Apprehension healing

Upon apprehending a criminal, an officer of the law who also happens to be a spellcaster will heal almost all of a criminals wounds or ailments, provided the subject consents. Delibereately one small ailment, only enough to provide mild discomfort, will be left untreated, so as to remind that crime deserves no reward, let alone blessed healing.

This healing is to be given before, or during the prisoner's transport to any processing, holding or manutention facilities.

Should a non-spellcaster apprehend a wounded subject, that subject's transport will await the arrival of a spellcasting colleague to provide the necessary healing. Transport of a wounded prisoner will only occur if a class 3 emergency or higher is occuring in the area.

— Title 56, paragraph 12, second stanza, affirmed Kagomine code of law, 665.

"Hey dad, who was that you arrested today, and why was he so beat up?"

"He wasn't looking where he was going, and stepped in front of a speeding hired aircar!"

"But who was he, Daddy?"

"Just an alleged perpetrator..." Trying to stay vague with his daughter had been the best policy as she was growing up, now that she was in her mid-teens, it was getting increasingly harder and harder to keep her in the dark.

"Come on Daddy, I know you, you didn't arrest him just because you didn't like the look of him..." Definitely harder, and her hero worship of her dada would probably be a casualty at some point....

"I got a hint that someone at so and so place was holding Blue Tcha for commerce. I followed the hint, and spotted him carrying the Blue Tcha. Only, as you well know, I can't call upon the elements, so I had to make him wait in his 'place of business' until a Sorcerer from the force could heal him, that's why you saw him like that..."


There are two possible scenarios:
  1. The arresting officer is a spellcaster himself: and then he proceeds to heal most of the injuries suffered.
  2. The arresting officer is not: and therefore must wait for a colleage who can, before suspect transport.


Apprehending sorcerers vary in how strictly they interpret this directive, some heal all but a minute portion of injuries for all suspects, some heal less, depending on the severity or heinousness of the suspect's crime.

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Aug 7, 2024 22:10 by Deleyna Marr

I enjoyed the way you wove story in with this. It makes your game world inviting to me.

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