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Spell (Old Sheet)

ID Name Tags
Spark spell evocation [light] sorcerer/wizard 0
Prestidigitation spell universal bard 0 magus 0 psychic 0 sorcerer/wizard 0
Message spell transmutation language-dependent bard 0 psychic 0 sorcerer 0 wizard 0 summoner/unchained summoner 0 witch 0; Elemental School air 0
Mage Hand spell transmutation bard 0 magus 0 psychic 0 sorcerer 0 wizard 0 summoner/unchained summoner 0
Ghost Sound spell illusion (figment) bard 0 magus 0 psychic 0 sorcerer 0 wizard 0
Daze spell enchantment (compulsion) mind-affecting bard 0 inquisitor 0 magus 0 psychic 0 shaman 0 sorcerer 0 wizard 0 summoner/unchained summoner 0 witch 0
Calamitous Flailing curses evil
Create Soul Gem evil souldrinker spells
Retribution (Hex) hexes magic
Cloudkill evil poison spells
Ray of Frost
Haunted Fey Aspect
Dancing Lights
Heliumis Riempiris
Destructive Blast (Destruction, Core) Destruction Core SOP
Reincarnate reincarnate pathfinder
Particulate Teleport Yrhgal Fixed point teleport
Create Particulate Gate Yrhgal Fixed point teleport
Macht des Weltenschleiers - Die Sturmbringer Macht des Weltenschleiers Homebrew
Macht des Weltenschleiers - Die Mächtigen Macht des Weltenschleiers Homebrew
Macht des Weltenschleiers - Die Grabwächter Macht des Weltenschleier Homebrew
Macht des Weltenschleiers - Die Beschützer Macht des Weltenschleiers Homebrew
Macht des Weltenschleiers - Die Alpträume Macht des Weltenschleiers Homebrew
Fluch der Projektilanziehung Zauber Homebrew
Erodierender Pfeil Erinyen Höllenschütze - Zauber Homebrew
Infernalischer traumatischer Bogen Zauber Erinyen Höllenschütze - Zauber Homebrew
Alen's Instant Image alen berie magic
Arcbound Mockery
Giga Drain
Mega Drain
Draining Necral Stream, Greater
Necral Stream, Greater
Draining Necral Stream
Necral Stream
Dazzling Gleam
Fool’s Ruin
Burst, Greater
Telekinetic Weapon, Major
Telekinetic Weapon
Telekinetic Weapon, Minor
Merfolk's Lost Legs
Ice Weapon, Major
Ice Weapon
Ice Weapon, Minor
Summon Mythic Vine
Idea Oracle Spell
Ruf der Calatai Das letzte Bollwerk - Zauber Kosmisch Homebrew
Sadomasochismus Homebrew Zauber
Ruf von Meridaith Das letzte Bollwerk - Zauber Homebrew
Abeyance Spell
Globe of Invulnerability spell abjuration sorcerer 6 wizard 6
Globe of Invulnerability, lesser spell abjuration sorcerer 4 wizard 4
Circle of Death spell necromancy [death] sorcerer 6 wizard 6
Waves of Fatigue spell necromancy sorcerer 5 wizard 5
Cone of Cold spell evocation [cold] sorcerer 5 wizard 5
Cloudkill spell conjuration (creation) sorcerer 5 wizard 5
Wall of Ice spell evocation [cold] sorcerer 4 wizard 4
Fire Shield spell evocation [fire or cold] sorcerer 4 wizard 4
Enervation spell necromancy sorcerer 4 wizard 4
Dimension Door spell conjuration (teleportation) bard 4 sorcerer 4 wizard 4
Vampiric Touch spell necromancy sorcerer 3 wizard 3
Suggestion spell enchantment (compulsion) language-dependent mindaffecting bard 2 sorcerer 3 wizard 3
Dispel Magic spell abjuration bard 3 cleric 3 druid 4 paladin 3 sorcerer 3 wizard 3
Spectral Hand spell necromancy sorcerer 2 wizard 2
See Invisibility spell divination bard 3 sorcerer 2 wizard 2
Scorching Ray spell evocation [fire] sorcerer 2 wizard 2
Mage Armor spell conjuration (creation) [force] sorcerer 1 wizard 1
Darkness spell evocation [darkness] bard 2 cleric 2 sorcerer 2 wizard 2
Ray of Enfeeblement spell necromancy sorcerer 1 wizard 1
Magic Missile spell evocation [force] sorcerer 1 wizard 1
Read Magic spell divination bard 0 cleric 0 druid 0 paladin 1 ranger 1 sorcerer 0 wizard 0
Ray of Frost spell evocation [cold] sorcerer 0 wizard 0
False Life spell necromancy sorcerer 2 wizard 2
Blinding Ray
Invisibility Field
Death Knell spell necromancy [death evil] cleric 2
Obscuring Mist spell conjuration (creation) cleric 1 druid 1 sorcerer 1 wizard 1
Heal , Mass spell conjuration (healing) cleric 9
Heal spell conjuration (healing) cleric 6 druid 7
Haste spell transmutation bard 3 sorcerer 3 wizard 3
Harm spell necromancy cleric 6
Halt Undead spell necromancy sorcerer 3 wizard 3
Hallucinatory Terrain spell illusion (glamer) bard 4 sorcerer 4 wizard 4
Hallow spell evocation [good] cleric 5 druid 5
Gust of Wind spell evocation [air] druid 2 sorcerer 2 wizard 2
Guards and Wards spell abjuration sorcerer 6 wizard 6
Guidance spell divination cleric 0 druid 0
Fireball spell evocation [fire] sorcerer 3 wizard 3
Shield Other spell abjuration cleric 2 paladin 2
Shield spell abjuration [force] sorcerer 1 wizard 1
Shield of Faith abjuration cleric 1
Spiritual Weapon spell evocation [force] cleric 2
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass conjuration (healing) cleric 7 druid 8
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass spell healing bard 6 cleric 6 druid 7
Cure Light Wounds, Mass spell healing bard 5 cleric 5 druid 6
Cure Serious Wounds spell healing bard 3 cleric 3 druid 4 paladin 4 ranger 4
Cure Moderate Wounds spell healing bard 2 cleric 2 druid 3 paladin 3 ranger 3
Detect Magic spell bard 0 cleric 0 druid 0 sorcerer 0 wizard 0
Bleed spell cleric 0 sorcerer 0 wizard 0
Divine Favor spell divine cleric 1 paladin 1
Cure Light Wounds cure spell bard 1 cleric 1 druid 1 paladin 1 ranger 2
Burning Hands sorcerer 1 wizard 1
Chant SRD