The Voidweb

"Attention, officer on deck!"   "At ease."   "Major-General Kanneghy Ruannoch, I am here to take command of Second Shadow Division."   "Sir, yes Sir!"   "And you are?"   "Major Strikal Tenoch, 51st battalion, 26th regiment, second shadow division, Sir."   "Ah, just the man I needed to talk to, seems your folk are the ones, shall we say, the most enthusiastic about enforcing leadership..."   "I don't know what you mean, sir."   "51st Battalion, those are 'Purity testers' aren't they? From the 'Rightful Ones' regiment?"   "Sir, Aye Sir."   "I'm asked to rein your brand of zeal in check, Strikal."   "Sir, yes Sir!"   "I keep hearing reports of civilian casualties, and that is not something I'm willing to tolerate, am I making myself clear?"   "Sir, yes Sir!"  
  At the cafeteria, later.   "We may need to abbreviate Kanneghy Ruannoch, he's attempting to rein in those of us who truly believe."   "It'll be harder than most, as he's our commanding officer, harder to hide things from him. And if he's smart, he left a package, with an attorney, or a friend..."   "It doesn't matter, all that matters is the mission..."   "And losing our positions? It doesn't help the mission, at all... We must be circumspect. He is only one man, and all men have weaknesses... No one can be vigilant all the time."   "I trust you to do the needful, as you pointed out, I need to keep my job, if only to help keep scrutiny away fromm those of the faith."   "It will be done, Fenici First."   "Fenici First and Only."  
  "That was easy, they didn't even check my credentials..."   "No, they wouldn't make it in Journaled Task Force 2, not at all.."
Cathedral / Great temple


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