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Scrying - Conjuration 6

Traditions Components
arcane occult material somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
2 actions Planetary up to 2 Creature - Reflex or Will
You magically spy on a creature of your choice. Scrying works like clairvoyance, except that the image you receive is less precise, insufficient for teleport and similar spells. Instead of creating an eye in a set location within 500 feet, you instead create an eye that manifests just above the target. You can choose a target either by name or by touching one of its possessions or a piece of its body. If you haven't met the target in person, scrying's DC is 2 lower, and if you are unaware of the target's identity (perhaps because you found an unknown creature's fang at a crime scene), the DC is instead 10 lower.   The effect of scrying depends on the target's Will save.  
  • Critical SuccessThe spell fails and the target is temporarily immune for 1 week. The target also gains a glimpse of you and learns its rough distance and direction from you.
  • Success The spell fails and the target is temporarily immune for 1 day.
  • Failure The spell succeeds.
  • Critical Failure The spell succeeds, and the eye follows the target if it moves, traveling up to 60 feet per round.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

