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Session 3: Arrival at Malizon

General Summary

Searching the Denjier You came across the Denjier's Captains Log. Giving some insight into the origin on the vessel, after some rudimentary repairs and a quick discussion with Adda Pew. You set off once again for Malizon.   Grik Mala'Molzor, on a hunch decided to investigate the cargo to determine if there was something of value that might have made them a target. While searching the cargohold he happened by the slightest hidden compartment in a piece of timber. Within contained a letter to Dranon Tallok. With info about the True Nature of Hemsum   Spending the next 3 uneventful days at sea, with fair weather, you arrived at Hemsun the collection of tents of the beach where you were greeted by Dranon after rowing ashore.   During dinner he told you about his personal goal of learning what minerals the mountain may contain.   He also informed them that the Cartographer they had hired had wondered off and not seen for 5 days.   They then heard about a worker in the camp who found a piece of Kroxite in the river.   The party then questioned that man, who was protective of his pack the entire time. The party then asked where he got it and if he could show them where.   While showing them where he found it at the river Grik broke off and attempted to steal it from his tent. After being spotted by another worker as he walked into the tent, he convinced the worker to drink with him and right as the worker took the first sip, Grik knocked him out from behind.   Looting the Kroxite and then quickly burying it in the beach to be recovered later.   The next morning there was arguments from the tent, but Dranon wanting to keep the peace paid off what the Kroxite was worth, around 15gp.     That morning the party set off into the jungle. Late afternoon after following the river most of the day they came across a massive tree standing way taller then the jungle canopy.   Sending Keilana Vyshaan's ediolon up the tree to scout the surroundings. It made it above the canopy and got a decent lay of the land, however lost it's footing going for the too and fell, by luck and quick acrobatics, it managed to save itself from full force of damage and survived.   That night camping under the tree, they were attacked by a adolescent sea cat. After killing it and while botching the skinning of the scales, they found a large chunk of Kroxite in it's digestion tract.   They then spent the next day exploring the jungle, and continued into the night, however starting to feel lost in the darkness decided to call it off and sleep till morning.   The next morning they used their knowledge of the area to narrow down on a scar in the jungle, a large Brackish Pool. After defeating the Ceratioidi, they found the corpse of Simcha Munk the cartographer at the bottom of the pool. Where they recovered a better copy of Malizon

Free Seas
Report Date
12 May 2018
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Malizon Landing Territory

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