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Sacred Seal (Hybrid)

Armor Upgrade (Any)
Level :
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System or Slots:
1 Slot
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Description :
This pair of pendants connected by a loose silver braid shimmers with faint axioms of the viewer’s faith. When installed in armor and attuned to a specific deity with heartfelt prayer as a full action, this upgrade’s appearance transforms, modifying the armor’s appearance to reflect that patron deity’s aesthetic or iconography. This appearance might involve intimidating skull pauldrons for the Devourer, bold golden highlights for Abadar, or a network of holographic circuits for Triune. While your alignment is within one step of the attuned deity’s, this upgrade grants a benefit specific to that deity, detailed below. In addition, you gain a +1 morale bonus to Diplomacy checks to influence members of that faith.   If uninstalled for at least 24 hours, the sacred seal reverts to its silver pendants form and can be reattuned to a different deity.   Abadar: While in any settlement with a population of 10,000 or more, you can communicate with any sapient creature using a rudimentary form of truespeech, allowing you to convey simple ideas such as “I need help,” “We are here to negotiate,” or “Let’s trade this for that.” However, this communication doesn’t allow you to affect such creatures with language-dependent effects. While in a settlement with a population of 100,000 or more, you can communicate as if affected by tongues.   Besmara: While aboard a starship, you gain a +1 morale bonus to your AC and saving throws, and you increase your speed by 5 feet.   Damoritosh: Using Intimidate to bully creatures isn’t a language-dependent ability for you. Once per day as a full action, you can attempt an Intimidate check to scare onlookers within 60 feet into a state of fearful, supernatural comprehension. The DC for this check equals 10 + 1-1/2 × the CR of the most powerful creature you would affect. If you succeed, choose a language you know; a number of creatures in the area equal to 5 times your number of ranks in Intimidate gain the ability to understand basic statements in the chosen language for 10 minutes.   Desna: While within 1 mile of an astronomical object, such as an asteroid, space station, or planet, you can concentrate for 10 minutes to designate it as your beacon. You gain the spaceflight universal creature rule, though you can use it only to travel to your beacon, and you use Mysticism instead of Piloting for checks to navigate. While traveling in this way, you also have the void adaptation universal creature rule and don’t need to eat or sleep.   The Devourer: Once per hour when you use an effect to deal damage in an area and are included in that area, you can augment the effect’s power. The effect ignores any resistances or immunities you have, and if the effect wouldn’t normally harm you (such as a solarian’s supernova revelation), you’re affected anyway. All other creatures in the area take a –2 penalty to saving throws to resist the effect and take an additional 1 damage per die from the effect.   Eloritu: Your divination spells and effects that reveal information about a planet, its people, their languages, their culture, or their history have their ranges and durations doubled. Commune with nature and commune with planet (Character Operations Manual 134) grant facts about people or intelligent life respectively, in addition to the other granted facts.   Hylax: You gain blindsense (thought) with a range of 60 feet and blindsight (thought) with a range of 10 feet, though you can use these senses to detect only those creatures whose attitude toward you is either friendly or helpful. These senses aren’t foolproof for discerning friends from foes; a creature feigning friendliness who succeeds at a Bluff check (opposed by your Sense Motive check) can trick this sense into detecting them as though they were a friendly creature.   Ibra: When you would attempt a Fortitude or Reflex saving throw against a hazard or trap, you can use your Will saving throw modifier instead.   Iomedae: You gain a +2 insight bonus (or increase an existing insight bonus by 1) when using Diplomacy to change the attitude of unfriendly or hostile creatures. If combat begins within 1 minute of your failing to change the creatures’ attitude, you gain a +2 morale bonus to your AC until the end of your first turn.   Lao Shu Po: Once per day, you can activate this armor while finalizing a deal with another party, such as a contract or truce. If the other party violates the deal in a malicious way, such as by double-crossing you, you can take a reaction to gain a +2 morale bonus to AC and saving throws for 1 minute against the other party and their direct associates. The reaction granted by this ability can be used only once per violated deal. If you instead violate the deal maliciously, you gain a +2 morale bonus to your next initiative check in a combat against those creatures if that combat starts within 1 minute. This ability can track only a single deal at a time, and activating it again replaces the previous deal with the new one.   Nyarlathotep: Once per hour when you attempt a skill check to identify a creature or recall knowledge, you can apply an insight bonus to the check between 1 and 4. If you succeed at the check, you take 1d6 damage for each point of insight bonus you applied (for example, 3d6 damage for a +3 bonus).   Oras: This upgrade has a capacity of 40 charges and naturally regains 1d6 charges per day. When you first arrive on a planet, this armor upgrade temporarily transforms into one of the following armor upgrades of your choice: descent thrusters (Pact Worlds 197), hydrojet (Armory 83), infrared sensors, jump jets, leapers (Armory 84), longstrider module (Armory 84), or radiation buffer. The selected upgrade must be one that would function for the type of armor you’re wearing. Once per day as a full action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to choose a different upgrade from the list and transform this sacred seal into that upgrade.   Pharasma: Once per day as a reaction when an ally within 30 feet has 0 Hit Points and would die from being unable to spend a Resolve Point, you can grant that ally 1 Resolve Point to spend immediately to avoid dying. During the same day, you can grant additional Resolve Points in this way as a reaction, but each subsequent use of this ability costs you 1 Resolve Point.   Sarenrae: You gain resistance 5 against fire, which increases to resistance 10 against fire in solar environments. In addition, you gain the solar adaptation ability and are immune to fire for the purpose of withstanding a star’s heat.   Talavet: Three times per day, you can begin animatedly telling a fable that reflects your actions; doing so doesn’t require an action. When you do, choose one of the following: charge, combat maneuver, covering fire, feint, harrying fire, or move your speed. So long as you perform the chosen action before the end of your turn, allies within 30 feet of you who perform the same type of action before your next turn gain a +2 morale bonus to AC and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks while performing those actions (such as a bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity while charging, but not against subsequent attacks).   Triune: While on any high-technology world, you draw life from the ambient technology; you need only one-tenth as much food and water to survive, gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws to recover from ongoing afflictions, and recover 5 Hit Points whenever you take a 10-minute rest and spend a Resolve Point to recover Stamina Points.   Urgathoa: Once per minute when you’re exposed to radiation, you gain temporary Hit Points that slowly replenish as if this armor upgrade were a force field (Core Rulebook 206). This upgrade functions as a purple, black, white, or gray force field for low, medium, high, and severe radiation levels, respectively, though the force field activates automatically and doesn’t consume charges. The temporary Hit Points disappear 1 round after you’re no longer exposed to radiation, and the HP maximum and fast healing increase or decrease if you move to stronger or weaker areas of radiation. If you’re immune to the current level of radiation, you gain no benefit from this upgrade.   Weydan: When calculating the time it takes you to astronavigate in a starship or navigate a course through the Drift, you treat any maximum die results as the next lowest number (for example, you treat a result of 6 on a d6 as 5 instead).   Yaraesa: Once per day when you successfully scan a planet or other astronomical body, you can convey your insights to a number of other creatures equal to your ranks in either Computers or Physical Science. For the next 24 hours, you and the chosen creatures gain an insight bonus to Survival checks to navigate that area and an insight bonus to saving throws to resist natural hazards there. This bonus equals 1 plus 1 for every 5 ranks you have in Computers or Physical Science.   Zon-Kuthon: Once per minute when an attack or effect causes you to lose Hit Points, you gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the end of your next turn.

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Statblock Type

Starfinder Equipment
