SC.2023.36. Sulaiman Tsu'reik

"I am Sulaiman Tsu'reik, son of Batman Tsu'reik, Ruler and King of the Tsou Realm, father of Donovan. I'm sure you've heard stories."

"Great king Sulaiman, we've heard stories so far-fetched, we asked one of your own to help us tell the truth between the legends." She pointed to the nearby Mako, who bowed deeply.

"Ah, my son's fourth-cousin Mako? It has been long, he misses his childhood playmate."

Mako was gritting her teeth. Get on with it, you used aircar salesman!

"With me is my principal minister, Han Tsu'Reik, responsible for all culture and all things Tsou." Another bow, slightly less deep, as was proper.

"Greetings to all you fine young people, the king has much business, so we will not detain you any longer than necessary. Despite the unterminated state of war between Tsou and Kagomei, it pleases the king to accept your credentials as attaches to the newest ambassador of the Kagomine Meihomei to our court. Recent treaties give us hope that peace may be possible, and restitution achieved for some of the grievances of the past wars." As Sulaiman expected, Han was on-script, despite his past as a rogue and smuggler, he had been adopted into the royal family, and beat records for his speed at taking the classes and examinations, and 'cleaning up his act', becoming the now-king's right hand man: the man who had cleaned him up. Who had wanted an enforcer, someone who'd obey without much question.


Has reined from 776AK to present, currently in 30th year of reign.


SC.2023.36. Sulaiman Tsu'reik


Towards Manaba Tsumon

Manaba Tsumon


Towards SC.2023.36. Sulaiman Tsu'reik

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Ruler of the Tsou
  • Duke of Tsou City
  • Duke of Tsuomintang
  • Parents
    Known Languages
  • Tsou
  • Goghur
  • Moniqan
  • Dawn Moniqan
  • Kagomine
  • Alessian

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