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Merchant Runner - Tradesperson 1

Apprenticed to wealthy merchants, these young runners act as intermediaries between craftspersons and merchants. They are the first to become aware of new products and windfalls. They also have a carefully cultivated relationship among the purveyors of a settlement. For encounters involving negotiation or mercantile skill, a merchant runner is a 6th—level challenge. A merchant runner might have an additional Lore skill about a specific category of item (such as jewelry or magic weapons), with a total skill bonus 2 higher than Mercantile Lore.   Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15   Unspecific Lore: DC 13   Specific Lore: DC 10
Perception +8
Languages Common
Skills Deception +12 , Diplomacy +14 , Mercantile Lore +12 , Performance +10 , Settlement Lore +12 ,Society +10

STR +2 , DEX +0 , CON +0 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +4

Items Items crossbow (10 bolts), padded armor
AC 19
Saving Throws Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +10
Speed 25 feet
Melee Fist: +5 / +1 / -3 Agile, Nonlethal, Unarmed | Damage: bludgeoning

    Ranged crossbow +5 [0/-5] (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8 piercing
Ranged Crossbow: +5 / 0 /[roll;1d20-5|-5] Range 120ft, Reload 1 | Damage Piercing

Special Abilities Appraising Eye The merchant can use their Mercantile Lore to Recall Knowledge about any item they are offered for sale or appraisal. A success will always determine the book value of any item (except for any additional value that magic may add to a common-looking item.) The merchant can also attempt to Identify Magic using their Mercantile Lore check instead of the usual Arcane, Nature, Occult, or Primal check - and they do not need to know in advance that the item is magical.

Hobnobber The market runner's network of contacts make them among the first to be aware of any news in the settlement.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
