Meihomei's Personal Cutter

"Welcome to OPM, how may I direct you?"   "I am asked to meet with Nessun-OPM Ferssen-Oskher-De-Jargeais at the earliest possible moment, with absolute interrupt priority."   "Oh, my, let me see if she is interruptible then."   The receptionist walked off to an office panelled in a dark wood, with gold and amber fixtures, clearly, the most prestigious office in this corner of the building, which considering from what she could tell, was all of the fifth floor, Megamisama Drydock Plaza #1, spoke volumes, whoever had that office was a trusted advisor to Meihomei.   "Nessun Oskher will see you now."   "Thank you." Maëlle walked in, the enclosed space would have fit her apartment, with some to spare, calling it an office required liberties with the truth, the frosted glass walls let her know there were two adjacent meeting rooms, with remote videoconf links, a board room able to seat 20, and the study, where she was now, The ancient Mahogany wouldn't have looked out of place as the captain's desk, on a man of war, maybe six hundred years ago, except it would have been the largest such man of war the world had ever known. The bookshelves were equally impressive and bore souvenirs from travel around the globe.   The athletic woman seated at the desk was possibly just as impressive. Taller than most men, and with the build of an athlete, a competition sabre fighter, by Maëlle's guess, long, but strong limbs, green eyes no warmer than tundra permafrost, blonde hair like a spilt sunrise over wheat.   "Ballista Maelle Comma reporting as ordered, Zim!"   "Welcome, Officer Comma. I am Nessun-OPM." The fact that she didn't repeat Maelle's title, that she didn't even state her name, only emphasized her office, responsible for staffing the navy, promotions, medals, but famous for discipline, as well, made Maelle nervous.   "You asked to see me?" Maelle tried not to look nervous, but she was obviously out of her element, and couldn't look but vulnerable to the canny political officer in front of her.   "I did, I received some orders from Meihomei, that I am required to share with you." Maelle tried not to panic, but that was exactly how a disciplinary hearing or a cashiering would start.   "I serve Meihomei." She blurted, without false modesty, Maelle knew it was bare, unvarnished truth. despite her nerves.  Ominari Calloway, her Mentor, had advised her not to show fear to the woman, but she was so scary.   "You do, here, please become acquainted with your new orders."  Maelle allowed herself a small breath of relief.   "On 812 Terciem ninth, first bell, first shift, Officer Maaelle Comma, serial number 1237582385-7219-28-11, is to assume the dress of a Ballista, and take command of EMS Great Kagome, keeping from her previous command the distinctive mark of Meihomei's Own, and adding the unit mark of Meihomei's Own Red Eegle, for the duration of Officer Comma's next command she is not to have a personal flag, as it it superseded by Meihomei's own flag, the red eagle, Officer Comma becomes third in command of Meihomei's Lifeguards, and speaks with her authority, EXCEPT to the following individuals: Meihomei . this should be obvious, Any Nameihomei, this should also be obvious. The Valour-keeper of Kagomei, equally obvious. Meihomei's vision , Honour and loyalty , Valias Herringbone Meihomei's OR-10 Telbun of the Forces, Meihomei's Life Guard delegated lieutenant, Shibué Dandelion Meihomei's life guards delegated third in command, Regime Douallé Moneydime   Meihomei will be temporarily considered Officer Comma's direct superior officer, whenever she is aboard EMS Great Kagome, but unlike all other such relationships, OFficer Comma will be considered 'the voice of the elements' and has specific rights of refusal, according to title 243rd of the Kagomine Code of Law.   I can't believe it myself, the only people who can do what these orders say you can do, you weren't born when they started their careers."   "Sorry, what?"   "Say 'No, hell no, that's nonsense' to Meihomei herself. Even Nessun-Honor Valias does so with trepidation, you have legal license to do so repeeadly and with protected impunity."   "And I still report to Taimine Ominari Calloway?"   "Nessun-select Calloway now, but yes, for now you report to him. Until he gets promoted off."   "Aren't you supposed not to tell me these things?"   "What? That you've just gotten the best plum assignment in the fleet, behind someone whose also setting records for moving upwards? I'd say that it'd be naive of me to gloss over just how much of Meihomei's Trust you must have, just to get this assignment, especially since you're not even that many years out of the Academy, most people your age are happy to be Adjens, not Commanding Officer to the biggest, choicest assignment in all the fleets.   "So you're telling me, don't mess up, and it'll get even better?"   "Don't mess up, you've moved up so fast, everyone you passed will want revenge on your way down. You moved up so fast, that's practically all of the Navy. The more so that Ominari Calloway did the same for the ranks you haven't reached yet. I'd have been happy to be Medjen of Meihomei's Own, before I made Nessun. I'm telling you this so 1) you won't mess up 2) if someone takes umbrage to your success, you won't be totally surprised. 3) This is the most elite unit at this level, Meihomei will be qutie upset if you mess up, and she might give you a piece of her mind, but not always, sometimes I'm on the receiving end. I do not appreciate being told I should have 'tampered' Meihomei's enthusiasm about a candidate.."   "Isn't Medjen three ranks below Nessun?"   "Two, Tujen is below Medjen, you haven't finished reading..."   "...Officer Comma is to be considered a Tujen-Elect, having earned 62 half-stripes of merit for command, and is considered on the extended Tujen list, for her rapid rise to the ranks.   "Honour me sideways, I entered this room a Ballista."   "And you leave with Tujen recommendation in your file, Congradulations, you've got Meihomei saying nice things about you. The nice lady at the top is a really nice ally to have, you know."   "Zim, Aren't you supposed to ... I don't know, tamper her?"   "I offer her professional advice, she is free to disregard it, hers is the authority I borrow to do the simplest of tasks."   "Like?"   "Like, were I to call you to task for fraternizing, it's her rules you're breaking, and I'm an agent of her will..."   "I'm sure you won't find much of that, Zim."   "See that I don't, I've been given a reminder that those particular issues need addressed."
Military, Crew


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