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Character Sheet for West End Games Star Wars D6 system created by Kummer Wolfe
ID Name Tags
Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot
Imperial Stormtrooper
Arrak ( also known as a Darkgrasp) sithspawn creature
Typical Gear Grinder Swoop Ganger swoop gang criminal
Sargon Xan Daran sargon xan daran villain dark sider
Typical RG Shadow Breathren raven guard typical force sensitive
Typical Raven Guard raven guard typical
ZOR-4AX combat droid exoskeleton 4th degree droid
Saywix desert sand shark
Cracian Thumper creature beast of burden
B2 Super Battle Droid super battle droid
AT-Death Trooper Death Trooper
B'omarr Monk in Devastator Armor b&039;omarr droid monk
B'omarr Monk BT-16 Droid Body b&039;omarr droid
Kipo Raysser Star Wars Thisspiasian
Drupi from Sy Bounty Hunter Shards of Infamy Draft
Xsosa Vida (revised)
Keefer (K4-E7)
Fido (F2-D0)
Arrsix (SE4-R6)
Ceeone (R5-C1)
Aytoobee (A2-B14)
Jez'a'bel Kou'ventis
Spukamas droid ex-pirate Shards of Exploration
Bishop R2-Q5 droid shards of exploration astromech
R8 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
R7 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
R6 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
R5 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
R4 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
R3 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
R2 Astromech Droid typical starting model droid generic duplicate this sheet and edit the new version
TDL Nanny Droid (Modified)
Kel Zoth'lucis
Lyn Tualin
Dark Trooper Phase 3
Dark Trooper Phase 3: Bodyguard Modification
Dark Trooper Phase 2
Teckla Melvar
Teeubo Waran
Bron Voth'lucis
Enth Voth'lucis
Leonia Chalco
Jar-Jar Binks
Senator Sheev Palpatine (Darth Sidious)
Count Dooku
Darth Maul
Jaina Vader
Darth Revan
Anjelyna Mallory
Mikal Mallory
T3-M4 (Ace)
HK-47 (Aych Kay)
Adiran Konane
Adiran Konane
Joshua Mandalore
Jez'a'bel Kou'ventis
Mal'Krik Kou'ventis
Angel Mallory
KitKat Mentat KitKat pc mystic mob
Ophelia Jedi soldier respected.
Xsosa Vida Jedi Kanzi Sector Twi&039;lek Xsosa
R2-A3 (Ace)
Casseus Mal
Chica Malia
1-B2 droïde
RawRa'Rawl PC Player Character Wookie WEG D6
Shir Aasa Telu star wars
Mor'duk Norte Houk Gunrunner Smuggler Black Sun
Vash Dasante Human Infochant Merchant Networker
Dak Zendar Human Corellian Smuggler Privateer
Weequay Black Sun Thug Weequay Thug Alien Fodder
Tyrion Kordex Weequay Henchman Alien Character
Yavio pirate cybernetic
T3-CKR "Charkarr" droid utility droid companion
Typical Aw'akeen Droid Commando droid commando typical
Jotot Vust
Typical Bloodsmith Raider
Eborrean base npc gm only
Typical Reaver npc
Iwa pc Shards of Infamy
So'Zen Al Saba pc Shards of Exploration mystic mob
Aerena pc Shards of Exploration
Danar Vorpadaran pc Shards of Honor Shards of Exploration bounty hunter
vy_pi pc Shards of Honor Shards of Exploration mystic mob
Greelo pc Shards of Infamy bounty hunter
Rushlight pc Shards of Infamy mystic mob
Dizzy pc Dizzy clone trooper Shards of Infamy
Davish Tam Crimson Knight Force user