New Etruscan Second Shadow Division "The Eclipse"

"Welcome, everyone, today's risk and threat evaluation to Kagomei from an international standpoint will be led by myself, Mister Tcha, please introduce yourselves by name and rank."   "I am Altamont Sinneret, Netamei of Kagomei, you are performing this Threat Audit at my request."  
"Apologies, Altamont, thank you for holding the meeting for me." As Amalthéa Kagome, resplendant in her customary emerald-green and black, entered, there was a flurry of murmurs. Noone needed an introduction, not with the Kagomine Crown Jewels in evidence.   "I bow to Meihomei's presence, I will be taking the minutes." This was a tradition, a minor penance, whenever someone thought themselves higher in the precedence order for a meeting, they'd be the ones taking minutes. Altamont hadn't taken minutes in ten years, he set his communicator to record.   "I requested Mister Tcha to organize this meeting. Much of the geopolitical situation is in flux, and Nameihomei has ambitious plans of peace. I'd much rather we didn't hug a viper to our breast. Please continue."
  "I am Shibué Dandelion, commanding 0045th Naval Security Detachment, or as they are commonly known 'first Meihomei lifeguards'." Shibué, officially Meihomei's lifeguard, carried many unofficial duties. Most retired from her position into the LGOF-09 rank that officially 'ran' security for the capital, a city of twelve million.   "I am Mister Keffiyeh, XFOF-08 ." That wasn't his real name as was customary for special agents/special forces. That he didn't enunciate his title meant he probably was a recent transfer from one of the other branches and was afraid he'd get it wrong.   "I am Sothlee De Byzance, Aumhivina Kautanissian."   "Ahem."   "All right, all right, I am here as Prime Minister. I'll try to leave my biases at the door."   "Intending no disrespect, Highest, your authority is not restricted to Kagomei, please keep what you learn of here to those subject to you who are of Kagomei." That was Mister Tcha, trying to keep everyone but Meihomei from having to arm-wrestle for who took minutes, Religious Authority such as hers usually took precedence over anything but actual rulership of kingdoms.   "I'll leave my remit of Kautanissian at the door, Mister Tcha."   "Mister Keffiyeh, please state the agenda."   "Current threat board has two concerning items, I've prepared briefing notes for everyone, and scheduled time with some of our chiefs of station, they should be awaiting our communication. First on the board is the New Etruscan/NuovaFirenzzane border dispute. Second is the Hand/Saami/Rhuthen tripartite resolution."   "Why are the Ericssans' riled up again?"   "Fenici First has managed to suborn some of their highest officials. We have some names of not very nice people we want to keep an eye on."   "All right, civilian?"   "Secretaries of State and Secretaries of Defense in New Etrusca, Seraphim in NuovaFirenzze."   "What's a Seraphim?"   "Roughly equivalent to Netamei, head of many elements of their security apparatus."   "And they have the head of the fifth largest miliary in Kagomei under their spell? This is a disaster."   "Yes, and what's worth, The Eclipse is on the move."   "What's 'The Eclipse'?"   "The Second Shadow Division of New Etrusca is a part of their Military, not unlike Kagomine Imperial Special Forces, but unlike them, they are permanently consituted with a specific mission: Political Action."   "An Army is hardly a-political, if you're the enemy of a nation."   "In this case it's worse. They are tasked with suppression of internal dissent. And with Fenici First controlling them, they're suppressing moderates on the Fenician question."   "Monstrous!" Sothlee blurted.   "Hardly their first such act, let me reach out to our chief of station."   "Mister Keffiyeh, how kind of you to call, I was just about to call you."   "Telepathy is not one of my skills." An unusual passphrase.   "I'd never have guessed, you've caught me too often." And the proper countersign, probably bare truth as well. "Douallé sends her regards."   The other man's eyes flashed, he probably missed her indeed, the man at the middle of the table in Kagomei thought before carrying on.   "Give her my best."   "Jack, we hear about an eclipse happening soon in dsæo city."   "Celestial Phenomenon abound here, everyone wants to hear signs and portents."   "We're more interested in trajectories at this point."   "Locals mention The Eclipse is expected to move sunwise in force." The communication broke.   "Bring him back."   "No, that would be unwise, we don't know why the communication broke, he could be avoiding some inspection. We will let him reconnect, later. He did mention what we needed to know... Sunwise in force is code for the Shadow Division being taked with pacifying Tzekaukus."   "And the second item?"   "The Rhuthen and Saami have long been allied, them reaching out to the Hand is worrisome..."   Fade to black.
Military, Special Operations Force


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