Unified Rasnal Komberra of Breezh, Pickt, Mannheim, Marron, Delite, Degroovey, Dejoisey, Deguernsey and Kelty

"Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?"
  "I'm summoned to my first duty as Bameimeito."
  "Oh, have fun."
  "You're not coming?"
  "I don't know, only you got an invitation."
  Amarat facepalmed.
  "Only because I forgot my head in my other suit. I'm to go on an official extended visit of the Grand Unified Kingdom, I can't go without you."
  "Extended visit, huh? So seeing not just the tourist spots?"
  "Well, maybe all the tourist spots, there's so much to see there, like Deelite, Dejoisey, Deguernsey, Marron..."
  "I hope you have fun."
  "You're not coming?"
  "I'm still ON DUTY, I can't just... Wait, this is one of those things I better check for last minute orders in my jade bank right?"
  "I'll wait while you do so, just in case." Amarat's sense of humor had always been dry, but lately, he was downright desertic, Flora liked.
  "Temporary Detached Duty notice, due to her status as Nameita of Kagomei, Flora Rolli, Meritant of Honour is to be detached from sixth fleet for three weeks, Kon Mckibbins is to asssume interim tasks as Thistle, and fleet up to flag bridge under that banner."
  "They're giving a Kon a temp flag?"
  "I wasn't consulted, but she's the only one that makes sense, for a TDD anyways. Unless I'm away for more than a month, they can't reassign someone to my spot."
  "I'll try not to keep you away that long, but I do hear it's very nice there. And so many diferent peoples."
  "The Kelts, the Pickts, the Breizh, the Mannish, the Marron, the Delights, the Dejoise, the Degroo and the Deguern."
  "Seriously, the Deguern?"
  "Deguernsey, shortened, it's how that language works, you get the noun from the country name, usually by shortening."
  "Do they call us the Kagom?"
  "Hahaha, no. They call us 'Fellow Kellys', because the Kelts' most favoured colour, Emerald Green, is also ours, even if they call it Kelly Green, not Emerald Green."
  "Oh, but it's not on their flag?"
  "No, well actually, it's on the Kelty Flag, not the unified one."

  "Welcome, your highness."
  "Nice to see you Ainsley."
  "Please meet Representative Sonja Truhill, the Special Envoy of The Unified Rasnal Komberra to Kagomei."
  "Oh, my." Piped the diminutive woman.
  "Pleased to meet you. Please meet my Herevallin, Flora Rolli, Meritant of Honour."
  "My life to honour, still would not repay." Sonja replied.
  "I'm sorry?"
  "It's how one greets a knight of the fiddlehead, our local equivalent. It's even the same green, and both awards are only given to the bravest, noblest of heroes. You insist on her dignity, but not yours Milord?"
  "Err, I try not to dwell on my own circumstances, losing Shen was bad enough, but people thinking I see it as anything but a penance makes me ill."
  "I'm sorry, Namei Shen was scheduled to visit us, we were to be his first outing outside of Kagomei, so of course, we'd heard of his precociousness."
  "He reminded me of you, Amarat, sometimes." Flora curled into his arm as she asked.
  "Of me?"
  "Didn't you impress the Hunarch of Moniq on your first visit outside of Kagomei?" Flora asked, her eyes hooded.
  "Err, I guess. I try not to dwell on that either."
  "Even in this backwater on the wrong side of Eurani, we've heard you'd been made an honourary citizen of Moniq for how well you spoke to him that day."
  "I'd have been made one anyways, since he was doing that to Mom."
  "And the fact that he chose to do it regardless speaks volumes, in Diplomatic circles. He didn't have to, it changed not the outcome, but by singling you out, he honoured you like few Nameis of Kagomei have been."
  "So, the Kelly Medal isn't the Bameimeito's only honour?"
  "Elements, no! His deeds granted him names that fill a small book!"
  "Hmm, please, I'm not usually a weakwilled woman, but I'm not used to Kelly-Green Eyed heroes. Is that why it's your colour?"
  "As far as we can determine, all three founders of Kagomei had Kelly Green Eyes, to use your term."
  "That can't be common."
  "Maybe 1% of Kagomine have green eyes, two thirds of them have black hair, like all three did."
  "But the prince here does not..."
  "No, it's recessive to have such dark hair, in our lands. And an offshoot of that original family injected some red hair into the mix."
  "The same as yours?"
  "I'm maybe his seventh or eight cousin, as you'd reckon the term. But yes, the Dandelion family is the putative cause for the light brown and red hair of our royals."

  "Why were you flirting that much with Sonja?"
  "I wasn't."
  "Why were you pimping me that hard to Sonja, Flora?"
  "That obvious huh?"


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