Fenician Ocean

"Darmok! Swab this deck, I almost tripped!"   "Yes Sir!"  
  "He tore into you again? I warned our captain, we can't make the navigator swab the deck on a long trip, it's bad for morale!"   "Let it go Jalad, I want to get there just as bad as you all do, it's just a long trip, Lai Dang is the closest part of Asirania, and not for lack of trying to be on another planet!"   "It's just stupid, you're our navigator, you got charts to check."   "I would, if we hadn't made the same trip five times in a row, and had the same bellyaching from everyone, gee, this beer is good."   "Yeah, you get Fenici Navigator's rations this trip, I talked to our purser."   "What's that?"   "It's a long trip, and everyone's on edge, so to make sure the high stress people aren't so stressed, they all get double ale rations. And I convinced the purser to make it actually good ale this time!"   "Who? Me, the captain, and who else?"   "The purser, the XO, and the man at arms."   "And you're the XO, did you finish yours?"   "No, I'm keeping them for tomorrow, you know I like to have ale when we play cards."   "Noy jitat, that's tomorrow."   "Yeah, might be able to get a few more ale rations off the captain, since he won't wager money, not while we make the trip in this direction."   "Whoever thought of using ale rations as currency was a genius."   "Thank you."   "What, that was you?"   "It certainly wasn't our captain's idea. I just slipped it as a suggestion one day he was a bit drunk himself. Since most people drink more on the return trip, he doesn't mind."   "Why, this is the hard trip."   "Yeah, but the Lai Dang beauties make a lot of you randy sailors nostalgic."


Stretching from Ozma in the south west, New Lolland in the Southeast, to New Etrusca and New Firenze in the north, and Asirania to the East, the Fenici ocean is the largest in arnd. Flat and usually peaceful, the odd storm is however, extremely strong, charged with high atmosphere pressure differentials and the heat of the equatorial sun.


Starting with phytoplankton, then zooplankton, then all the way to predator fish such as the Zoonoko, Scout Whale and Sailcloth Moray, this ocean supports much of the diversity of Arnd, and its vast expanse has led the odd sailor to add to their diet.

Ecosystem Cycles

With strong currents from both poles mixing at its center, near the equator, the flow of water is never still in the Fenici. Those strong currents often carry entire schools of fish astray, leading them kilometers off their intended paths. Canny predators such as the Great Slate Shark expect such, and feast well, when this happens.


Originally called the Great Aesir Sea, by explorers from Asirania, the name was changed to the Fenici Ocean when the first and second Phoenix Migrations caused massive demographic changes on landmasses at its east and west.
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)


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