Megamisama Drydock Complex Plaza, Number 2

"Welcome to Kannie's in Megamisama, I am Dentrag, I would be your host."   "Thank you, I've been here before, Dentrag, I don't think I've seen the line up so impressive before though."   "We do enjoy some success, especially with our neighbours, the dockyard workers, and The Nessun College."   "Oh, yeah, they're just across the plaza, I imagine the sailors get rowdy?"   "Oh, not while they're here, they're very well behaved. Are you expecting other guests tonight?"   "No, just me and Lunkhead there."   "Presiding-in-Black Schweinfurt? And... unless I miss my guess, you're Presiding-in-Green Sealer. Nessun Comma is already among our guests, should I let her know you're here?"   "Oh, is our daughter alone?"   "She was hosting a few other Navy officers."   "Then no, don't interrupt her on our account."   "Will this corner booth do?"   "It's the best spot in the house, surely, you're kidding."   "I find a bit of understatement goes a long way. And it's a slight irony too, this building used to be a newspaper printing plant, a reminder we can only grow upwards.   "What about the other floors?"   "Defense contractors, security apparatus, software companies, there's a concern Sirius Technologies might buy the building, and not let us keep the lease, but so far, that hasn't occurred. Please let me know if anything on the wine list arouses your interest, or if I can help in any other way."   "Hmm, this one looks interesting. Hey, lunkhead, why so quiet?"   "I'm thinking about what he said, about the place moving from spreading information, to controlling its flow."   "Hmm, that is quite a swerve, except for the restaurant."   "No, even here it's visible. See how the booths partition diners, not letting each other hear each other's conversations? It's information control."   "And of course, you pay for the privilege."

Purpose / Function

Originally built as a newspaper printing concern, Drydock Plaza #2 quickly got swamped by the explosive growth of Drydock Plaza #1, and the frenetic activity at the Dockyards themselves only kept lots of people flowing through the area.


The 6 story tower suffered no major alterations to its concrete, glass and steel structure until Kannie's moved in, building a high-class restaurant in what used to be a large newsroom.


Six stories of straight lines, grey-white concrete and steel, with two underground levels devoted to parking aircars. Elevators at each extremity for guests, and four more at the geometrical center let staff access restricted areas.


An 80 year old building, it's suffered wear with dignity, including the deflagration, 10 years into its life, of a munitions ship just filled with explosives, out in the harbour.


No tourists are interested in the upper floors, but the restaurant at street level gathers a few visitors, boasting of local delicacies, excellent service and a prime view of the plaza.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Tower Two
Included Locations


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