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Aria Kelmis Lanloki LE
Character Name Alignment
L. Alchemist (Etheric Mystic, Reanimator) 7 , Daggermark Poisoner 3 , Scholar (Sticher) 5 , Evangelist 5 , Mythic Gifted 3
Character Level
Natura Morta M
Race Size
F ???
Gender Age
6'5" -
Height Weight
lead white violet
Hair Eyes
Baalzebul -
Deity Homeland
- 0
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
7 -2 N/A -2
14 +2 N/A +2
14 +2 N/A +2
32 +11 N/A +11
12 +1 N/A +1
16 +3 N/A +3
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
5 Negative Energy
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +10 +6 CON +2 +0 +2 +0
Reflex +10 +6 DEX +2 +0 +2 +0
Will +8 +5 WIS +1 +0 +2 +0
Saving Throw Notes

+8 vs. Poison, Poison Immunity
+2 racial on saves against disease, mind-affecting effects, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue. (already included into poison bonus)

Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+5 +7 -2 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
17 10 +7 -2 +2 +0 +0

  • Common
  • Necril
  • Elven
  • Undercommon
  • Draconic
  • Infernal
  • Linguistics:Elemental Languages
  • Aquan
  • Ignin
  • Terran
  • Auran
  • Celestial
  • Abyssal
    Per Day
    Spell List

    Death SphereStrikes: Killing Exhaustion
    Standard Action; Melee or Ranged Touch (medium 200' Negative Energy Effect; Fort save vs. fatigue for 4 rounds (4 minutes exhausted with 1 SP or act as if failed on no SP effect if passed save). This Is not a death effect, this effect can effect constructs and undead (though they may still be immune to the exhaustion). Failed saves also incur 1 point of LMAO DIE. Creatures immune to death effects gain a +4 bonus to their saving throw.
    Killing Disease
    Standard Action; Melee or Ranged Touch (medium 200' Negative Energy Effect; Fort save vs. being inflicted with a disease with no onset time, which then uses its normal save DC for its frequency effects. This Is not a death effect, this effect can effect constructs and undead (though they may still be immune to the disease). Failed saves also incur 1 point of LMAO DIE. Creatures immune to death effects gain a +4 bonus to their saving throw.
    Lich Touch
    Standard Action; Melee or Ranged Touch (medium 200' Negative Energy Effect; Fort save vs. stagger for 3 rounds. if 2 additional spell points are spent, it instead paralyzes for 10 rounds and staggers on a passed save for 1 round. An affected target may make a fotitude save each round as a full-round action that dose not provoke to end the paralysis early. A paralyzed creature from this ability appears dead, and a perception check (DC 25) or heal check (DC 20) is required to reveal that the creature is in fact alive. This Is not a death effect, this effect can effect constructs and undead (though they may still be immune to the paralysis or stagger). Failed saves also incur 1 point of LMAO DIE. Creatures immune to death effects gain a +4 bonus to their saving throw.
    Killing Distortion
    1 spell point; Standard Action; Melee or Ranged Touch (medium 190' Negative Energy Effect; Will save vs. HAHA no incorporeal for 9 rounds. The creature can attempt another saving throw at the end of their turn to dismiss this effect, but doing so could kill them faster. Each failed save inflicts 1 point of LMAO DIE

    Strike Modifiers: LMAO DIE
    If a creature fails 3 saves against Aria's Ghost Strikes within a minute, they have to make a fortitude save (DC 20) or just fucking die. Additionally, when a point of LMAO DIE is gained, all healing effects on the target are halved for 2 rounds. if an additional spell point is spent, these creatures cannot heal for 2 rounds instead. These bonus effects, which are not the save against immediately dying are not death effects and can affect constructs and undead (though they may still be immune to having their healing restricted)

    Reanimate: Reanimate
    Standard Action; touch range; 1 spell point; Reanimate target corpse as a zombie or skeleton for 1 hour per caster level. This creature gains the zombie or skeleton template and obeys your commands. When the duration expires, the body collapses until reanimated again. It does not regain hit points between reanimations. If reduced to 0 hit points, the body collapses and is destroyed; it cannot be reanimated again. You may have a total number of reanimated creatures active at any one time whose combined Hit Dice does not exceed twice your caster level.
    • You may expend any one formulae, alchemical item, potion, Flashbang (or other appropriate consumable item) when you reanimate an undead within your natural reach, granting the raised undead the alchemy-implanted simple template.
    Sustained Reanimate
    Aria may reanimate a single corpse as a sustained undead without spending a spell point to do so. This acts in all ways as if the corpse had been the target of her Reanimate spell effect, except that the subsequent undead only counts its HD as half (rounded up) for purposes of control limits and that the Sustained Reanimate spell effect has a duration of Concentration. Regardless of other effects, only a singular sustained undead may be maintained at a time.
    Permanent Undead
    When you reanimate a corpse as a skeleton or zombie, you may spend 2 spell points to make the reanimation an instantaneous effect. The undead creature exists independent of your concentration, has no duration, and cannot be dispelled. These undead still count against the total number of undead you may have reanimated at any one time. If you create more undead than your total, old permanent undead are not destroyed; instead, they are simply released from service and will attack you or any other nearby living creatures.
    Veilweaving Sphere
  • Veils Shaped/day: 1
  • Essence Capacity: 3
  • Essence: 0
  • Veil List
    The Venomous

    Spells: Condense Essense
    As a swift action, you can spend any number of spell points to gain half that many points of temporary essence (rounded down, minimum 0). You may only ever have a total amount of temporary essence using this ability at any time equal to your caster level with this sphere. These points of temporary essence persist until you rest to recover your spell points.
    Draw Essence
    Additionally, as a swift action, you can choose to burn any number of points of temporary essence granted by this ability to gain a number of temporary spell points equal to the amount of temporary essence burned. These temporary spell points last for 1 minute.
    BeltThe Venomous - 4 Essence
    Belt; Unbound; Coats all weapons in akashic poison (DC 25) and increases the Save DC of all poisons or Steel Serpent Maneuvers the wearer uses by +4
    Steel SerpentBoosts: Dizzying Venom Prana
    After initiating this boost, the next melee or ranged attack that the disciple makes staggers his foe for 1 round. In addition, if the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 27), the target also suffers 2 points of Wisdom damage. This is a supernatural ability.

    Stances: Poisoner's Stance
    Gain Poison Use class feature... and a +8 increase to poison DCs.

    Strikes: Iron Fang
    2d6 bonus damage, ignoring DR, and increase Save DC of poisons on the strike by +2.
    Boon SpellsCocytus Deception: Lesser Confusion 3/day
    Action 1 Standard; Range close; Target 1 living creature; Save DC 14 Will negates; SR yes; Descriptor enchantment (compulsion) <mind-affecting>; Effect This spell causes a single creature to become confused for 1 round. It is however useless, on account of its exceptionally low DC.
    Misdirection 2/day
    Action 1 Standard; Range close; Target 1 creature or object (up to 10' cube Save DC 15 Will negates; SR no; Duration 1 hour/lvl; Descriptor illusion (glamer) <mind-affecting>; Effect By means of this spell, you misdirect the information from divination spells that reveal auras. On casting the spell, you choose another object within range. For the duration of the spell, the subject of misdirection is detected as if it were the other object. Neither the subject nor the other object gets a saving throw against this effect. Detection spells provide information based on the second object rather than on the actual target of the detection unless the caster of the detection succeeds on a Will save. This spell does not affect other types of divination magic.
    Glibness 1/day
    Action 1 Standard; Range Personal; Duration 10 minutes/lvl; Descriptor transmutation; Effect You gain a +20 bonus on Bluff checks made to convince another of the truth of your words. This bonus doesn't apply to other uses of the Bluff skill. If a magical effect is used against you that would detect your lies or force you to speak the truth, the user of the effect must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 15 + your caster level to succeed. Failure means the effect does not detect your lies or force you to speak only the truth.

    Spellcasting Notes

    Spell Points
  • 50/day (14+2int+2lvl)
  • Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Modifier: Int
  • Magical Signs, Skilled Casting (Alchemy), Somatic Casting x2, Verbal Casting
  • Martial Tradition
  • Equipment: Medical Malpractice - Proficient with acupuncture needle, butterfly knife, drow razor, garrote, iron brush, needle launcher, poisoned sand tube, sanpkhang, sawtoothed sabre, shuriken, switchblade knife, syringe spear, and torch, Unarmored Training
  • 2 Alchemy Sphere talents
  • CL
  • Power Spheres: 10 - (veilweaving 3 talents, death 7 talents)
  • Alchemy: 12 - (10 talents)
  • Other Might Spheres: 7
  • Veilweaving Level: 10
  • Initiator Level: 16
  • PoWSteel Serpent
    Dizzying Venom Prana, Sting of the Rattler, Iron Fang, Weakening Venom Prana
    Poisoner's Stance
    SoPDeath Sphere
    Base Sphere, Inflict Disease, Killing Curse, Taint Soul, Lich Strike, Soul Drain, Sustained Necromancy, Specral Distortion, Permanent Undead
    Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Self Entitled Drawback - The Venomous, Enhanced Capacity, Capacity Increase
    SoMMythic Alchemy Sphere
    Poison Package, Catalyzed Poison, Chemical Coating, Lingering Poison, Focusing Poison, Incurable, Potent Poison, Painful Venin x2, Hemorrhaging Poison, Specialized Venom (Undead, Construct, Plant), Food Poisoning, Witch Doctor's Curse, Contagion

    Adventuring Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
    Acrobatics +15 (DEX)  +2 +10 +3
    Bluff +16 (CHA)  +3 +10 +3
      Climb +2 (STR)  -2 +0 +4
    Diplomacy +7 (CHA)  +3 +0 +4
    Disguise +7 (CHA)  +3 +0 +4
    Escape Artist +6 (DEX)  +2 +0 +4
    Fly +6 (DEX)  +2 +0 +4
    Heal +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Intimidate +7 (CHA)  +3 +0 +4
    Knowledge: Arcana +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Dungeoneering +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Local +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Nature +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Planes +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Religion +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Psionics +15 (INT)  +11 +0 +4
    Knowledge: Martial +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Perception +5 (WIS)  +1 +0 +4
    Ride +6 (DEX)  +2 +0 +4
    Sense Motive +5 (WIS)  +1 +0 +4
    Spellcraft* +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Stealth +2 (DEX)  +2 +0 +0
    Survival +14 (WIS)  +1 +10 +3
      Swim +2 (STR)  -2 +0 +4
    Background Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
    Appraise +15 (INT)  +11 +0 +4
    Craft: Alchemy +35 (INT)  +11 +10 +14
    Craft: Alchemy - Poison +38 (INT)  +11 +10 +17
    Craft: Painting +13 (INT)  +11 +0 +2
    Craft: Traps +19 (INT)  +11 +5 +3
    Knowledge: Engineering +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Geography +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: History +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Knowledge: Nobility +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Linguistics* +24 (INT)  +11 +10 +3
    Perform: Sing +3 (CHA)  +3 +0 +0
    Profession: Tanner +2 (WIS)  +1 +0 +1
    Profession: Trapper +2 (WIS)  +1 +0 +1
    Sleight of Hand* +10 (DEX)  +2 +5 +3
    Custom Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

    * only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
    Skill Notes
    May used Tanner and Trapper as if trained
    Alchemy Notes
  • +7 competence, +2 trait, & +2 untyped bonuses to Craft Alchemy and an additional +3 bonus to Alchemy checks dealing with poison. divide time to craft an alchemical item by 40 to craft an alchemical item and 800 to craft poisons. Failing an alchemy check by 5 or more does not ruin the raw material, except in the case of a natural 1
  • Can use Craft Alchemy to identify potions as if using detect magic
  • She can use Craft (alchemy) to change the type of a poison with 1 hour of work and an alchemist’s lab. If the Craft (alchemy) check (DC equals the poison’s save DC) is successful, the poison’s type changes to contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury; on a failed check, the poison is ruined.
  • When creating poison, can create up to 18 doses in the same time frame. When doing so, multiply the raw material costs by the amount of doses.
  • Heal Notes
  • The stitcher may use the Heal skill on an undead creature as though it were a living creature
  • The scholar may make a special Heal skill check on an ally as a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity; the ally recovers a number of hit points equal to twice the check result minus 14. The scholar can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).
    • If the scholar has at least 5 ranks in the Heal skill, she may instead use this ability to restore a number of points of ability damage equal to (Result-10)/5.
  • The scholar may, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, make a DC 20 Heal check to cure any one of the following conditions affecting a creature: blindness, deafness, paralysis, or poison. For each 10 points by which the scholar exceeds the DC of this check, she may cure an additional condition from the list that the target is suffering as part of the same check.The scholar can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus+half Tier (9/day). Attempting to heal a creature but failing to meet the DC of this ability still counts towards this daily total.
    • If the scholar has at least 8 ranks in the Heal skill, she may instead use this ability to restore 1 point of ability drain +1 point for every 5 points by which she exceeds this ability’s DC.
  • The subject of either of the above special uses of the Heal Skill becomes temporarily immune to poison for 8 rounds???. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the effect’s duration does not affect the subject until the effect’s duration has expired, though the duration of the effect continues to expire as normal; this does not reverse instantaneous effects of poison that have already occurred, such as hit point damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don’t go away on their own.

  • Hero Points: 3

    Non-Leveling FeatsFlaw) Ability Focus (Poison)
    increase save DC of poison abilities by +2
    Flaw) Virulent Poison
    add +2 to the DC of fortitude saves against your poison attack
    MD) Plague Lord
    when a creature fails its save against the Inflict Disease Ghost Strike, they must save against each of the diseases they are currently afflicted with. These additional saves never count towards curing the diseases, however failure immediately inflicts the disease's effects.
    Background) Deific Obedience
    Leveling FeatsLevel 1) Arcane Venin
    Can create Alchemy sphere poisons that afflict Magical sphere effects upon the victim. creating such poisons costs the greater action type of creating special poisons and casting the desired magical effect and a number of spell points equal to the cost of the spell effect invested plus 1. Each dose of such poison can only afflict a single target, and the poison cannot be used alongside a strike talent. All choices regarding the spell effect are selected and paid for when the poison is made, and the spell effects oif these poisons cannot be concentrated upon.
    level 3) Martial Training I
    Heal is still a class skill. Become an martial initiator with an initiator level equal to 6, using Int for an initiation modifier. Gain the Dizzying Venom Prana boost and ready it. Recover the maneuver as a full-round action that you'll never perform, as it will never be worth it. Also gain another 1st level maneuver from the Steel Serpent discipline that could be used instead... but you won't do that, because it is less useful.
    level 5) Master Alchemist
    You receive a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks, and you may create mundane alchemical items much more quickly than normal. When making poisons, you can create a number of doses equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) at one time. These additional doses do not increase the time required, but they do increase the raw material cost. In addition, whenever you make alchemical items or poisons using Craft (alchemy), use the item’s gp value as its sp value when determining your progress (do not multiply the item’s gp cost by 10 to determine its sp cost).
    level 7) Martial Training II
    Gain the Iron Fang strike and ready it. Recover the maneuver as a full-round action that you'll never perform, as it will never be worth it. Also gain the Poisoner's Stance. Also gain another 1st level maneuver from the Steel Serpent discipline that could be used instead... but you won't do that, because it is less useful.
    level 9) Versed Student (L. Alchemist)
    +4 effective levels to alchemist when determining what abilities can be acquired through the Discovery class feature.
    ClassUnliving Chemister
    You may expend any one alchemical item, potion, or scholar flashbang when you reanimate an undead within your natural reach, granting the raised undead the alchemy-implanted simple template. You may also expend an appropriate item as part of instilling a reanimate sphere effect with the Instill Death talent so that the created undead gains the alchemy-implanted simple template.
    Throw Anything
    +1 circumstance on attack rolls to throw splash weapons, no penalty for improvised ranged weapons. +Int to damage of splash weapons, both direct hit dmage and splash damage when applicable.
    Brew Potion
    Craft potions, lmao
    Mythic FeatsTier 1) Advanced Magic Training (M)
    if a class isn't at least a mid-caster, it do be now.

    Special Abilities

    Constant, null doses
  • Akashic Poison
    injury; Fort/Will DC 42; Onset immediate; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Effect 4 Con damage; Special This poison cannot deal ability damage that would equal or exceed an enemy’s ability score. If it would, the excess ability damage is instead applied to a different attribute of the entitled’s choosing, provided the ability damage would not equal or exceed that ability score. If there are no valid attributes for this redirection, this poison fails to do any more damage.
  • Alchemist Poisons
  • Zombie Virus
    Cost: 1 Quintessence & 10 minutes for 22 doses
    injury poison; Fort DC 43; Onset immediate; Frequency 1/hour; Disease Effect 1d6 Con damage; Cure 1 save; Special a creature who dies while afflicted with the zombie virus immediately rises as a zombie under the control of the reanimator who created the zombie virus. After 1 minute, this zombie collapses, inert, but may later be reanimated by other means.
  • Toxin
    Cost: 1 Quintessence & 10 minutes for 8 doses
    injury; Fort DC 37; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect 11 HP damage and sickened for 1 minute
    Thallium Toxin
    Cost: 2 Quintessence & 10 minutes for 22 doses
    injury; Fort DC 37; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect 11 HP damage, and 8 bleed damage and sickened for 1 minute. This bleed damage stacks with all other bleed damage, including itself LMAO
    Thallium Ciguatoxin
    Cost: 3 Quintessence & 10 minutes for 22 doses
    injury; Fort DC 43; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect 11 HP damage, and 11 bleed damage and -11 penalty to Con for 1 minute. This bleed damage stacks with all other bleed damage, including itself LMAO
  • Special Poison
  • Double Catalyst
    Cost: 2 Doses of Poison, 1 Mythic Power, Martial Focus, & 1 move action; decays after 11 rounds
    injury; Fort DC 39; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect the effects of the used poisons, with their duration doubled & 6 bleed damage; Special if an exposed creature succeeds their original save against either or both poisons, they must save against any poison again at the beginning of each of their turns for 11 rounds or until they fail their save.
  • Chemical Coated Poison
    Cost: 1 Dose of Special Poison
    Applies a coating of poison for 14 rounds, during this time any attack made with the weapon exposes the target to the poison.
  • Arcane Venins
  • Disease
    Cost: Standard, 3 spell points, Martial Focus
    injury; Fort DC 43; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect Inflicted with the effects of the Killing Disease spell effect with the extra 1 spell point for LMAO DIE to shut off all healing (see Spellcasting). Additionally deal 6 bleed damage. Special if an exposed creature succeeds their original save, they must save against the poison again at the beginning of each of their turns for 8 rounds or until they fail their save.
    • Blinding Sickness: Fort DC 16; Onset -; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d4 Str, if more than 2 Str damage, target must make an addtional save against being permanently blinded; Cure 2 consecutive saves
    Cost: Standard, 4 spell points, Martial Focus
    injury; Fort DC 43; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect Inflicted with the effects of the Lich Touch spell effect with the extra 1 spell point for LMAO DIE to shut off all healing and the extra 2 spell points to escalate Lich Touch to paralysis (see Spellcasting). Additionally deal 6 bleed damage. Special if an exposed creature succeeds their original save, they must save against the poison again at the beginning of each of their turns for 11 rounds or until they fail their save.
    Cost: Standard, 7 spell points, 1 Mythic Power, Martial Focus
    injury; Fort DC 43; Onset immediate; Frequency -; Effect Inflicted with the effects of both the Disease Arcane Venin and the Paralysis Arcane Venin.Special Both venins have their own saving throws.
  • Traits

    RacialBasic Adjustments
    +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 racial bonus on Craft (Paintings) checks.
    Half-Construct Traits
  • +2 racial on saves against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
  • cannot be raised or resurrected.
  • Do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities.
  • Enter Painting
    Due to their guarded nature, Natura Morta have developed a natural defense against those attempting to find or hurt them. As a standard action, Natura Morta can enter a painting it touches. When it does so, its physical body disappears, and its image appears in the painting.
    Natura Morta can use their normal senses and attempt Perception checks to notice anything occurring near the painting. While within a painting, the Natura Morta can talk and move anywhere within the picture or even temporarily alter it (such as by picking a flower in the painting). It cannot use any spells or other abilities while within an image. In addition, the Natura Morta gains the freeze universal monster ability to appear as part of the painting. Natura Morta can leave the painting as a move action. Once it leaves the painting, the image immediately reverts to the appearance it had before the Natura Morta entered. If someone destroys or damages the painting, the Natura Morta is unharmed, but exits the image.
    Flaws & DrawbacksFlaws: Frail
    -1HP per HD (cannot reduce to negative HP)
    -2 penalty on all melee attack rolls

    Drawback: Snobby
    You and your apparent allies inspire a starting attitude that is one step worse in creatures who have an Intelligence score that is below yours.

    M. Drawback: Farsighted
    -1 penalty to melee attacks and -2 penalty to sight-based perception checks within 10' (cannot take 10)
    TraitsSocial) Harvester
    being well-trained in the disassembly and use of carcasses, Aria gains a +1 trait bonus to Profession Tanner and Profession Trapper checks and may make such checks untrained. Furthermore, she does not risk poisoning herself when handling poison aquired from a venomous creature.
    Magic) Alchemical Adept
    +2 trait bonus to Craft Alchemy checks made to craft alchemical items. Failing an Alchemy check by 5 or more does not ruin raw materials, unless it is also a natural 1.
    Combat) Contest of Blades
    +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. Once per day, in the surprise round of combat you may perform an intimidate check to demoralize vs a flat-footed opponent as a free action.
    Race) Mixed Blood-Undead
    gain the Graveblood subtype and ER 5 Negative Energy.
    OathsOaths: Forbidden Knowledge (Minor): Perpetual Discomfort
    Oath: You are constantly affected by a single madness which never goes dormant no matter how much sanity damage is recovered. You are shaken so long as you are wearing any sort of armor or similarly heavy clothing. This ignores any immunity to the shaken condition you may possess. Defiance: If you ever cure yourself of this madness, you take a penalty on Intelligence checks and skill checks equal to half your character level. Attonement: To regain this forbidden knowledge, you must rediscover what nightmarish secrets you have forgotten, which involves at least 3 days worth of research or exploration into the source which once fueled your forbidden abilities. After this time, you regain the madness associated with this oath.
    Against Artifice
    Oath: You have sworn off the use of anathematic armaments and technologies. You must revere nature and may not wear metal armor or use metal shields. In addition, you may not use firearms or any technological devices which use charges. In games where advanced technology is quite common, this Oath may be worth up to three Oath points. Defiance Your abilities are weakened due to your use of impure implements. Your caster level and base attack bonus are reduced by half your character level (minimum 1). Attonement To re-establish your commitment to the natural world, you must destroy a number of technological items or other centerpieces of civilization such that the total value of destroyed materials is worth at least 100 gp x your character level squared.
    Oath You must perform a specific physical or magical ritual every day to maintain your abilities. This ritual takes one hour to perform and can be performed anywhere, but requires that you either spend 5 gp per character level or reduce your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your character level for 24 hours every time you perform the ritual. Defiance Any day which you do not perform the ritual, all of your ability scores are treated as being 2 lower for all purposes. Atonement To atone, you must perform the ritual once again every day for at least 3 days, making an additional sacrifice worth 100 gp x your character level squared on one of those days.
    Honor: Criminal <24 Honor>
    Oath: You must maintain an honor score (see Ultimate Campaign) of at least 3 x your character level at all times. When you first swear this Oath or when you level up, your honor score is increased to 3 x your character level if it is lower. Defiance: Your dishonorable actions weigh physically on you. You are constantly considered sickened, and this effect ignores any immunity to the sickened condition you may possess. Attonement: You must see your honor restored in the face of your community, and must reach an honor score of at least 4 x your character level.

    Boons: Bonus Talents (3 points)
    gain a magic, combat, or skill talent at each of the following character levels: 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, & 18th.
    Enhanced Avilities (2 points)
    At 4th level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to one of your ability scores. These bonuses do not stack with each other until you are at least 10th level, at which point they may stack up to a maximum of +4. This improves to a maximum of +6 at 13th level. From level 13 onwards, you gain two +2 ability score bonuses at every level rather than just one at even-numbered levels. (+4 Int, +2 Dex, +2 Cha)
    Inhuman Resistance (1 point)
    You gain a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws at 3rd level, which increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter (to a maximum of +5 at 15th level). You also gain a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor at 5th level which increases by 1 at 8th level and every 3 levels thereafter (to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). (+2 resistance to saves and +2 natural armor).

    Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
    Needle Launcher +10 x2 a bunch of poisons LMAO 60' 45(10) poisons
    Flashbang +8 x2 B/P/S 100' null 1d8
    Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
    Unarmored Training+6unarmored---haha funny talents lol
    Arms & Equipment

  • +2 Virulent Needle Launcher 18700 gp
  • 50 Accupuncture Needles 10 gp
  • AnimalsWarbeast Dire Weasel with Heavy Wagon 575 gp

    Class Features

    L. Alchemist & Daggermark PoisonerFCB
    5/6ths of a discovery
    Quintessence (10/day)
  • Can use 1 point of quintessence as a swift action to add 1 additional die of damage to an alchemical item's effect
  • Spend 1quintessence as a free action. If they do, they gain a +1 alchemical bonus on all attack rolls for 1 minute. At 8th level and every four levels afterwards, this alchemical bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).
  • Craft Alchemy Mods
  • +5 competence bonus to Craft Alchemy and an additional +3 bonus to Alchemy checks dealing with poison. Half time to craft an alchemical item and 1/40th the time to craft poisons, also gain the ability to craft int mod doses of poison at once, stacking with Master Alchemist.
  • Craft Alchemy Skill Unlocks
    • 5 ranks) When determining your weekly progress, double the result of your Craft check before multiplying the result by the item’s DC.
  • Can use Craft Alchemy to identify potions as if using detect magic
  • She can use Craft (alchemy) to change the type of a poison with 1 hour of work and an alchemist’s lab. If the Craft (alchemy) check (DC equals the poison’s save DC) is successful, the poison’s type changes to contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury; on a failed check, the poison is ruined.
  • Poison Usage
  • Cannot accidentally poison themselves when applying poison to a weapon and can apply poison as a move action.
  • When he possesses 5 doses of a single kind of poison, she can synthesize a dose of that poison once per day at no cost. This process takes 1 minute. It doesn’t expend the original 5 doses. the synthesized doses become inert if they leaves the vigilante’s possession. The vigilante can maintain only 1 dose of synthesized poison for every 5 doses of that poison in his possession.
  • 10/day: can apply 2 doses of poison to the same weapon, object, or trap with no penalty. exposed targets must save individually.
  • Alchemical Item Use Mods
  • Increase DC of Alchemical items to a minimum of (20)
  • Draw alchemical items as part of the action to use them
  • Can combine two splash weapons into a single splash weapon. This fusion of splash weapons last for 24 hours. Mixing two of the same item doubles effect and duration. a fused alchemical splash weapon cannot be combined with another one by any means.
  • Discipline - Toxicologist
  • Poison Absorption: A toxicologist alchemist can absorb any poison or toxin in their possession into themselves without suffering its effects; although they can only have one such poison at a time. A number of times per day equal to 1/2 their alchemist level, they can metabolize a poison or toxin inside of themselves as a move action, recovering a number of hit points equal to their class level + their Intelligence modifier. Whenever a toxicologist alchemist is exposed to a poison which is not in their possession (but not a poison effect), if they successfully save against its effects, they can absorb that poison as a free action (if the toxicologist alchemist is immune to poison, they can choose to absorb it or not). Any poison or toxin absorbed by the toxicologist alchemist disperses from their body after 8 hours of rest.
  • Poison Resistance
    A Daggermark poisoner gains a +2 bonus on saves against poison, increasing to +4 at 4th level, +6 at 7th level, and total immunity at 9th level. Alchemist levels stack with Daggermark poisoner levels when determining the effect of this ability.
    Veil Piercer
    As a funny set of discoveries, Aria can take hegewitch secrets, including those of the Combat path, gains an equipment sphere talent, counts half her level as fighter levels for the purpose of feat pre-reqs, and treats ethereal and incorporeal creatures as if they just weren't. She may choose to touch and interact with ethereal and incorporeal creatures and objects as if they were solid. She may choose to have her attacks and effects count as magical for the purpose of affecting incorporeal creatures. If she does, her damage is not halved against them, and effects that do not cause damage are not subject to the standard 50% chance of failure. In addition, she may inflict critical hits and precision damage on incorporeal creatures as if using a ghost touch weapon. This does however confer no benefits to attempting to discover or identify the locations of such creatures. This consume's Aria's ability to select the Mystic Arcana magus arcana.
    Achemical Necromancy
    The alchemist gains the ability to animate a relatively complete corpse as an alchemy-powered zombie. This process takes 1 hour and costs 100 gp in alchemical reagents per HD of the corpse being animated; the dead creature gains the zombie template. Zombies that are created in this manner count as undead created by animate dead for the purposes of determining how many undead the alchemist can control. The created zombie is a creature, not a supernatural effect. The alchemist also gains the Command Undead feat, although they can only use it against undead they have created, spending 1 point of quintessence to use this feat rather than a use of channel negative energy as well as treating their alchemist level as though it was their cleric level and using their Intelligence modifier rather than their Charisma modifier to determine its effects and DC.
  • Skeletons can also be made in this way, costing an additional 50gp in alchemical reagents to create.
  • Can control 28 HD of undead in this way, as if Animate Dead.
  • Can control undead created in this way as if through Command Undead: DC 24, Max 7 HD, Costs 1 Quintessence.
  • Scholar & EvangelistCareful Packer
    Double the storage space of any travelling container, and use Int instead of Str when determining carryiung capacity.
    Add Acrobatics and Ride to class skill list.
    Heal Skill Mods
  • The stitcher may use the Heal skill on an undead creature as though it were a living creature
  • The scholar may make a special Heal skill check on an ally as a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity; the ally recovers a number of hit points equal to twice the check result minus 14. The scholar can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).
    • If the scholar has at least 5 ranks in the Heal skill, she may instead use this ability to restore a number of points of ability damage equal to (Result-10)/5.
  • The scholar may, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, make a DC 20 Heal check to cure any one of the following conditions affecting a creature: blindness, deafness, paralysis, or poison. For each 10 points by which the scholar exceeds the DC of this check, she may cure an additional condition from the list that the target is suffering as part of the same check.The scholar can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus+half Tier (9/day). Attempting to heal a creature but failing to meet the DC of this ability still counts towards this daily total.
    • If the scholar has at least 8 ranks in the Heal skill, she may instead use this ability to restore 1 point of ability drain +1 point for every 5 points by which she exceeds this ability’s DC.
  • the scholar’s research has taught her rare and little known techniques for treating even the most virulent and uncommon ailments; the scholar may expend 10 uses of a healer’s kit as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity and make a DC 25 Heal check to cure any one of the following conditions affecting a creature: confusion, cursed, or disease (including magical diseases).
    • If the scholar has at least 11 ranks in the Heal skill, she may instead use this ability to attempt to heal an ally who has died within a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). If her check is successful, the ally is restored to life and consciousness at 0 hit points, +1 hit point for each point by which she exceeds this check’s DC. The scholar can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). Attempting to heal a creature but failing to meet the DC of this ability still counts towards this daily total.
  • The subject of either of the above special uses of the Heal Skill becomes temporarily immune to poison for 11 rounds???. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the effect’s duration does not affect the subject until the effect’s duration has expired, though the duration of the effect continues to expire as normal; this does not reverse instantaneous effects of poison that have already occurred, such as hit point damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don’t go away on their own.
  • Sticher Knacks
  • 2) If Aria spends at least 1 minute preparing a corpse, such as by treating it with chemicals, stitching its skin back together, engraving the body with runes, or other appropriate effects (such as those thematic to the stitcher’s casting tradition), the duration of the stitcher’s reanimate sphere effect is increased by 50% on that corpse. This bonus does not stack with the increase granted by the Extend Spell feat. These preparations must be made each time the corpse is reanimated to gain this benefit. A stitcher can only have a number of corpses prepared this way equal to her practitioner modifier; preparing a new body in excess of this number causes any preparations on the oldest corpse to be undone.
  • 4e) At 4th level, the stitcher counts as possessing the amateur arcanist knack for the purposes of qualifying for scholar knacks, feats, and other similar effects.
  • 4) Arcane Studies: Gain 3 Magic Talents
  • 7) At 7th level, Aria gains a bonus death sphere talent and the ability to augment corpses. Whenever she spends at least 1 minute preparing a corpse, as per her 2nd level knack, she may imbue one of the following effects, imbuing an additional effect at 10th and every 3rd level thereafter. Each effect can only be selected more than once with any given prepared corpse, unless stated otherwise. Any save DC is 22, unless stated otherwise.
    • Coagulated Marrow: The undead gains fast healing 1 (or increases any fast healing it possesses by 1).
    • Limber And Flexible: The undead’s natural reach increases by +5 feet. This trade secret may only be chosen once.
    • Muscle And Sinew: The undead’s Strength score increases by +2 and each movement speed the undead possesses increases by +5 feet. This trade secret can be picked once at 7th level and an additional time every 6 levels thereafter.
    • Pickled: The undead gains the stench universal monster ability with a radius of 10 feet. The stench ability’s DC is equal to the stitcher’s trade secrets DC. Each time this trade secret is selected, the radius of the stench ability increases by 10 feet. The stitcher is immune to the stench aura from this trade secret.
    • Stimulated Nerve-Endings: The undead’s Dexterity score increases by +2 and the number of attacks of opportunity the undead can make in a round increases by 1. This trade secret can be picked once at 7th level and an additional time every 6 levels thereafter.
    • Tough Stitching: The undead gains an additional 10 hit points. You may choose to only increase the undead’s hit points by 5 to instead increase any damage reduction the undead possesses by 2.
    • Vocal Chords: The undead gains the ability to speak a single language the Aria knows. If the undead is mindless, it can communicate simple concepts (such as positions, colors, directions). In addition, the undead gains the ability to loudly shriek as a standard action, producing a 30-foot cone that staggers creatures for 1 round on a failed saving throw (Fortitude negates), and must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. This is a pain and sonic effect. Each time this trade secret is selected, increase the cone’s size by 30 feet.
  • 9) Gain 3 Alchemy Sphere talents. lmao.
  • Material Impositions
  • 3) Codyceps Myscelium: The scholar may cultivate cordyceps spores during an 8 hour rest, keeping them in a small container. The scholar may activate this imposition by spreading these spores onto a corpse within her natural reach, raising it as a yellow musk zombie (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 285), a special zombie that is treated as a plant and gains plant immunities instead of being undead. The corpse must have a number of Hit Dice less than or equal to her scholar level or this imposition has no effect. The yellow musk zombie understands and follows the scholar’s commands to the best of its ability and is treated as if it were reanimated for all of the sticher's purposes. If the yellow musk zombie moves more than 100 feet away from the scholar, the spores disperse 1d4 rounds later and the yellow musk zombie is destroyed, regardless of whether or not it returns to the scholar’s side during that time. The scholar may not have more than one yellow musk zombie active with this ability at a time. As long as the yellow musk zombie is not destroyed, the spores can be reclaimed into its vial by touching the yellow musk zombie as a swift action. This destroys the yellow musk zombie and returns the corpse to normal. The cordycep spores can only be used for 10 minutes per scholar level each day. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 10-minute increments.
  • 5) Belladonna Barrier: The scholar activates this imposition by quickly mixing a piece of belladonna root with several other herbs and minerals and then ingesting it or feeding it to an adjacent ally. This mixture protects the target from being subjected to the belladonna’s poison, and confers several of its properties to them. First, the target is immune to lycanthropy; if the target has already been afflicted with lycanthropy, they cannot be affected by or benefit from any of its effects for the duration of this ability. Secondly, the target gains a circumstance bonus to their armor class against all natural attacks equal to the scholar’s Intelligence bonus. These effects last for a number of rounds equal to the scholar’s Intelligence bonus.
  • 8) Circle of Salt: The scholar carefully lays out an unbroken circle of salt, creating a protective circle around herself and up to 1 adjacent ally per 2 class levels (minimum 1) that lasts for a number of rounds equal to the scholar’s Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). If a protected ally moves outside of the square they occupied when the circle was created, the protective energy is disrupted and the effect immediately ends. While within this circle, the scholar and protected allies gain a circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects equal to the scholar’s Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). Whenever the scholar succeeds on a saving throw against such an effect while protected by the circle, she immediately regains her martial focus if it is currently expended.
    In addition, while within the circle, the scholar and affected allies are also protected from bodily contact by summoned creatures and incorporeal undead. This causes the natural weapons and touch attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The protection ends if the warded creature takes any hostile action against a blocked creature, and that creature may pass through the barrier (though other creatures are still warded as normal).
  • 10) Tungsten: The scholar has learned how to work with tungsten metal, an incredibly dense and heavy material that is incredibly intensive to work with. When the scholar first gains this imposition she learns how to craft tungsten plates, which cost 1 hour to create per plate. The scholar may only have a number of plates created at a time equal to 1 + her practitioner modifier. A creature may put a tungsten plate under any armor or clothing for additional protection, at the cost of their maneuverability, granting them both DR 1/adamantine and a -1 armor check penalty for every tungsten plate a creature has equipped.
  • Flashbang
    The scholar learns how to create unstable preparations using various salts and minerals that she can hurl at a creature as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 ft. + 10 ft. per class level (80'), dealing 1d8 bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, and forcing the target to succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be deafened and dazzled for 1d4+1 rounds; in addition, whenever a creature fails their saving throw against one of the scholar’s flashbangs, she may recover her martial focus as an immediate action. Preparing and throwing a flashbang is a standard action. You may add one -explosive- to a flashbang. A flashbang may be used as part of creating an Alchemy Implanted Creature, treating it a splash weapon
    • Spore Threads -explosive-: The scholar may enhance her flashbangs with strengthened cordycep cultures, causing targets who fail their save to be entangled for 1d6 rounds, in addition to the normal effects. A target may escape this entangle by attempting a Strength check or Escape Artist check with a DC equal to the scholar’s flashbang DC or by taking a number of points of fire damage equal to the scholar’s class level. Each round the target is entangled by this effect, the target is confused. The confusion is a mind-affecting poison effect.
    • Belladonna Bursts -explosive-: The scholar may enhance her flashbangs with crushed belladonna, causing targets who fail their save to take 1d6 points of Strength damage, plus an additional 1d6 points of Strength damage at 8th and 16th level, in addition to the normal effects. This is a poison effect, and creatures with resistance to poison apply that resistance to their save against the flashbang’s effects.
    • Dispelling Detonations -explosive-: The scholar adds a mixture of silver, salt, lead, and other materials which naturally disrupt magical energies to her flashbangs. Creatures that fail their save against the flashbang’s initial effect are also subject to a targeted dispel magic spell, using the scholar’s level as the caster level. This cannot be used to target a specific spell effect. If the scholar also possesses the silver material imposition, this instead acts as a targeted greater dispel magic effect.
    • Burdening Blast -explosive-: The scholar may add tungsten to her flashbangs, causing targets who fail their save to also have a large chunk of tungsten lodged within them, making them take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD; multiple uses of this ability stack, increasing the penalty by an additional -2 per chunk lodged within the target. The target may remove a single chunk as a standard action, or may remove multiple as a full-round action.
    MythicCore Benefits
    +2 Int, Mytic Power (9/day), Surge +1d6
    Hard to Kill
    Whenever you’re below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don’t die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
    Mythic Martial Knowledge
    +1 Mythic bonus to effective BAB/Skill Rank of Alchemy and Beastmastery
    Mythic Advanced Medical Training
    No longer use healer's kit charges to activate medical training abilities. Add half tier to the number of times per creature per day that medical training abilities can be used.
    Amazing Initiative
    At 2nd tier, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can’t be used to cast a spell. You can’t gain an extra action in this way more than once per round.

    The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

    The statblocks of your class features

    Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

    Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

    Statblocks for your spells.

    Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

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    Pathfinder 1e

    Statblock Type

    Character Sheet
