ɑm foʊ̯ lueɪ̯mmef dsæo (/ɑm foʊ̯ lweɪ̯mmɛf dzæo/)

City of the new sun

In am foi luermmef dsaeo, do like the locals...
With the dawn sun rising in the background, Amarat Veneer, Bameimeito(crown-prince) of Kagomei, and his Herevallin(wife) Flora Rolli, are walking in the center of the city of the new sun. Taking in the impressive monument to the sun-eater, the stepped pyramid of Dsaeo, while also reading the 'helpful' brochure provided by the local ambassador Narei Namine.


"Why does every time I get a brochure from a Kagomine ambassador, they send me druck that is less useful than the classified material?"


"Because you have better clearance than they do, Carrier Group is strategic theatre resource, most Voice of Meihomei only get Tactical. Only Eurani, Moniq, Nisei and New Lolland get strategic."

  "In ancient times, the locals thought this was where the sun had been invented, imagine!"   "In ancient times, Kagomine ate each other... Let's not do the cultural posturing thing, ok?"   "What, really, like eating human flesh?"
"We don't say it too loudly, but that's been proven, in Innu and in Outbox, at least, Dunkehl was also inhabited, but we don't have remains..."   "No? But..."   "We don't have remains because Mountain Home is still in use, it's been in continous habitation for millenia, we're not sure when the cave was first dwelled in, but it's possibly twenty-some centuries."   "Awman!"   "Yeah, beggars belief. Hope they cleaned a little..."   Flora covered her mouth not to laugh.   "You probably could visit though."   "What, why, and why me, specifically."   "Because of Dan Ma, of your dad... He lives there, he's the head groundskeeper, to be specific."   "No, he's the son of the head groundskeeper, Grandpa Tan is the groundskeeper."   "At 80?"   "Yup, keeps him busy, also, possibly keeps him out of reach of his two herevallin."   "He's got two?"   "Yup, and married the second one ten years ago, she's 12 years his junior, for that matter."   "You think she married him for his money?"   "What money? She's Aumhivina, she has not needed money for some time. Let's focus on this city though, it's beautiful, and we can go back home and talk to Grandfather another time."   "Sure, what's that?"   "Stepped pyramid, one of the largest, it's where they have their national assembly."   "Oh, 'congress'?"   "That's what they call it, I think. Well, the native word, since they don't speak Kagomine around here, I imagine."   "It's odd, that Stepped pyramid, surrounded by four skyscrapers."   "Yeah, and those are all single-use buildings."   "What?"   "Only Kagomine really embraced multi-use buildings, with hotels, residential units, stores at different levels. Those buildings are all office buildings, related to their military-industrial complex. Wait, I know that logo, that's Sirius."   "What, that thing I own now?" Flora said mischieviously.   "Yes, that bauble of yours." Sirius was currently the largest defense contractor in Arnd, and Flora was correspondingly, the richest individual in Kagomei who wasn't also a ME-10 Domei or higher . Truth be told, unless Sirius' shares tanked and DaDaDaVeeVeeVee Holdings' had a meteoric day, she was going to be richer than him for the foreseeable future.   "Let's go in!"   "What?"   "I'm the majority shareholder, I can demand to inspect any properties of Sirius', can't I?"   "You can demand them to make you boba tea and little tea cakes, too. Doesn't mean we have time for it in the schedule."   "You're not curious as to why Sirius, as Kagomine a defense contractor as there is, is so close and chummy to New Etruscan interests?"   "Oh, I know, I just try not to think about it. It's the Fenici."   "The Fenici?"   "It started as a lingual and cultural defense grassroots movement, to defend the heritage of Beneventi diaspora in New Etrusca. Now they're a fiercely rabid, anti-multi-culturalism militia with rights to bear arms that'd make a Kagomine Lifeguard think twice. And the local crackdown on them isn't going well. But as a symbol of that, non-local companies that invest large amounts in the status quo and stability get plum contracts, and the attention of politicians, including housing permits, advantageous office space rent..."   "So, Sirius is there because they're making nice with cracking down on a group that'd make the Kingmakers look like water boys?"   "Essentially. Pilders are great for crackdowns, especially the new 10mm automatics."   "Don't remind me, I saw the post-action-review of the one we spotted in Eurani City, viscera painted the walls."   "The weapons they intercepted there would have had a higher cost in human lives, or we wouldn't have sent in Pilders to help."   "Are you sure?"   "Yeah, I'm sure, we both had access to the intelligence briefing that led to that raid, I know it wasn't anything frivolous. You feel that?"   "What?"   "I don't know, I felt kinda drafty."   "It's the lack of people, Dsaeo might be the largest coastal city on the Fenici ocean, but it's hardly as populous as Megamisama or Kimaguré."   "Oh, yeah, it's so empty."   "There's half a million people mind, just over thrice the area of Megamisama."   "Thrice? But Megamisama is no slouch..."   "The area devoted to the city is basically the side of a peak of a nearby mountain, on two sides, until it reaches the sea."   "A peak, not the peak?"   "This mountain has three peaks, this is the least high, but it's a sizeable part of the mountain, nonetheless. This place looks built to sustain sieges."   "It would be, it wouldn't be the first one, far from it."   "I had a bad thought."   "What about?"   "This here says the Beneventi are not considered friendly by the Fenici. The son of the Lucair of Ferrare probably should lay low..."   "We're in the middle of nowhere here, almost in the sea, I'll hardly attract attention..."   "I hope you're right my Namei..."


Originally populated by New Lollandese(who still called themselves Olmeqitan and Tlazoltan), who swam over from their part of the Ericcson continent, then Saami natives outflowed to the region from their nearby Subcontinent. Finally, less than five hundred years ago, Bleg, Beneventi and Brunswicki expatriates swam past Rhuthen and New Lolland and installed themselves in vast numbers during the Chitau Famine, one of the few famines to strike what are considered the breadbasket of Eurani.


The city is the main urban area of the province of Didona, but for historical reasons has always considered itself independant, and self-rule is often a cause espoused by splinter-parties and breakaway parties from otherwise mainstream groups.


A large military squadron, as well as important port facilities defend the harbour, while the rest of the city lays nested on a peak providing natural defense. Any attempt at conquest in the past was soundly, and usually, easily defeated, and as such, the defenders supplement this with a mobile rapid reaction force, emplaced guns, naval netting, mine fields and other impediments to attack craft, fearing rapid deployment forces most of all. Secretly, anti-aircraft facilities have been stockpiled on the nearby peak's flanks and top, allowing overwatch for the entire city, and much of the peak's flanks. Those are among the most densely packed facilities of this type, after perhaps, the layered defense deployed by the Kagomine over Megamisama.


An important port city, built on the flank of an extinct(well, mostly) volcano.


The city is divided into five wards, one central and four outer ones. The outer are named after famous Fenici: Errico Diandolo, Domenico Tiepolo, Jannina Sforza and Physika Therapi. The central district is just named central district, and contains the offices of city government, and some provincial offices, for the province of Didona, where it is the main city, b ut not the capital.


The port is a major port on the Ocean, and used as a major defense installation, housing various military contractor facilities from:
  • Sirius
  • Fincanto
  • Marquarry
  • Revelon
  • Sonder-Krrpt
  • Magnussen
  • Oatquaker
  • Guilds and Factions

    The New Etruscan government's fundamentalist party and freedom party divide the city officially, officiously, the Fenici movement and the Benevolent Oligarchy trade blows.
    Large city
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Included Locations
    Owning Organization


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