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Born between civilization and the wilds, beastkin are as varied as the animal kingdom itself. Sometimes called wildkin or werefolk, beastkin universally share the humanoid form of humans, elves, or dwarves, but have pronounced traits of a specific beast, like the wings of a hawk, the tail of a scorpion, tall rabbit ears, massive owl eyes, a crab-like carapace, the thick wiry hair of a boar, razor-sharp shark teeth, or the bony horns of an ox. Some beastkin show only slight similarities to their bestial forerunners, while others resemble bipedal versions of their animal kin.   The precise origin of the beastkin is unclear. Some believe they are relatives of the intelligent beasts that hold court in the fey realms. Others claim they are descendants of lycanthropes or other cursed beings. Whatever the case, all beastkin share a tie to the natural world, and many choose to live alongside their bestial forebears.   Many young beastkin are driven by curiosity to seek out other civilizations and far-flung environments. Though such wanderlust may last for years, most beastkin return to their natural homes in later life, where they often act as wardens of the territory in which they were born.   While all beastkin contend with primal urges, they are quick to form unshakable bonds with those who show them compassion and loyalty, humanoid or beast.
by Tillerz using Stable Diffusion

age: 20-30
Size: Small
speed: 30ft

Heightened Senses. You have proficiency in either the Perception or Survival skill.   Natural Weapons. You have claws, horns, hooves, fangs, spines, or a similar adaptation that serves as a natural weapon. Work with your GM to determine what type of natural weapon you possess and decide whether it does bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You can use your natural weapon to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1d6 + your STR or DEX modifier damage (chosen at character creation) of your chosen type, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Natural Adaptation. You inherited one of the following unique traits and methods of traversal, determined by your characteristics:
  • Avian. Leathery, feathery, or gossamer wings sprout
  • from your back or connect to your outstretched arms. You have a fly speed equal to your walking speed. You can’t fly while wearing medium or heavy armor. Carrying a heavy load or a creature of your size or larger while flying reduces your speed by half.
  • Agile. Sharp claws, cloven hooves, robust limbs,
  • reversed joints, or suction pads on your hands and feet allow you to scrabble up trees, rock faces, and uneven surfaces with ease. You have a climb speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you have advantage on saves made to avoid being knocked prone.
  • Aquatic. Oily fur, scales, fins, webbed hands and feet,
  • or long, gangly limbs are common for your people. You have a swim speed equal to your walking speed. You can hold your breath for up to 20 minutes.
  • Sturdy. Powerful limbs, fat reserves, and thick hides
  • are clear features of your origin. When you aren’t wearing armor, you have a natural AC of 13 + your DEX modifier. Additionally, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag.

    Age. Beastkin mature far more quickly than most humanoids, reaching adulthood within 5 years. Though they may live nearly a century, some beastkin live only 20 or 30 years.   Size. Beastkin are extremely diverse in weight and height, depending on their beast characteristics. Most are between 4 and 8 feet tall and Medium in size, but if your beastkin is shorter than 4 feet, your size is Small. Your weight varies depending on your beast characteristics. For example, a Medium-sized beastkin descended from bears likely weighs upward of 350 pounds, while an avian beastkin of the same size is likely to weigh 100 pounds or less. Use your judgment to find a weight that seems right. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

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