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Type Humanoid, Vulcan Subtype
Ability Score Modifier +2 Str, Int, -2 Chr, Vulcan physiology is physically stronger than humans. In addition, Vulcan schools are very rigorous, honing early childhood mental aptitude. However, the repressing of emotions leaves most vulcans extremely distant, and cold.
Size small
Speed 30
Language Vulcan

Vulcans 4HP   Copper Blooded Vulcans receive a +2 saves vs. poison and disease. Vulcan blood is copper-based, as opposed to Iron Based. As such, typical diseases and poisons that effect most other humanoids have a reduced effect on Vuclans.   Repressed Emotions Vulcans recieve a +2 saves vs. enchantments, A vulcan's strong mental training in repressing emotions and relying on cold logic makes it difficult to ensorcal them.   Rigorous Schooling Vulcans receive a +2 to Engineering, and either Physical or Life Science. Vulcan children are drilled on logic puzzles from as early as six months old. As a result, they tend to be skilled at logic-based tasks, such as Engineering, and the sciences. Mind meld Vulcans have a unique form of limited telepathy. By spending a minute placing their hands next to another being, the two can enter a mind-meld. In this state, both subjects are considered flat-footed, but can communicate telepathically through ideas and visuals (thus language is no obstacle, and it can even affect creatures of animal intelligence (but not unintelligent creatures). They may share information freely, and may choose not to share some information (however, they can still attempt diplomacy, intimidate, or bluff checks in the meld to coerce the information out of a subject.) A Vulcan can perform a mind-meld on an unconscious individual, at which point that individual can respond as if he was awake. This does not interrupt his sleep if he is resting.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
