Innu Ethnicity

"Why are they all wearing these warm clothes, isn't it summer?"   "Don't speak so loud, they are touchy about apparel, Innu Shepherds make so much wool, and it's so useful out here in Monsoon land, being impermeable, that they barely would consider wearing anything else."   "Oh, it's to avoid being wet?"   "Yeah, among other things, the flooding is not something to laugh at, either."   "But they're on Kagomé Island, surely it can't flood that much more?"   "Of course it can, Tsou absorbs all the Monsoon and Typhoons what would hit Megamisama, and that's not even halfway along the same coastline... Valkyrie Island is so sheltered, it's considered its own microclimate."   "Oh, and it gets bad?"   "Mother visited the stricken, last time it got real bad, I don't think I've seen mother cry.. since."   "And the sheep? I guess they're impermeable, but wool floats!"   "Innu Woolgather dogs have no trouble corraling even dozen of Innu humped sheep provided they haven't floated too far off..."   "Oh, the dogs are special too?"   "Yeah, part wolf, part dog, all awesome, if I ever get a dog, I want an Innu Woolgatherer."   "I would too, they sound smart!"   "Ruff!"   "Oh, look who's being all cute, and ... holding sheep's hump in his mouth? Is that a thing?"   "Yeah, it's a thing, I think he likes you..."   "Please excuse me honoured zims, my Rollo is bothering you..."   "It's not a bother, he's so precious, what is your name, and is he is your work animal?"   "I am Kantrick, and Rollo is only considered a work animal by the laxest of standards, he's always wanting to play."   "He's such a cutie, and he hasn't moved a muscle since he presented that sheep, do I accept it?"   "Let me take Shaka off your hands, Zim."   "So, Rollo and Shaka, I bet they're great friends."   "Shaka's my only Ram, I have him and six ewes, such a stud!"   "Performance anxiety, Shaka doesn't have."   The two women laughed... "I guess even such a stud such as milord would think twice before six women to please every night..."   "Clearly, if I had to please six women before I slept every night, I doubt I'd get much sleep, but Shaka... only has to worry when they're in heat, I imagine?"   "Aye Milord, every spring, when the little lambs get sheared for the first time, their randy parents start making new ones."   "Oh, randy parents, huh?"   "I know that look, you're thinking, we're doomed!"   "Is he always this funny, or only when he's trying to undermine you?"   "He undermines me all the time, he just doesn't have a roomy gallery every time."   "Ohh, quippy, you two been together long?"   "Year and a half." She waggled her bracelet.   "Sounds like he was satisfactory..."   "A Namei of the blood has to meet some standards...."   "He's a namei of Kagomei?"   "You can't see the deep green of his eyes?"   "I wasn't looking that deep, he is taken..."

Naming Traditions

Unisex names


Major organizations

Innu Dogmen: an ancient, subversive group, mostly focused on independance from Kagomei.
Parent ethnicities
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