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Enthrall - Enchantment 3

Traditions Components
arcane occult somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
2 actions 120 ft all creatures in range Sustained Will
Your words fascinate your targets. You speak or sing without interruption throughout the casting and duration. Targets who notice your speech or song might give their undivided attention; each target must attempt a Will save. The GM might grant a circumstance bonus (to a maximum of +4) if the target is of an opposing religion, ancestry, or political leaning, or is otherwise unlikely to agree with what you're saying.  
  • Critical Success The target is unaffected and notices that you tried to use magic.
  • Success The target needn't pay attention but doesn't notice you tried to use magic (it might notice others are enthralled).
  • Failure The target is fascinated with you. It can attempt another Will save if it witnesses actions or speech with which it disagrees. If it succeeds, it's no longer fascinated and is temporarily immune for 1 hour. If the target is subject to a hostile act, or if another creature succeeds at a Diplomacy or Intimidation check against it, the fascination ends immediately.
  • Critical Failure Each creature that comes within range has to attempt a save when you Sustain the Spell. If you're speaking, enthrall gains the linguistic trait.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

