The Jackrum Disappearer

"This is where Flag Nijerou disappeared last week."   "What? But this is just a street removed from Megamisama Drydock Complex, this should be one of the most secure areas in Kagomei!"   "Yeah, but this is where the rumour places the Jackrum Disappearer."   "What's that again? I know you told me, but it's been such a month of chaos at Thistle."   "Creepy man, gets close, then you realize he's treatening you with a knife. You beg, you plead, but you find out it's all a distraction, he never needed the knife, and just puts his hand over your other shoulder, and you both disappear. The rumour has it he has his corner in the void, a place where none escape. Even if you managed to leave, you'd just die, because there's no air there."   Amarat suddered. "And this is supposed to happen in my city?" His voice grew heated.   "Easy tiger, it's just a rumour."   "I still feel responsible that this officer disappeared on this street. I am Aumhavar here."   "Well, the Megamisama lifeguards are on the case."   "First? or Second?"   "Both, that''s why I didn't qualify. ShibuĂ© is calling the shots."   "Oh, yeah, it is within 200 meters of the palace, she would be concerned."   "You haven't read the file, obviously, she's one of ShibuĂ©'s. She's one of Meihomei's lifeguards."   "Oh, Elements above!"   "Second, so, wait, she's one of your mom's lifeguards?"   "Yeah, or mine now."   "You rate em?"   "As Bameimeito, there's standing orders that if I need them, and so does my mother, I have priority."   "Wow, aren't you important."   "What's wrong?"   "Could I?   "Could you what?"   "Could I borrow some? Go into that street, and try to draw the disappearer out? I doubt he's a mystical mumbo jumbo killer, much more likely to be an invader."


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