Kagomine Judiciary Branch

"Welcome, students, we are going to learn about the Kagomine Legal System today."   "Ugh, all judges and tribunals, blech."   "Yes, quite."  
"Anything you want to tell me, Tangut?"   "..."   "I doubt you had such a reaction to my even naming a tribunal because you have no experience with them."   "Err. My parents were herevallin, but my father didn't take it seriously, he cheated, he cheated on my mom and they were legally dis-united."   "It's rather rare, in Kagomine, because the Herevallin can just lapse if one of the partners isn't as interested."   "Mom said, if she hadn't revoked it, he'd have ended up owning some key family properties, and was already causing problems with the rest of her family."   "Sounds like your father was burning bridges..."   "Yes, Mom said the same thing."   "Who was your father?"   "Doppio Starboecks."   "Oh."   "You knew my father?"   "No, I know of the rivalries between your two families, your mom was brave, just to let herself get to know him. Not all family rivalries are as intense as to Starboecks."   "Sounds like a story." The young child was sitting down back at his desk.   "As much as I can tell the story of two families' rivalry to a child of one, who's lived it."   "I've lived it without understanding, I didn't even know there was a rivalry."   "Calloways and Starboecks are two lineages with many a ship captain in the Kagomine Navy. With Nessun Ominari Calloway one of the biggest 'strikes' in the battle."   "Grandpa?"   "Well, yes, I understand he's staying away from family activities though, now. Not wanting to rile up any more rivalries."   "Mom said something like that."   "Your grandfather is pretty important though, the council of Nessuns is one of the most important lesser tribunals."   "What's a lesser tribunal? I mean, once they get you, aren't they all bad?"   "Lesser tribunals in Kagomei are more like specialized tribunals. They only affect a specific slice of the population. Being that the navy is about 80% of the armed forces and one third of the armed services, the council of Nessuns is parts of the checks and balances."
Court System
Controlled Territories

Trusted International Party

Strictly Enforce Each Other's privileges

It's not a terribly warm relationship, but it is so very strictly enforced, either side hates the very idea of the other finding any fault with their behaviour


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