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Iridesium Knife, Tactical

Wielded :
Level :
Price :
Damage :
2d4 S
Critical :
Bulk :
Special :
Analog, operative, thrown (20 ft.)

Description :
Tactical knives have large, double-edged blades, often with a section of serrated blade near the haft, and they come in both fixed- and folding-blade designs; users may prefer one style or the other, but the two are identical in terms of price, weight, and damage dealt.   Iridesium is a metal not native to Earth but has arrived on Earth via 2 meteorites. Pure iridesium is exceedingly rare and expensive, so weapons using iridesium are always made of an iridesium alloy. Weapons, ammunition, and other items fashioned from iridesium have the ability to absorb any oncoming energy including kinetic force. As a reaction with an item made of iridesium, you can choose to have the item absorb some of the damage, if the item is a weapon, your next attack made with the weapon will deal an extra 3d6 damage that is the same type that was absorbed. Alternatively you can use the energy absorbed by the item to provide charge to any batteries or items that rely on charges.   Amount of damage reduced and energy able to provide charge are dependant on the bulk of the item, as per the following table.  
Bulk Damage Reduction Energy Provided
L 3 Quarter charge to a battery
1 5 Half charge to a battery
2 10 Three quarters charge to a battery
3 15 Full charge to a battery
  *Battery charge is based off a 20 charge battery.*

Weapon Modifications :

Created by




Statblock Type

Starfinder Melee Weapons
