Late spring, 9th year after treaty

Investigating the Tower

by Soranda Bakker

After the end of the war, the poor soldier who live here were left to fend to themselves. They abandon the garrison and wee the lucky ones who survived. The decay settled in after that, I could have brought other things with it.
The party hesitate in the door. Anything could live in there now. Something is trapped there now. In the darkness of the cellar. Trapped in a battle that may not be of his choosing.
Corporal body death in the floor. His insignia showing his rank. (I have kept it)
The boss did not wanted them to go. He kept them around in live or (maybe even death)
A priest lies as well, his faith to the sovereign. Killed in the battle.
Nothing can calm the boss. He is agitated and demanding obedience from his men's. They did have intent to perish here.
A ghosh patrols the corridors, hurt with many wounds and alone. The captain. Lord Commander D'Long. Why was he on an island in the middle of nowhere?
A burning spectre keep fighting his fight. Surrounded by burning banner, who turn into burning birds when attacked.
Only a fool will stay, something scream when they attack. His banner in fire.
He was finally was put to rest by us. His fire extinguisher. His enemies unknown.
Correspondence: success at sea, double patrols, resource are coming.
Mirror, polish silver, 25gold.
Gem: 50gold.
Potion of superior healing.
Old map with the old country before being burn and the old country lines.

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  1. Investigating the Tower
    Late spring, 9th year after treaty
  2. More survivors