Fri 1st Jan 2021 07:49

Things to think about.

by Casseus Mal

Well, I certainly got myself into it this time! This time I'm in real trouble. Somehow I have gotten myself mixed up in a resistance movement against the freakin Empire! And somehow I have been targeted to lead this resistance. I mean who else is going to do it?
Arribacca, the wookie? I guess I am glad I hung out with that wookie, 3 years ago, what was his name? Chewintobacca? No that's not it, though it is funny, think I might start calling Arribacca that and see if he's got a sense humour?
Casson, the Mandalorian? I can only imagine how each mission would go <We'll use limpet mines on the wall here, breach and enter. Then we'll go and sweep room by room for hostiles until the area is clear, then we'll look for useful information on the computers and droids. Take any valuables, and burn the rest> nah, not what I want to do.
Reymar, the Imperial Captain? I think the guy is sincere, and he's a Navy guy, not a Stormtrooper, so he doesn't have that looming over him, <thought trail off about Fuckin bastard Stormtroopers and how he should bash the heads of every friggin one of the cowardly womp rats, but Xsosa's voice counters with "You can't kill them all and they weren't all responsible, I am sure they can't all be bad?" Yes they can Xsosa, you weren't there, you didn't see it. But she's right something inside him tell him that she's right and he calms down> anyway, navy not army so not even close, but the fact is, he was an Imp. And it seems to me that not everyone would follow him, though they'd certainly follow his advice.
Xsosa, the grease monkey? Ok I admit, she's cute as hell and really smart, and she knows stuff. I am calmer around her, like my Tordaka; another word for, well, mother is the closest, but really there is no equivalent outside of the Tuskans, but I don't know, the other's might think she is too young, and besides, blue twi'lek are trouble, I've been told?
Chica, the pilot? Ok, adorable but come on? I couldn't see myself taking direction from a person who has to stand on their toes to see over an astromech droid! She is adorable though, but I hear the smaller the Sullustan the more dangerous?
Melody, Mal, the smuggler? Well, I just don't see her as the lead others type, she usually has her hands full keeping Chica calm, and she definitely does not see herself as Chica's leader. Hot though, and smart from what I've seen, but red IS nature's warning sign <DANGER>.
Ya see?
And I just know I am going to end up in charge, and then I'll screw it up.

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