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Magick Hack : Glitch Step (Su)

Type :
Technomancer 5
Prerequisites :

Description :
You can expend a 1st-level or higher spell slot to glitch yourself out of reality, as if you were an image on a bad view screen, allowing you to move in unpredictable ways. You must use this ability as part of a move action to move your speed or a withdraw action, and it provides you with one of the following benefits. You can use this ability only once per move action.
  • Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain. This increases to 40 feet of difficult terrain if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 60 feet of difficult terrain if you expend a 5th- or 6thlevel spell slot. 
  • Move 10 feet. This counts as 5 feet of movement, but you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving this way. Any other movement you attempt as part of your move action provokes reactions as normal. This increases to 20 feet if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 30 feet if you expend a 5th- or 6th-level spell slot.
  • Pass through up to 1 foot of solid objects as if you were incorporeal (Core Rulebook 264). You can pass through ceilings, floors, and walls, provided they’re no thicker than 1 foot.

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Statblock Type

Starfinder Features
