Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer

  "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"   "I've had it with this young lady, Not even two months old, we give you a warm bed, a comfy home, keep you clean and in clean diapers, and is this how you repay us? This is nonsense, at this rate, we'll name you something preposterous, like Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence, or some such nonsense!"   "Hihiihihihih, Ah, Agah!"   "Well, you had to do it, I've been trying to avoid the utility language, just in case it made her laugh. I know it does me sometimes, but no, my Grib had to take matter in his own hands, and show our daughter the rough side of his tongue!"   "Delightful Miptun, I did get her to laugh... It's her first ACTUAL laugh... I'd say, at this point, it's a fair trade."   "Oh, you got me there, she's still giggling. Much better than all this waaaaa. Oh and she's hugging me now... Hmm, I may have to revise my opinion of you as reprobate and a rogue..."   "And a scoundrel?"   "Don't push your luck, you're obviously still one of those."   "Oh, and how do I give you that impression."   "Why, the string of broken hearts you've left. Not many men can break the hearts of two of the ten most powerful women in Arnd."   "They weren't that then!"   "Hmm ok, how far up were they?"   "Between 50 and 100 maybe, they rose up sharply after we broke up."   "What's with the tutu-perpetrating anyways? I'm no scholar of utility language, but I'd say I've only ever heard you use the term."   "It's from Marhamat, he mentioned he started using it after he rescued Meihomei from her kidnappers."   "Oh?"   "He said that having to rescue a ten year old girl in a tutu from her kidnappers was especially bad, had they no decorum that they couldn't wait until her dance was over? Such heathens! And so he started spicing his own utility language with 'tutu-perpetrating' for especially egregious nutheads."   "Of course he would, and of course he'd think of them as the worse possible class of criminals. But now our daughter is named after them?"   "By her own choice, my dear, I hope that means that if someone tries to bother while she's' perpetrating a tutu, that they better watch out."   Both mother and daughter had a case of the giggles. "Stop that, I can't laugh this hard, I'll drop her!"   "Just hand her to me, it's my turn anyways."   "Goo Aga, Ga-Dou! Agadou!" Flora was still trying to stop laughing.   "Yes, fascinating, I will get on it right away!"   "Da!"   "Is that me, am I Da?"   "Da-Da! Da-Da!"   "Oh, she's a quickie too, two months old and she got Dad straight?"   "Dada."   "Comes from a long line of daddy's girls on her mom's side, and a momma's boy born of a daddy's girl on her dad's side. I'm sure it's genetic."   "If she says Mama, I'll be freaked out..."   "Mama."   "Now, Flora, don't underestimate her, we learn a lot by imitation, and you all but spelt it out for her."   "Ok, granted. So I am the mama?"   "Mama."   "And you are Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer, the first, Nameita of Kagomei."   "Didn't we have the same problems with her siblings? They liked their overly complicated names too much?"   "Yes, but they didn't learn to enunciate this early. I mean, she only has one tooth, how is she doing it?"   "Element's help, I reckon."   "Why would they bother?"   "Early sign of favour, you're strong in physical, she's probably grown four or six painless teeth while saying that word..."   "Wait, I was going to say this is ridiculous, but she's got eight teeth in her mouth now, count them."   "AWoo."   "Now now, little nameita, show Dada wha you've got in there..."   "Aga!" And then Sookie bit down, not that hard, but definitely enough for Amarat to feel eight distinct teeth.   "Ouch! Okay, she has way more teeth than this morning, colour me convinced."


Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer


Towards Bihar-Tagada Veneer


Bihar-Tagada Veneer


Towards Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer


Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer


Towards Nomi-Twilight Veneer


Nomi-Twilight Veneer


Towards Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer


Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer


Towards Vneef-Sparkle Veneer


Vneef-Sparkle Veneer


Towards Sookie-Tutu-Perpetrating-Essence Veneer


Year of Birth
822 AK -7 Years old


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