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Telekinetic Weapon, Minor

School Transmutation; Level magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, psychic 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range Close
Targets One light or one-handed melee weapon
Duration Concentration (up to 1 round/level)

  Saving Throw Reflex (See text) ;
  Spell Resistance No

  Upon casting this spell, choose a single light or one-handed melee weapon within range. If the weapon is currently being held by another creature, that creature may make a reflex save to negate this effect. If the spell goes through, you may wield this melee weapon through the power of their own mind, making melee attacks as if the weapon were in your own hand. Your weapon’s reach is considered the same as the spell’s range, and you may attack any creature within that reach. When making an attack with this weapon, treat it as if you were wielding it in your hand, except instead of using your strength modifier for attack and damage rolls, you use the modifier you use for your spells. Attacking with a weapon in this manner is a standard action. You must have the right proficiency in order to wield a weapon in this manner, or else take a -4 penalty on the attack roll.   Additionally, as long as the spell is active, as a standard action, you may call the weapon towards you, and enter total defense. When you are in total defense with this effect active, as an immediate action when an enemy makes a melee attack against you, you may make a melee attack as well (with the telekinetic weapon). If your melee attack roll is higher than your opponent’s, you negate your opponent’s attack.   MYTHIC: By spending a mythic power when casting this spell, you may apply your tier to the attack rolls made by your telekinetic weapon(s).
AUGEMENTED (TIER 5): By spending a second mythic power when casting this spell, you may also apply your tier to the damage rolls, the weapons ignore armor bonuses and natural armor bonuses, and are treated as epic when bypassing DR.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

