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Worliwynn - Druid 4

Stone Order Druid About five years after Jaul’s disappearance, an idealistic gnome druid named Worliwynn heard of Jaul’s rampage and came to Engleher specifically to repair the damage the werewolf had done to the Stormclouds’ reputation and guide locals interested in living in greater harmony with the land. A generation later, Worliwynn has been largely successful, with the significant exception of still-grieving Lathan. Worliwynn shares more than grief with Lathan. She also suspects that Jaul survived his fall from the cliff. She patrols the Engleher hinterlands nightly, vigilant for any sign that Jaul might have returned to his old hunting grounds.
Perception +14
Languages Common, Druidic, Gnomish
Skills Crafting +12 , Diplomacy +10 , Drudic Lore +11 , Nature +12 , Religion +10 , Survival +10

STR +2 , DEX +2 , CON +2 , INT +3 , WIS +5 , CHA +3

Items leather armor, 4 javelins, longspear, adventurer's pack, holly and mistletoe
AC 20
Saving Throws Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +14
Speed 25 ft
Melee Longspear +12 +7 / +2 ] Damage Piercing
Ranged Javelin +9 +4 / -1 ] Damage Piercing
Special Abilities Call of the Wild You call upon the creatures of nature to come to your aid. You can spend 10 minutes in concert with nature to replace one of the spells you’ve prepared in one of your druid spell slots with a summon animal or summon plants and fungus spell of the same level. Steadying Stone The earth has taught you how to remain unyielding and firm. If you roll a success on an Acrobatics check made to Balance on uneven ground composed of earth or rock, you get a critical success instead. As long as you remain on the ground, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC against attempts to Shove or Trip you. This bonus also applies to saving throws against spells or effects that would attempt to knock you prone. If you're a rock dwarf, this bonus increases . Wild Empathy You have a connection to the creatures of the natural world that allows you to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on animals and to make very simple Requests of them. In most cases, wild animals will give you time to make your case. Sheltering Cave 10 minutes (Conjuration, Druid, Earth, Exploration, Primal) You spend 10 minutes communing with spirits of earth and stone, requesting shelter. At the end of this time, the earth rises and opens, forming a small cave or earthen mound 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. This cave has the structure trait and the same restrictions as structures created by magic items. The cave has a single entrance and provides shelter from the elements. The cave remains for 12 hours or until you spend 10 minutes coaxing the earth to close.
Spells Primal Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 0, attack +15 ; 2nd Elemental Zone, Expeditious Excavation, Heat Metal; 1st Mud Pit, Pummeling Rubble, Scouring Sands; Focus: Crushing Ground; cantrips (2nd) Healing Plaster, Read Aure, Scatter Scree, Tame, Tanglefoot

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
