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Command Troops

Requirements Must be adjacent to an allied creature with the Troop trait that has not been Commanded this turn.


Make a Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Warfare Lore check as an action, or as a two-action activity, against the Will DC of the troop to be commanded. At the GM's descretion, a well-trained troop may answer more readily to Warfare Lore than to other skills.
Description You issue commands to a single, adjacent, allied troop creature.   Degrees of Performance Critical Success: The troop may take a number of actions equal to 1 + the number of actions you spent on the check to Command Troops. If you Commanded the troop to Stride, you may also Stride up to your movement (or Command an Animal you are riding to Stride up to its movement) in the same direction as a free action.   Success: As Critical Success, but the troop only gains a number of actions equal to the number of actions you spent on the check to Command Troops.   Failure: The troop fails to maintain discipline, and you must assert firm control; the troop gains one fewer actions than normal, to a minimum of zero. As normal, you cannot Command this Troop again this round.   Critical Failure: You completely lose control of the troop; they gain no actions this turn, and your next attempt to Command this Troop will grant one fewer actions than normal, to a minimum of zero.

Created by

A.D. Malcomson.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
