Shibué Dandelion
She outweighed him by maybe thirty kilos, and was at least 5 cm taller. She also seemed to have lots of cute freckles, on the bridge of her nose. He tried not to freeze, each time she looked at him, it was hard, she was a warrior, well a warrior, and a healer, she was a lifeguard. He was just a diplomat.
"Hey, how you doing?" He kept biting his lip, and hugging that blanket of his. She hadn't heard of any other diplomats carrying blankets, so she guessed that made him Linnaeus Van Pelt, currently Assistant Auxiliary Vice-Undersecretary for technology at the embassy. In other words, the assistant to a deputy, a nobody, far down the chain of command. A boffin, a paper-pusher.
His eyes weren't that of a nobody though, there was wit in them, and spirit. Maybe he just didn't do well in groups, Shibué herself always had trouble, when you want everyone else to have a turn, sometimes you get skipped. And he clearly wasn't the most assertive sort, or else he'd have been on her inspection list, Shibué inspected, investigated, folded, mutilated and inspected anyone considered for promotion at State, since they tended to be able to get into close proximity of her charge, the Monarch, Amalthéa Kagome, Meihomei of Kagomé.
His sister now, had been inspected, recently, and Shibué felt she hadn't understood the idiom 'squeaky clean' until she'd inspected Lusitania Van Pelt, who had squeaked in all the right places and at all the right moments, precisely timed to elicit the best promotion chances. Of course, Shibue had never heard of Sally Anne Van Pelt, aka Sally Anne Veneer, late of Veneer, nor of Charles Van Pelt, also late of Veneer. Wait, Veneer? They related to Amarat Veneer Senior? She wrote on her notepad. Sally was in fact, that worthy's sister, but was known by the Van Pelt family name only in Kagomei, outside, she was Princess Sally Saer, Palatine Princess of Saer-Natthingham. Her husband, Charles Lolland, renamed Charles Van Pelt when he emigrated to Kagomei, was scarcely less famous, and was the brother of Bresciani Res/Beneventi Res, Lucumon of Ferrare, Mindanao Dell'Auro. That no one outside Kagomei seemed to remember
As a sorceress, Shibue was hardly unused to men looking. What she found noticeable is that he seemed to be looking a layer deeper than most, even asking her how she was, after a particular bomb threat.
She hadn't realized she'd been rattled until she realized she'd needed a moment after he'd asked.
The proximity didn't hurt, he was spending inordinate amounts of time with her principal while his own superiors were all in Lai Dang. That was disingenous, he was spending at least four hours a day with her, just planning the day ahead, since, for the time being, he was Secretary of State(by interim).
Someone had messed up, he was three ranks too junior for that. His sister, a full rank above him wouldn't have been allowed outside without a minder... Wait... His sister was Secretary of State Mikhala's unofficial number two. No one had made it official, but she was... Oh, she was related to the boss? Wait, sister, so if she was, so was he. Oh, outside Kagomei, his lineage was... celebrated? Wait, he's like a Namei outside Kagomei? But he's playing at being a mouse, inside the state department? There must be a method to this madness.
"Hey, how you doing? You said we were going out?" "Yeah, pack your shootstick, we're going balling." "Ugh, I'm hardly the best shot, hope you're not expecting competition." "What?" "I know your reputation, 'hardest shot in the force', 'can shoot so straight and hard she could injure someone with the ball'." "Oh, you heard huh? Well, I don't always play like I got something to prove." "No?" "No, sometimes I just play to have fun, I'll let you have a free foul every ball, as a handicap." "So basically, I'll have two chances to score, for every chance you'll have?" "Yeah, is that going to be a problem?" "Not really, but you still sound like you think you're winning 15 to 3..." "How often do you play?" "Maybe twice a week, I have a table at home..." "Hmm, ok I thought you'd be a newbie." "I'm still outclassed, and I know it, but no, I'm not a babe out of the woods."
"No fair!" "What? I'm just so hot." "You can't adjust your collar, not while I'm shooting." Damn, he's definitely too sedentary, but I guess it's been too long, argh, concentrate Shibué, he's spending way too much time with the principal for you to be dwelling on kissing his neck. "I thought I was going to be destroyed, not leading you 6 to 4... You ok?" "Preoccupied, you wouldn't understand..." "Try me. I listen pretty good." "You? I thought you were the local gossip pool..." "Only for ambassadors too drunk to know better, and only because it furthers Kagomine interests. Your secrets are by definition Kagomine state secrets, and besides, you're too nice for that." "Too nice huh? Is that what they say about me?" "No, but I don't bother asking, you've made people jealous, lots of people." "I know." She took her shot, forgetting she'd said she wasn't going to shoot like she had something to prove. The ball's 'ping' when it hit the target sounded 'means business' to Linnaeus, little did he know, it broke 16m/s, and the eight cats in the house all decided to find a safe spot to hide in. "Are you going to tell me what bothers you so much? I know you don't play like that normally, that was sloppy, you left points on the table." "I did, didn't I?" "I bet you get your head in the game better with other lifeguards." "Other servicepeople. Doesn't have to be my own service." "But they're not soft, not like a peacock." "Tell you what, you're winning, which is something no one, in any armed service in Kagomei has done more than once." "Oh, so it's beginner's luck?" "Er, no. I just adapt to people's strategies naturally. You won't beat me twice, not with the same tricks." Except if you're beating me because I haven't gotten laid in too long, she thought to herself. Well, I probably better get laid before I face him again, at any rate, I doubt my balls game is the only thing affected. Hmm, something to keep in mind, I'm like at 50% right now, good thing I'm off-duty. "Deal us in?" That was Amarat, with Flora Rolli on his heels. "No fair, you're a better player than he is." "We can make it 'inverse skill', or 'inversely winning' depending..." "Oh, he is winning, for now." She tried to put on a brave face, but 10-4 to him wasn't normally a score she could salvage, not with the position of the black and white cue balls. "Cousins vs the world?" "Hmm, Flora is a feared player, in FlyForce circles..." "And you're the reigning state department champion, whoever I choose, I'm getting stiffer competition." "What, but I'm winning." "And you're getting lots of help! If you weren't the reigning champion of both Lifeguard HQ and the Fire..." "Oh, so this game has some lebung(heft/width)?" "Linni is a soft peacock, third in State, if anything." "What, he's third?" "Nobody sleeps on Mikhi's boys, is what my mom used to say." "Auntie flatters me, but it's not entirely false, either. Me and Amarat are not negligible." "And Flora?" "Flora's idea of a slow ball would probably scrub a deck." "Oh, she's competitive huh?" "Very, but she's predictably competitive too." "Oh, can't douse it?" "Not often, and not too much." "Girls vs boys sounds exciting right now, lots of potential." "Oh, shiver me timbers." "Oh, behave. You don't got timbers we ain't seen before." "Timbers, shimbers, and above all, sheebers." "Heebers, sheebers, don't you spare those peepers." "I'm a jeebers, will you boys just behave?" "No, not when you're on the other side, we know you can just win a game, just balling everything." "Not when you're balling next, it's Linni's ball." "Linni? I didn't know you two knew each other..." "He's with the principal a lot lately." "Yeah, how'd you swing that, Linni?" "Sis is with the boss even more, we're just trying to keep up! Seriously, it's like opportunity fest for interns out there!" "Oh, Noy Jitat!" "Oh, try to keep a clean tongue!" "Hrmph!" "Oh, behave, or I'll spank you!" "Oh, you'll spank me, peacock boy?" "If you disrespect Kagomei, I sure will!" "Oh, oooh!" "Amarat, are you planning to spank me?" "I guess that depends on if we win..." "Oh, are you going to spank me, Amarat?" "I'm considering it. Oh behave, you wicked temptress..."
The game wasn't going well, they had paused the game, go to hunt for a snack on the upstairs floor of the The Magnificent Emerald, when three women, Mariwolfe Tannenbaum, Leviathan Crusher and "Marcie", tried to make conversation. "Greetings, Kon-Meritant-Zim." From Amarat to Mariwolfe, who just ignored his salute, and gave him a hug. "Shut your mouth, Kon, trying not to attract attention. I'm just here with my Miptuns, hoping to have a good time. I hear the dancing's good here." "Miptuns?" Flora was watching the seniormost non-commissioned officier in the Kagomine navy hugging the one next highest." "Why, red, what's it to ya?" "Just thinking you're getting greedy Kon Tannenbaum, one Miptun's plenty in my book, let alone two." "Oh, I suspect I'm being unreasonable, and terrible at long term decisions, but for now, I can't choose between them, and they've agreed I didn't need to, so for now, so far so good." "Very greedy kon-meritant-zim, do I get a hug too?" Flora had served with both, but always felt a bit off, since Mariwolfe had been a combat engineer, an inventor of note, and had served in the army, the navy and FlyForce. She was in the wide company of folks who felt Mariwolfe had done so much it was more than a little intimidating. Amarat tried not to think of such things, or indeed, of anything but being a superior officer and good friend around Mariwolfe... and so she had practically adopted him, when Amarat had mentioned the difference in treatment to Flora, the latter had been floored, and had promised to take a page from her husband's book, Mariwolfe was serving on the same ship after all, and they'd spent enough weekends overworking together. "Sure." And she hugged the slighter officer. "We never did go out to celebrate your new red leathers, I owe you a few drinks, Zim." This close, Mariwolfe was intimidating, but in a different way, she just seemed to glow from the inside, from inner confidence in her own skin. Flora thought that explained the two Miptuns, confidence was attractive. "Hey, how you doing?" Came out from Linnaeus. "Do I know you?" Came from Shibué, who knew she'd seen the taller woman before. "Easy, easy, lifeguard." She looked again. "...zim-Meritant-Zim." "Oh, Frak me for a bridge-builder, Telbun, is that you?" Mariwolfe's grin was wolfish. "Yeah, it be me, Meihomei's finest, in a dress, who managed this miracle?" "Oh, you know, I needed to get out." "I've seen you go out, girl, and I've seen this peacock before." Linnaeus' eyes flared, the slur wasn't lost on him, but he wasn't going to fight it, the night was too pleasant, the night breezes had combined with the drinks, and he was just too mellow to care. The Telbun's reputation for picking fights made it a doubly losing proposition. "Well, maybe I like the way he says 'hey, how you doing?'" She said, before she could think better of it. It sounded like a joke, but, she hadn't intended to do one that implied approval of him. "Telbun Tannenbaum, Kon-Meritant-Zim, and consorts?" "Well, consort might be a little strong, but I am the Telbun's guest here." Marcie added. "And I'm Levi, the Telbun's long suffering Miptun, who she keeps dragging around where our betters keep dancing better than we do." "I dunno about betters, nice to see you again Levi, and nice to make your acquaintance, Clara 'Marcie' Xanda, Ersu Moltu of New Etrusca." "Oh, a dangerous one, and speaking Benevent." "A Lefi of Kagomei to boot." "Oh, Levi's showing off her Jade Search skills!" "Wait, a Lefi? Really?" "Lagelefi-Amarat-si-Kagomine-azzasu, the crown-prince now." "Your highness." "Please, I'm just a regular officer, trying to prevent my cousin from getting fleeced at balling." "Well..." Mariwolfe tried to speak, but Levi just covered her mouth. "No, that bad joke isn't funny just because the guys are losing." "Aw, but Levikins..." The diminutive redheads on either side of Amarat(Flora) and Mariwolfe(Leviathan) were having none of it though. "No. You'll jinx it!" Uttered Flora, and that seemed to settle the matter. "Yeah, they certainly don't need the help!" "They don't?" "No, it's a closer two-out-of-three than I can remember getting, and Linni says he's hardly a strong player... Either he's lying, or he's some idiot savant." "Wait, you're the reigning champion at the Fire, even I know that much." "And here. But the competition there is fiercer." Mariwolfe just said: "I got an idea." And walked some distance away, calling on her communicator.
Two hours later, a tournament had been set up. Flora and her father were on a team. Wait... Let's back up a bit. Mariwolfe had called the second ranked player from The Laughing Fire. one Juraian Andermani, who was a Navy officer, and was a close friend of Flora and her mother(he'd been involved in the threesome where Flora was conceived, so it was hardly surprising). He was also a flag officer in sixth fleet, so was known to Mariwolfe, Flora and Amarat. Mariwolfe was on a team with with Shibué, but they were playing with a handicap, as both were celebrated, skilled players. Levi was playing with Linnaeus, after he said "we should play together, and see how Shibué and Mariwolfe like playing us". So far, Shibué and Mariwolfe were blanked when they were playing Linni and Levi, so he may have been onto something... But leading the impromptu tournament were Amarat and Marcie, who'd bonded over 'talking in Phenician and not letting anyone else know what they were talking about'. That Amarat and Linni were pretty good at the game had probably escaped notice for far too long. That Shibue couldn't keep thinking of sex when she saw Linni showing skin was a new thing though, but probably even more urgently needing a fix. Why him? I know I just broke up with my last boyfriend, but what's so distracting about him? It's been a month? The selfish part of her argued. He's cute, and wholesome and funny, and doesn't take himself seriously. He's just don't worry, be happy, and who doesn't want to be happy? Argued the selfless part of her. That doesn't mean I want to see him naked? The rational part of her, who wanted everything to make sense, argued. Well, if he wants to make us happy, maybe seeing him naked is a good negotiating position? giggled the selfless part of her. Maybe we want to make him happy in return?. Does it count if he's only half-naked? Inquiring minds want to know... I kinda like half-naked men, depending on the half? That doesn't mean I want to see him naked? The rational part of her, who wanted everything to make sense, argued. Well, if he wants to make us happy, maybe seeing him naked is a good negotiating position? giggled the selfless part of her. Maybe we want to make him happy in return?. Does it count if he's only half-naked? Inquiring minds want to know... I kinda like half-naked men, depending on the half? Stop that, she thought to herself, I'm trying to win a tournament, not ogle some of the competition. But, but he's not even the only fine man in the competition. Stop being picky Shibue, you want to taste a fine, fine man, not even just ogle one. Do we have to? Don't be silly, Shibue, a properly grateful man is a powerful thing... "I know nothing about him!" "You knew barely more from the last few... And they turned out all right." "No, they were fine, but they didn't turn out all right, they ended up 'not what I wanted', and that's the definition of not all right. Some right, just not all right." "So picky, that Firrson male, he was very well put-together..." "He is, and he's a fellow lifeguard, I should know better than to get involved with him I'll get a title 65."
"Hey, how you doing? You said we were going out?" "Yeah, pack your shootstick, we're going balling." "Ugh, I'm hardly the best shot, hope you're not expecting competition." "What?" "I know your reputation, 'hardest shot in the force', 'can shoot so straight and hard she could injure someone with the ball'." "Oh, you heard huh? Well, I don't always play like I got something to prove." "No?" "No, sometimes I just play to have fun, I'll let you have a free foul every ball, as a handicap." "So basically, I'll have two chances to score, for every chance you'll have?" "Yeah, is that going to be a problem?" "Not really, but you still sound like you think you're winning 15 to 3..." "How often do you play?" "Maybe twice a week, I have a table at home..." "Hmm, ok I thought you'd be a newbie." "I'm still outclassed, and I know it, but no, I'm not a babe out of the woods."
"No fair!" "What? I'm just so hot." "You can't adjust your collar, not while I'm shooting." Damn, he's definitely too sedentary, but I guess it's been too long, argh, concentrate Shibué, he's spending way too much time with the principal for you to be dwelling on kissing his neck. "I thought I was going to be destroyed, not leading you 6 to 4... You ok?" "Preoccupied, you wouldn't understand..." "Try me. I listen pretty good." "You? I thought you were the local gossip pool..." "Only for ambassadors too drunk to know better, and only because it furthers Kagomine interests. Your secrets are by definition Kagomine state secrets, and besides, you're too nice for that." "Too nice huh? Is that what they say about me?" "No, but I don't bother asking, you've made people jealous, lots of people." "I know." She took her shot, forgetting she'd said she wasn't going to shoot like she had something to prove. The ball's 'ping' when it hit the target sounded 'means business' to Linnaeus, little did he know, it broke 16m/s, and the eight cats in the house all decided to find a safe spot to hide in. "Are you going to tell me what bothers you so much? I know you don't play like that normally, that was sloppy, you left points on the table." "I did, didn't I?" "I bet you get your head in the game better with other lifeguards." "Other servicepeople. Doesn't have to be my own service." "But they're not soft, not like a peacock." "Tell you what, you're winning, which is something no one, in any armed service in Kagomei has done more than once." "Oh, so it's beginner's luck?" "Er, no. I just adapt to people's strategies naturally. You won't beat me twice, not with the same tricks." Except if you're beating me because I haven't gotten laid in too long, she thought to herself. Well, I probably better get laid before I face him again, at any rate, I doubt my balls game is the only thing affected. Hmm, something to keep in mind, I'm like at 50% right now, good thing I'm off-duty. "Deal us in?" That was Amarat, with Flora Rolli on his heels. "No fair, you're a better player than he is." "We can make it 'inverse skill', or 'inversely winning' depending..." "Oh, he is winning, for now." She tried to put on a brave face, but 10-4 to him wasn't normally a score she could salvage, not with the position of the black and white cue balls. "Cousins vs the world?" "Hmm, Flora is a feared player, in FlyForce circles..." "And you're the reigning state department champion, whoever I choose, I'm getting stiffer competition." "What, but I'm winning." "And you're getting lots of help! If you weren't the reigning champion of both Lifeguard HQ and the Fire..." "Oh, so this game has some lebung(heft/width)?" "Linni is a soft peacock, third in State, if anything." "What, he's third?" "Nobody sleeps on Mikhi's boys, is what my mom used to say." "Auntie flatters me, but it's not entirely false, either. Me and Amarat are not negligible." "And Flora?" "Flora's idea of a slow ball would probably scrub a deck." "Oh, she's competitive huh?" "Very, but she's predictably competitive too." "Oh, can't douse it?" "Not often, and not too much." "Girls vs boys sounds exciting right now, lots of potential." "Oh, shiver me timbers." "Oh, behave. You don't got timbers we ain't seen before." "Timbers, shimbers, and above all, sheebers." "Heebers, sheebers, don't you spare those peepers." "I'm a jeebers, will you boys just behave?" "No, not when you're on the other side, we know you can just win a game, just balling everything." "Not when you're balling next, it's Linni's ball." "Linni? I didn't know you two knew each other..." "He's with the principal a lot lately." "Yeah, how'd you swing that, Linni?" "Sis is with the boss even more, we're just trying to keep up! Seriously, it's like opportunity fest for interns out there!" "Oh, Noy Jitat!" "Oh, try to keep a clean tongue!" "Hrmph!" "Oh, behave, or I'll spank you!" "Oh, you'll spank me, peacock boy?" "If you disrespect Kagomei, I sure will!" "Oh, oooh!" "Amarat, are you planning to spank me?" "I guess that depends on if we win..." "Oh, are you going to spank me, Amarat?" "I'm considering it. Oh behave, you wicked temptress..."
The game wasn't going well, they had paused the game, go to hunt for a snack on the upstairs floor of the The Magnificent Emerald, when three women, Mariwolfe Tannenbaum, Leviathan Crusher and "Marcie", tried to make conversation. "Greetings, Kon-Meritant-Zim." From Amarat to Mariwolfe, who just ignored his salute, and gave him a hug. "Shut your mouth, Kon, trying not to attract attention. I'm just here with my Miptuns, hoping to have a good time. I hear the dancing's good here." "Miptuns?" Flora was watching the seniormost non-commissioned officier in the Kagomine navy hugging the one next highest." "Why, red, what's it to ya?" "Just thinking you're getting greedy Kon Tannenbaum, one Miptun's plenty in my book, let alone two." "Oh, I suspect I'm being unreasonable, and terrible at long term decisions, but for now, I can't choose between them, and they've agreed I didn't need to, so for now, so far so good." "Very greedy kon-meritant-zim, do I get a hug too?" Flora had served with both, but always felt a bit off, since Mariwolfe had been a combat engineer, an inventor of note, and had served in the army, the navy and FlyForce. She was in the wide company of folks who felt Mariwolfe had done so much it was more than a little intimidating. Amarat tried not to think of such things, or indeed, of anything but being a superior officer and good friend around Mariwolfe... and so she had practically adopted him, when Amarat had mentioned the difference in treatment to Flora, the latter had been floored, and had promised to take a page from her husband's book, Mariwolfe was serving on the same ship after all, and they'd spent enough weekends overworking together. "Sure." And she hugged the slighter officer. "We never did go out to celebrate your new red leathers, I owe you a few drinks, Zim." This close, Mariwolfe was intimidating, but in a different way, she just seemed to glow from the inside, from inner confidence in her own skin. Flora thought that explained the two Miptuns, confidence was attractive. "Hey, how you doing?" Came out from Linnaeus. "Do I know you?" Came from Shibué, who knew she'd seen the taller woman before. "Easy, easy, lifeguard." She looked again. "...zim-Meritant-Zim." "Oh, Frak me for a bridge-builder, Telbun, is that you?" Mariwolfe's grin was wolfish. "Yeah, it be me, Meihomei's finest, in a dress, who managed this miracle?" "Oh, you know, I needed to get out." "I've seen you go out, girl, and I've seen this peacock before." Linnaeus' eyes flared, the slur wasn't lost on him, but he wasn't going to fight it, the night was too pleasant, the night breezes had combined with the drinks, and he was just too mellow to care. The Telbun's reputation for picking fights made it a doubly losing proposition. "Well, maybe I like the way he says 'hey, how you doing?'" She said, before she could think better of it. It sounded like a joke, but, she hadn't intended to do one that implied approval of him. "Telbun Tannenbaum, Kon-Meritant-Zim, and consorts?" "Well, consort might be a little strong, but I am the Telbun's guest here." Marcie added. "And I'm Levi, the Telbun's long suffering Miptun, who she keeps dragging around where our betters keep dancing better than we do." "I dunno about betters, nice to see you again Levi, and nice to make your acquaintance, Clara 'Marcie' Xanda, Ersu Moltu of New Etrusca." "Oh, a dangerous one, and speaking Benevent." "A Lefi of Kagomei to boot." "Oh, Levi's showing off her Jade Search skills!" "Wait, a Lefi? Really?" "Lagelefi-Amarat-si-Kagomine-azzasu, the crown-prince now." "Your highness." "Please, I'm just a regular officer, trying to prevent my cousin from getting fleeced at balling." "Well..." Mariwolfe tried to speak, but Levi just covered her mouth. "No, that bad joke isn't funny just because the guys are losing." "Aw, but Levikins..." The diminutive redheads on either side of Amarat(Flora) and Mariwolfe(Leviathan) were having none of it though. "No. You'll jinx it!" Uttered Flora, and that seemed to settle the matter. "Yeah, they certainly don't need the help!" "They don't?" "No, it's a closer two-out-of-three than I can remember getting, and Linni says he's hardly a strong player... Either he's lying, or he's some idiot savant." "Wait, you're the reigning champion at the Fire, even I know that much." "And here. But the competition there is fiercer." Mariwolfe just said: "I got an idea." And walked some distance away, calling on her communicator.
Two hours later, a tournament had been set up. Flora and her father were on a team. Wait... Let's back up a bit. Mariwolfe had called the second ranked player from The Laughing Fire. one Juraian Andermani, who was a Navy officer, and was a close friend of Flora and her mother(he'd been involved in the threesome where Flora was conceived, so it was hardly surprising). He was also a flag officer in sixth fleet, so was known to Mariwolfe, Flora and Amarat. Mariwolfe was on a team with with Shibué, but they were playing with a handicap, as both were celebrated, skilled players. Levi was playing with Linnaeus, after he said "we should play together, and see how Shibué and Mariwolfe like playing us". So far, Shibué and Mariwolfe were blanked when they were playing Linni and Levi, so he may have been onto something... But leading the impromptu tournament were Amarat and Marcie, who'd bonded over 'talking in Phenician and not letting anyone else know what they were talking about'. That Amarat and Linni were pretty good at the game had probably escaped notice for far too long. That Shibue couldn't keep thinking of sex when she saw Linni showing skin was a new thing though, but probably even more urgently needing a fix. Why him? I know I just broke up with my last boyfriend, but what's so distracting about him? It's been a month? The selfish part of her argued. He's cute, and wholesome and funny, and doesn't take himself seriously. He's just don't worry, be happy, and who doesn't want to be happy? Argued the selfless part of her. That doesn't mean I want to see him naked? The rational part of her, who wanted everything to make sense, argued. Well, if he wants to make us happy, maybe seeing him naked is a good negotiating position? giggled the selfless part of her. Maybe we want to make him happy in return?. Does it count if he's only half-naked? Inquiring minds want to know... I kinda like half-naked men, depending on the half? That doesn't mean I want to see him naked? The rational part of her, who wanted everything to make sense, argued. Well, if he wants to make us happy, maybe seeing him naked is a good negotiating position? giggled the selfless part of her. Maybe we want to make him happy in return?. Does it count if he's only half-naked? Inquiring minds want to know... I kinda like half-naked men, depending on the half? Stop that, she thought to herself, I'm trying to win a tournament, not ogle some of the competition. But, but he's not even the only fine man in the competition. Stop being picky Shibue, you want to taste a fine, fine man, not even just ogle one. Do we have to? Don't be silly, Shibue, a properly grateful man is a powerful thing... "I know nothing about him!" "You knew barely more from the last few... And they turned out all right." "No, they were fine, but they didn't turn out all right, they ended up 'not what I wanted', and that's the definition of not all right. Some right, just not all right." "So picky, that Firrson male, he was very well put-together..." "He is, and he's a fellow lifeguard, I should know better than to get involved with him I'll get a title 65."

Linnaeus Van Pelt
Linnaeus Van Pelt
Ruled Locations