The prophecy of Tenebia

"Once again, on the first day of the year, pundits come out and mention the prophecy of Tenebia. According to the legend, that started in the remotest areas of the Itzaiitai plateau, and first recorded in the ancient tongue of Dawn Brun, whoever will make the greenscarfed couple relinquish their scarf will rule Kagomei."

— The Kagomine Standard Record, 1-1-815.

"Hey! Gimme a kiss!" Mariwolfe Tannenbaum told Leviathan Crusher

"Sure, love. What are you watching?"

"Just some news, they're talking about the prophecy from that movie we saw with my colleagues."

"Ugh, that movie left me some nightmares. I just don't like the idea of small, sharp-clawed, sharp-fanged animals ganging up on me."

"You and me both, but the elements will protect us, I promise! Hug?"

"You're such a snugglebug when I visit you, you're not like that in Kima."

"Hmm, I'm kinda keeping us a secret there, I don't know how your folks will react."

"Discrimination against you is against the Edict of Innu."

"Yeah, yeah, but there's a difference between illegal behaviour and just getting along. I'm sure if I get along with them when we tell them, it'll be smoother."

"Silly, they know, just because we haven't told them doesn't mean they don't know... And the longer you wait, the more misunderstandings can fester."

"You know the weirdest part about that greenscarfed couple?"

"No, what?"

"I pulled up the earliest version of the legend, the scarf doesn't give you the right to rule Alessia, it specifically says with the scarf you'll be the next Meihomei!"

"Except, you gotta inherit that throne, what are they smoking?"

"Would the prophecy work if the Bameimeito picked it up?"

"Don't see why not, but why would he even go there?"

"You've met the Bameimeito, he likes getting... involved."

"But why?"

"He owns property on Eutebia Island and knows the Queen of Alessia, personnally."

"The queen?"

"Ex miptun."


"Imagine, to upgrade on the Bameimeito, she had to become Queen of Alessia."

"Hmm, pity I prefer the ladies, I guess?"

"It's not the only scary myth set there though...

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