Wed 10th Mar 2021 07:31

New job, new partners

by Tanis

Old Joe asks for our help - mine, Daró and Torgé -, for us to go to the Tipsy Turtle Inn. Arriving there, we found at the table a man with a wide-brimmed hat and big sword, probably one of Joe's criminals. Minutes later a woman, looking not particularly from this side of town, approached the table as well... I don't think she looks particularly like a criminal, but she is here, so she is probably a criminal on Joe's payroll.
After she sat on the table, two man came from behind the tavern, a captain and a hooded man working for Old Joe's.
The captain introduce himself as Romuald Cailloux, and tells as the tale of how his ship was taken hostage by bandits along with a few crew members that were fixing the ship - named Fortuna. After some discussion, and elaboration on the job - like the reward and what exactly Captain Cailloux would want from us - we started planing.
The man with the hat and big sword introduced himself as Baccario, and the woman as some sort of Madame, and we planned. Baccario and Daró would go to the harbor with the Captain to see the ship and scout it, and Madame called her maid to the table and asked the servant to mingle and discover some more about the local gossip.
As someone that is easily noticed, and with the axe and all, I decided to join them in another form - one they were not aware of. Finding myself a room in the tavern (and paying for it, what am I, a savage?) I transform into one of of the Vurradian many birds and flew to the harbor where I would accompany Daró, Baccario and the Captain.
There was some discussions and knowledge exchanged, much of which I have no mind to, what took my attention where the people on the ship. By flying by the boat I could see the people in the ship rather clearly, sailors working and men hidden by the corners, armed and suspicious. I had no way of informing my colleagues, and they should never know of my abilities. My kind have died for less.
Moments later we returned to the tavern, me flying through the window into my room and turning back to human form, and the others through the front door back to the table. We moved forward then, discussing our plans. Madame would produce a distraction while some of us sneaked into the boat through the Captain's quarters. I am not a very sneaky person myself, so I would accompany Madame, along side Torgé and her maid.
Not so hard to get some sailor to navigate around the harbor for some entertainment with a woman, it seemed. Even if it wasn't the ship we expected, the boat was big enough that when I heard Baccario's voice calling for battle in my ears and his location spurred into my mind I managed to jump into the Fortuna - accompanied by Torgé - as the smell of battle began to fill the air.

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  1. Bloodied deck
  2. New job, new partners