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Telekinetic Weapon

School Transmutation; Level magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, psychic 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range Close
Targets One light or one-handed melee weapon; thrown weapons (see text)
Duration Concentration (up to 1 round/level)

  Saving Throw Reflex (See text) ;
  Spell Resistance Yes

  This spell functions like Telekinetic Weapon, Minor except for the following changes.   When this spell is active, you may make full-round attacks with your telekinetic weapon as if you were wielding it with your hand.   In addition, you may hurl a thrown weapon at an opponent as if you were throwing it with your hand. When doing so, double the range of the thrown weapon. Picking up a thrown weapon in this manner is a free action, and you can throw as many thrown weapons in your turn as you get melee attacks from your BAB. You still use your dexterity modifier when calculating attack rolls and damage rolls. Arrows are treated as thrown weapons for the purpose of this spell, being hurled as if fired from a composite longbow.   MYTHIC: By spending a mythic power when casting this spell, you may apply your tier to the attack rolls made by your telekinetic weapon(s).
AUGEMENTED (TIER 5): By spending a second mythic power when casting this spell, you may also apply your tier to the damage rolls, the weapons ignore armor bonuses and natural armor bonuses, and are treated as epic when bypassing DR.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

