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Curse to Ash - Necromancy 1

Traditions Components
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
30 feet 1 creature 1 round Fortitude
Channeling ashen power, you curse the target to turn to ashes. You deal 1d4 negative damage, with different effects depending on your target’s saving throw. Unlike normal, this negative damage hurts undead.   Critical Success The target is unaffected.   Success The target takes half damage.   Failure The target takes full damage and is struck temporarily by the power of the Grey. The target takes an extra 2 negative damage every time it takes damage for 1 round. If the target dies while still affected by this, their body is turned to ash. Their gear remains. Unlike normal, this extra negative damage hurts undead. Finally, this extra negative damage cannot be resisted by a creature with negative resistance. Creatures other than undead with immunity to negative damage are still immune.   Critical Failure Same as failure, except they take double the negative damage from both the initial damage and the curse.   Heightened (+1) The target takes an extra 1d4 negative damage and takes an extra 1 negative damage if they fail every time it takes damage for the duration of the curse.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

