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Wendigo - creature 17

Wendigos are incarnations of the fears of starvation, loneliness, and fatal exposure to cold weather. They haunt the frozen expanses of the world.
Perception +32
Languages Aklo, Common, Jotun; telepathy 1 mile
Skills Acrobatics +32, Athletics +33, Deception +29, Intimidation +33, Nature +28, Occultism +29, Religion +28, Stealth +30, Survival +30

STR +8 , DEX +7 , CON +9 , INT +6 , WIS +5 , CHA +6

AC 40
Saving Throws Fort +32, Ref +30, Will +26 , +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP315, regeneration 30 (deactivated by cold iron) - Immunities cold, fear - Weaknesses cold iron 10, fire 15
Speed fly 100 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +33 [+28/+23] (cold, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+12 piercing plus 2d6 cold [one-action] claw +33 [+29/+25] (cold, magical, agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8+12 slashing plus 2d6 cold and Grab
Special Abilities Dream Haunting A target that fails its save against the wendigo’s nightmare is exposed to wendigo torment.   Howl [three-actions] (auditory, concentrate, enchantment, fear, incapacitation, mental, primal) Frequency Three times per day; Effect The wendigo unleashes a forlorn howl that can be heard up to 1 mile away. Any creature that hears the howl must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or be frightened 1. Any creature that critically fails and is within 120 feet of the wendigo is instead frightened 3, and is also fleeing for 1d4 rounds (or until it’s no longer frightened, whichever comes first). A creature frightened by a wendigo’s howl still naturally recovers from its fright but can’t reduce it below frightened 1 in this way until 1 hour has passed or magic is used. Whether it succeeds or fails its save, a creature is then temporarily immune to that wendigo’s Howl for 24 hours.   Ride the Wind [reaction] (air, concentrate, primal, transmutation) Trigger The wendigo casts wind walk while it has Grabbed a foe. Effect The wendigo attempts to turn the grabbed creature into wind and carry it along as part of the action. If the target succeeds at a DC 38 Will save, it prevents itself from being transformed; in this case, the wendigo still transforms, automatically releasing the victim. A creature forced to Ride the Wind along with the wendigo is exposed to wendigo torment. The target can attempt a new Will save each round to return to normal, though it immediately becomes corporeal and begins falling if it succeeds.   Wendigo Torment (curse, enchantment, mental, primal) A creature affected by wendigo torment can’t recover beyond stage 1 until it has been restored to full HP. Saving Throw Will DC 38; Stage 1 Stupefied 4 (1 day Stage 2 As stage 1 (1 day Stage 3 The creature searches for an individual of its own ancestry to kill and devour. It then becomes affected by wind walk and sprints into the sky so fast that its feet burn away into jagged stumps. As the creature wind walks into the sky, it is replaced by a new wendigo over 2d6 minutes. Wish, similar magic, or a 9th-level resurrect ritual can return the victim to life. The new wendigo remains even if the victim is resurrected.
Spells DC 38; 8th wind walk (at will 4th nightmare (see dream haunting)
Rituals DC 38; 8th control weather
Some humanoids who dwell in arctic regions offer tribute to wendigos that hunt near their villages, treating them as gods or spirits of nature that must be appeased. They occasionally perform rites of cannibalism and place fetishes throughout the wilderness to mark the wendigo’s domain.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
