
"Who is this?"   "This is Corbo, he's Raven's eldest sister."   "She related to Robyn?"   "She's her granddaughter."   "Your cat's granddaughter is begging for food Amarat, that's weird!"   "It's not weird, my cousin is in town, and brought his cats, who are hungry. Besides, her grandma taught her how to beg for food in this very kitchen, years ago, she remembers how, I'm sure."   "Not his ma?"   "She had just moved to Jannet, at the time."   "Jannet?"   "That's when I became friends with Avalline, Robyn's daughter went to her house."   "Oh."   "And here's Corbo's mom... Hi Ariellyn, have you been a good kitty?"   "Mew! Purr. Prr. Purr."   "Do we have enough kibble?"   "Nellun loves cats even more than Linny does. He'll probably cook them something."   "What, he cooks for cats?"   "Yes, he took a veterinarian class to learn what could go into a cat's diet, and all that."   "No wonder those cats are here..."   "Yeah, they do get pampered a lot at Responsible Disclosure."   "Does Robyn have siblings?"   "Yes, Ylang-Ylang is her sister."   "And she is?"   "Moniqan Hunarch's most royal pet cat."   "Oh?"   "Rembrandt's the only cat in their history to be a Dawn standard-bearer, and they treat her accordingly."   "Like Robyn is a Nameita?"   "Yes, both cats are Mayors of their respective Palace. You do not want to displease Ylang-Ylang in the Hunarch's presence." He rubbed Bronwyn's chin. "Who's a good girl? You are, yes you are, yes you are." Ariellyn was on her back, her head flat on the ground to give him more of her throat to skritch.   "Had no idea you were such a cat person."   "I'm famously known for being Robyn's favourite human, I used to drag that cat anywhere. Now she's a dignified old lady, I wouldn't..."   "Oh, I'm sure you'd carry her over your shoulder if she felt like it..."   "Ok, you got me, I certainly would."   By now Corbo had decided to offer his belly too, and so Amarat was skritching with both hands, and getting a chorus of purrs in response.   "Yes, you're both such fluffballs and I have no willpower, I admit it..."  


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