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Primordial Color Dragon

Type Dragon/(Primordial, Color)
Ability Score Modifier 20 Wisdom, +2 any, -2 any
Size small
Speed 40ft, 150ft. fly;
Language Primordial Dragons begin play speaking Ancient Draconic & Eldrick. Primordial Dragons with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following bonus languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, and any Regional Language.

This race is designed to be played with the Draconic Exemplar class from In the Company of Dragons. It is also very strong, and should take a -2 level adjustment if played with other normal characters.

Racial Traits

  • [17 RP] Flight (Ex): Primordial Dragons are capable fliers, and have a fly speed of 150ft. with average maneuverability. This flight is later modified by Primordial Dracomorphosis.
  • [0 RP] Draconic Physiology: Primordial Dragons are quadrupeds, and have a number of rules modifiers based on their body shape. Quadrupeds are limited to using the following item slots: armor, belt (saddle only), chest, eyes, headband, neck, shoulders, and wrist. Armor for quadrupeds has double the cost of armor for a humanoid of the same size. Primordial Dragons also have the standard two ring slots due to their dexterous claws.
    • Quadrupeds have a greater carrying capacity than humanoids, multiplying the carrying capacity value for their Strength as follows: Fine x1/4, Diminutive x1/2, Tiny x3/4, Small x1, Medium x1 ½, Large x3, Huge x6, Gargantuan x12, Colossal x24. Quadrupeds also gain a +4 bonus to CMD against overrun and trip combat maneuvers from their extra legs.
  • [4 RP] Primordial Hide (Ex): Primordial Dragons have intensely hard scales, and gain a +3 Natural AC bonus.
  • [3 RP] Dragon's Bite (Ex): Primordial Dragons have a bite primary attack that deals 1d4 points of damage and has reach as a creature one size larger. As dragons, Primordial Dragons add 1½ times their Strength bonus on damage rolls with their bite attack.
  • [14 RP] Color Dragon (Ex): A Color Dragon is immune to all spells with prismatic in its name, spells with color as the sub-type, illusions, disease, petrification, and poison in addition to its immunity to paralysis, sleep, & negative and positive energy damage. In addition, they have Darkvision 60ft. and low-light vision, and do not need breath.
  • [0 RP] Unfettered Predator (Ex): Primordial Dragons can only wear armor designed expressly for draconic bodies, and even then chafe at the restrictions armor can cause to their natural movements. Primordial Dragons increase the armor check penalty of any worn armor by 2, and suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls while wearing medium or heavy armor even if they are proficient in it. Primordial Dragons also reduce their maneuverability rating by one step when flying while wearing medium or heavy armor. These penalties apply regardless of any armor proficiency the Primordial Dragons has.
  • [3 RP] Spell Resistance, Greater (Su): Primordial Dragons gain spell resistance equal to 11 + character level.
  • [2 RP] Superior Awareness (Ex): Primordial Dragons gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Sense Motive skill checks.
  • [0 RP] Primordial Energy Pool (Su): Primordial dragons have a reservoir of primordial energy that allow them to perform feats of wonder. Each primordial dragon gains different abilities they can do based on their type, described in the table below. For each increase in Dracomorphosis this pool multiplies the amount of points equal to Class Level*Dracomorphosis Level. For example, a 4th level primordial dragon has 4*2 primordial energy points.
  • [10 RP] Spontaneous Primordial Color Casting (Sp): For each increase in Dracomorphosis, a primordial dragon gains the ability to cast certain spells spontaneously. At their first increase (4th level), they can cast up to 2nd level spells for a number of points equal to 3*Spell Level. For each increase, refer to the sorcerer table to determine up to what level of spells they may cast. These points come from the ability known as Primordial Energy Pool. The caster level for these spells is equal to total level. Color Dragons are able to cast any illusion spell or spell with color or prismatic in the title via this ability. Up to DM discretion if a spell is color based.
  • [5 RP] Primordial Dracomorphosis (Ex, Su, Sp): Primordial Dragons gain special abilities upon each stage of their Dracomorphosis. Their rules are often broad, and how many points they consume are up to DM interpretation if not otherwise stated. In addition, the Dracomorphosis ability from Draconic Exemplar is altered as such in the tables below, and a Primordial Dragon gains the improvements listed. For example, a Primordial Dragon replaces the +2 size bonus to Natural AC for the +3 on the table instead. Along with everything else Dracomorphosis normally includes, there may be other increases, such as a Color Dragon gaining +2 Wisdom.
1st Can change the color of any physical surface. Can interact with black stone to create unique properties. For each cubic foot of surface changed, decrease the available points of primordial energy by one.
4th Can change the color of any liquid surface.   +3 size bonus to natural armor. +2 Wisdom.
8th Can change the color of vapors and air.   200ft. fly speed. +6 size bonus to natural armor.
12th Create selective colors, where others may see something others may see differently.   +9 size bonus to natural armor.
16th 250ft. fly speed.   +12 size bonus to natural armor.
20th Gains such mastery over light and color to be able to create quasi-alive creatures and objects. Can create any number of creatures up to half of the Color Primordial Dragon’s total HD, the CR of the creature consuming primordial energy points per round of being sustained. Can create hard-light objects permanently, for each cubic foot this consumes a point of primordial energy.   +15 size bonus to natural armor.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
