New Tsou City

"Why call it New Tsou City?"   "Because Old Tsou City got ravaged by fire."   "Recently?"   "Oh, no, silly guest, during the the Second Moniqan Invasions.  There was not a stone left unturned, the horse lords rode on and on, destroying, pillaging, setting fire on what they could not cut down.  Old Tsou City never stood a chance."   "And so we're in New Tsou City that's over 700 years old?"   "Aye, the old Tsou knew how to build to last, and these are especially fine Tulum and single-family houses in that style."   "And a Tulum is?"   "A large rammed earth dwelling for multiple families with load-bearing all provided by rammed earth supports."   "And these Tulum are all around New Tsou City?"   "Yes, a bit like Lucretia has those six-floor buildings?"   "Ah, yes, the Offmyhaus buildings, I've visited there."   "What was it like?"   "Lucretia is nice, but a bit overhyped, if you ask me."   "And from where are you? You're not Lucretian!"   "I am Kagomine."   "And yet you've been to Alessia ?   "Alessia, Brunswick ,Blegia ,Brecia .Sardé ,Mannheim ,Moniq and some others, I was blessed to travel much while young."    "My, that sounds exciting, you've been everywhere exciting, really."   "Nisei was probably the most interesting..."   "You've been to the land of the mages?  What was it like?"   "They're snobs if you're a magician, but not of their traditions."
Large city
Included Locations


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