryk and Zat begin congratulating her - and continuing the telling of the escapades of the party thus far. They all decide that the conversations should continue after they have secured rooms for the evening, and so they head to the Satyr's Glen - an Inn on the west end of town. The Inn has a reputation for being somewhat "boisterous" and offers "a wide variety of gaming and personal entertainment", but it's in the right direction, and Zat wants to check out their gaming setups anyway.

The session ends with the party arriving at the Satyr's Glen Inn and booking their rooms for the evening.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party has completed the second leg of their journey, arriving in Dryads Falls.

The party has acquired the names of three Fey contacts in or around Spirit Lake that may be useful. These were provided by Elannia Altuliel of the Traveling Troupe.

The party has said goodbye (sort of) to Pickles the Goblin Wizard, and has said hello to Aliya the Halfling (specialty not yet revealed).

Character(s) interacted with

Elannia Altuliel of the Travelling Troupe explained what she knew about the Fey disappearances. The Troupe has recently passed through Spirit Lake.

Aliya the Halfling joined the party, replacing Pickles the Goblin Wizard.

Group 2 Cartyrion
Report Date
09 Apr 2021
Region Map
Region Around the Bugbear's Head Inn

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