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Pathfinder 2e Spell Statblock created by Tillerz
ID Name Tags
Chilling Grasp Aquamancy Chilling Grasp
Cold Snap Aquamancy Cold Snap
Aqua Mirror Aquamancy Aqua Mirror
Trebuchet Toss Geomancy Trebuchet Toss
Stone-Shape Geomancy Stone-Shape
Sandblast Geomancy Sandblast
Realm of Earth
Quicksand Geomancy Quicksand
Stoneheart Geomancy Stoneheart
Quaking Stomp Geomancy Quaking Stomp
Petrify/Depetrify Petrify/Depetrify Geomancy
Mountain's Protection Geomancy Mountain&039;s Protection
Mountain's Bulwark Mountain&039;s Bulwark Geomancy
Landslide Geomancy Landslide
Fissure Geomancy Fissure
Forge of Topaz Forge of Topaz Geomancy
Ironhide Geomancy Ironhide
Detect Mineral Detect Mineral
Avalanche Geomancy Avalanche
Earthquake Earthquake Geomancy
Enchant/Disenchant Geomancy Enchant/Disenchant
Elemental Step Elemental Step Universal
Elemental Symbol Universal Elemental Symbol
Elemental Wall Universal Elemental Wall
Summon Elemental Ally Universal Summon Elemental Ally
Elemental Steel Universal Elemental Steel
Aethyric Armor Universal Aethyric Armor
Elemental Spray Universal Elemental Spray
Counter-Weave Counter-Weave Universal
Stone Shield Stone Shield Geomancy
Tremor Tremor Geomancy
Illusion of Choice
Elemental Missile Elemental Missile
Shields of the Spirit
Inflict Girth Spell Concentrate Manipulate Positive QP Uncommon Arcane DIvine Occult Primal
Needle Darts spell pathfinder
Inspire Defense ♦
Wholeness of Body ♦
Aura of Humility
Testicular Torsion
Step Sideways
Strange Step
Revivify resurrection
Harm Spell Divine Level 1
Heal Spell Divine Primal Level 1
Wystongjiir's Memory Crystal spell
Shielded Arm
Fleet Step
Burning Hands
Rousing Splash
Deep Breath
Eat Fire
Draw Moisture
Aura of the Unremarkable Arcane Occult Mental
Heal Animal Pathfinder 2e Uncommon Druid Healing Necromancy Positive
Magic Fang Pathfinder 2e Primal Spell 1
Glutton's Jaw Pathfinder 2e Morph Necromancy Sorcerer Focus
Group Antithesis
Vengeful Magic
Shroud of Darkness
Conduit of Nature
Beast Form
Soothing Melody
Catchy Melody
Wormhole Bombing
Prayer of Suffering
Prayer of Protection
Life Link
Aura of Radiance
Imprisoning Smite
Voice of Comfort
Wrath of the Gods
Sacrificial Defense
Ki Push
Ki Choke
Flowing Wind
Elemental Aura
Alter Fates
Floral Healing
Raise Dead: Flora
Glyph of Imprisonment
Vomit Swarm
Spider Climb
Spider Sting
Ant Haul
Puff of Poison
Gouging Claw
Healer's Blessing Uncommon Cleric Necromancy
Water Breathing Transmutation
Detect Poison Uncommon Detection Divination
Sanctuary abjuration
Snowball Attack Cold Evocation Water
Hydraulic Push Attack Evocation Water
Ray of Frost Attack Cantrip Cold Evocation
Spout Cantrip Evocation Water
Detect Magick
Drop Dead
Undeath's Blessing
Spiritual Epidemic
Horrid Wilting
Devour Life
Tempest of Shades
Finger of Death
Deity's Strike
Vampiric Exsanguination
True Seeing
Raise Dead
Breath of Life
Blood Feast
Talking Corpse
Sanguine Mist
Necrotic Radiation
Bloodspray Curse
Familiar's Face
Bind Undead
Agonizing Despair
False Life
Ghoulish Cravings
Bone Spray
Necromancer's Generocity
Chill Touch
Blazing Blade
Scorching Blast
Animal Allies
Protect Companion
Produce Flame
Healing Plaster
Magic Weapon
Divine Lance
Bullhorn Cantrip Illusion
Warped Terrain Focus Illusion Somatic Verbal Arcane Wizard
Electric Arc Primal Innate Evocation. Somatic Verbal
Personal Rain Cloud
Sudden Bolt
Sea Surge
Test Spell
Life Boost Healing Hex Necromancy Witch Spell Lesson of Life
Phase Familiar Abjuration Hex Witch Spell
Pact Broker Cantrip Enchantment Hex Mental Witch Spell Pact Patron
Spirit Link Healing Necromancy Spell Lesson of Life
Ray of Enfeeblement Attack Necromancy Spell
Mage Armour Abjuration Spell
Liberating Command Enchantment Mental Spell
Fear Emotion Enchantment Fear Mental Spell
Exchange Image Illusion Visual Spell
Command Auditory Enchantment Linguistic Mental Spell Pact Patron
Telekinetic Projectile Attack Cantrip Evocation Spell
Prestidigitation Cantrip Evocation Spell
Message Auditory Cantrip Illusion Linguistic Mental Spell
Mage Hand Cantrip Evocation Spell
Haunting Hymn Auditory Cantrip Evocation Sonic Spell
Ghost Sound Auditory Cantrip Illusion Spell
Forbidding Ward Abjuration Cantrip Spell
Detect Magic Cantrip Detection Divination Spell
Daze Cantrip Enchantment Mental Nonlethal Spell
Dancing Lights Cantrip Evocation Light Spell
DP Queen
Eliin’s technique
Sexual healing
Kiras Telepathy
Anal fixsation.
Change Shape Pathfinder 2e Primal Polymorph Transmutation Ancestry Guide
Death Watch Uncommon Occult Arcane Necromancy Healing Black Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Sense Hearing
Vampiric Touch
Hypnotic Pattern
Chilling Darkness
Remove Paralysis
Magic Missle
Grim Tendrils
Hideous Laughter
Comprehend Languages
Dispel Magic
Acid Arrow
Dancing lights
Abyssal Plague
Malicious Shadow
Needle of Vengance
Evil Eye
Stealth Warp Starfinder Stellar Revelation Graviton Transmutation Core
Wormholes Starfinder Stellar Revelation Graviton Conjuration Core
Solar Incursion Starfinder Stellar Revelation Photon Fire Conjuration Core
Defy Gravity Starfinder Stellar Revelation Graviton Gravity Evocation Core
Vital Reinforcement starfinder Stellar Revelation Photon Abjuration Core
Gravity Hold Starfinder Stellar Revelation Graviton Core
Plasma Sheath starfinder Stellar Revelation Photon Fire Core
Supernova starfinder Stellar Revelation Photon Zenith Core
Black Hole starfinder Stellar Revelation Graviton Zenith Core
Hurtling Stone Pathfinder 2e Focus 4 Uncommon Earth Evocation Divine Core
Dutiful Challenge Pathfinder 2e Focus 4 Uncommon Duty Divine Core
Oathkeeper's Insignia Pathfinder 2e Focus 1 Uncommon Duty Divine Core
Lay on Hands Pathfinder 2e Focus 1 Uncommon Champion Paladin Necromancy Divine Healing Positive Core
Ashen Dash
Thunder Tap
Little Nova
Ice Missile
Flame Spear
Curse to Ash
Summon Fey pathfinder 2e conjuration
True Strike pathfinder 2e divination fortune
Fear pathfinder 2e emotion enchantment fear mental
Guidance pathfinder 2e cantrip divination
Entangle Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Primal spell Plant Transmuation
Barkskin Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Primal spell Plant Abjuration
Purify food and drink Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Primal spell Necromancy
Heal Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Divine spell Primal spell Healing Necromancy Positive
Stabilize Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Divine spell Primal spell Healing Necromancy Positive
Sigil Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Arcane spell Divine spell Occult spell Primal spell Transmutation
Shillelagh Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Primal spell Plant Transmutation
Presdigitation Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Arcane spell Divine spell Occult spell Primal spell Evocation
Tanglefoot Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Arcane spell Primal spell Conjuration Plant
Read aura Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Arcane spell Divine spell Occult spell Primal spell Detection Divination
Know direction Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Divine spell Occult spell Primal spell Detection Divination
Acid splash Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Arcane spell Primal spell Acid Evocation
Bane Pathfinder 2e Enchantment Mental Core
Inflict Plague Pathfinder 2e Uncommon Necromancy Disease Green Scare
Detect magic Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Arcane spell Divine spell Occult spell Primal spell Detection Divination
Goodberry Pathfinder 2e Focus spell Druid 1
Heat Metal Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Evocation Fire APG
Ghostly Helper
Subconscious Suggestion Pathfinder 2e Arcane Occult Incapacitation Enchantment Linguistic Mental Core
Animate Object Pathfinder 2e Ritual 2 Uncommon Transmutation Arcana Craft Core
Zealous Conviction Pathfinder 2e Spell 6 Enchantment Divine Occult Core
Cone of Cold Pathfinder 2e Spell 5 Evocation Cold Arcane Occult Core
Wall of Force Pathfinder 2e Spell 6 Evocation Force Arcane Occult Core
Globe of Invulnerability Pathfinder 2e Spell 4 Abjuration Arcane Divine Occult Uncommon Core
Levitate Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Evocation Arcane Occult Core
Continual Flame Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Evocation Light Arcane Divine Occult Primal Core
Pest Form Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Transmutation Polymorph Arcane Primal Core
Earthbind Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Transmutation Arcane Primal Core
Horrific Visage Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Focus Emotion Fear Illusion Uncommon Mental Sorcerer Visual Core
Jealous Hex Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Focus Necromancy Uncommon Curse Sorcerer Core
Unrelenting Observation Pathfinder 2e Spell 8 Divination Scrying Arcane Occult Core
Spiritual Epidemic Pathfinder 2e Spell 8 Curse Necromancy Divine Occult Core
Plane Shift Pathfinder 2e Spell 6 Conjuration Teleportation Arcane Divine Occult Primal Core
Warp Mind Pathfinder 2e Spell 7 Emotion Enchantment Incapacitation Mental Divine Occult Core
Scrying Pathfinder 2e Spell 6 Divination Scrying Uncommon Arcane Occult Core
Teleport Pathfinder 2e Spell 6 Conjuration Teleportation Divine Occult Core
Collective Transposition Pathfinder 2e Spell 6 Conjuration Teleportation Divine Occult Core
Shadow Blast Pathfinder 2e Spell 5 Evocation Shadow Divine Occult Core
Mariner's Curse Pathfinder 2e Spell 5 Curse Necromancy Arcane Occult Primal Core
Chroma Leach Pathfinder 2e Spell 4 Necromancy Occult APG
Outcast's Curse Pathfinder 2e Spell 4 Curse Mental Misfortune Enchantment Arcane Divine Occult Core
Blink Pathfinder 2e Spell 4 Teleportation Conjuration Arcane Occult Core
Vampiric Touch Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Death Negative Necromancy Arcane Divine Occult Core
Blindness Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Incapacitation Necromancy Arcane Divine Occult Primal Core
Touch of Idiocy Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Mental Enchantment Arcane Occult Core
Enthrall Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Auditory Emotion Enchantment Arcane Occult Core
Curse of Lost Time Pathfinder 2e Spell 3 Curse Negative Transmutation Arcane Occult Primal APG
Final Sacrifice Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Evocation Fire Arcane Divine Occult Primal APG
Spectral Hand Pathfinder 2e Spell 2 Necromancy Arcane Occult Core
Discern Secrets hex
Exchange Image Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Illusion Arcane Occult Age of Ashes
Ray of Enfeeblement Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Necromancy Arcane Divine Occult Core
Detect Alignment Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Detection Divine Occult Core
Command Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Auditory Enchantment Linguistic Mental Arcane Divine Occult Core
Animate Dead Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Necromancy Arcane Divine Occult APG
Join Pasts Pathfinder 2e Cantrip Divination Mental Age of Ashes
Daze Pathfinder 2e Cantrip Enchantment Mental Nonleathal Core
Invisibility Illusion spell 2
Enlarge Polymorph Transumation spell 2
Bond a Curse Pathfinder 2e Ritual Occult Enchantment Gradus
Lay on Hands Uncommon Champion Healing Necromancy Positive Focus
Nature's Enmity Pathfinder 2e Spell Primal Enchantment Core
Heal Necromancy Positive 1st spell
Harm Necromancy Negative 1st spell
Disrupting Weapons Necromancy Positive 1st spell
Touch of Undeath Uncommon Necromancy Negative Sorcerer
Shield Abjuration Cantrip Force
Light Cantrip Evocation Light
Forbidding Ward Abjuration cantrip
Distrupt Undead Necromancy Positive
Daze Cantrip Enchantment Mental Nonleathal
Goodberry Pathfinder 2E Spell Focus Druid
Color Spray Pathfinder 2e Cantrip 1 Illusion Incapacitation Visual Arcane Occult
Counter Performance Pathfinder 2e Focus 1 Uncommon Bard Composition Enchantment Fortune Mental
Speak With Plants
Tree Shape
Tree Stride
Fatal Aria Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Focus 10 Composition Death Emotion Enchantment Mental Occult Core
Soothing Ballad Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Focus 7 Composition Emotion Enchantment Healing Mental Occult Core
Allegro Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Cantrip 7 Composition Emotion Enchantment Mental Occult Core
House of Imaginary Walls Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Cantrip 5 Composition Illusion Visual Occult Core
Dirge of Doom Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Cantrip 3 Composition Emotion Fear Mental Enchantment Occult Core
Triple Time Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Cantrip 2 Composition Emotion Mental Enchantment Occult Core
Inspire Heroics Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Focus 4 Composition Enchantment Occult Core
Inspire Courage Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Cantrip Composition Emotion Mental Enchantment Occult Core
Inspire Competence Pathfinder 2e Spell Uncommon Bard Cantrip Composition Emotion Mental Enchantment Occult Core
Lingering Composition Pathfinder 2e Spell 1 Uncommon Bard Enchantment Occult Core
Cone of Cold Pathfinder 2e Spell Primal Arcane Evocation Core