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"Kiriki Vish'talia is a Irrepressible Jack who Shreds the Walls of the World."

  • All tasks related to positive social interaction/T
  • Intellect defense tasks to recognize con games and similar schemes/I
  • Heavy weapons/I
  • Perception/T
  • Flex Skill: Initiative/T
Broadsword (Estoc-esque, add flavor later) - 4dmg

Forgemaster's Dagger - 2dmg, eased attacks

Disrupting Touch, 2 dmg, ignores armor, effort adds 2pts of dmg instead of 3, must phase sprint to use

Damage Tracking
Speed Cost
Damage =
weapon damage + bonus from roll - armour
8 Coins

Shield - Asset to speed defense tasks - DESTROYED BUT WANT TO REPLACE

Oddity: A badly damaged 2 inch by 8 inch bar with a button on one side and a light emitter on an adjacent side. Pressing the button makes a partially interactive hologram of a book appear, but any attempt to interact with it physically disrupts it enough the device malfunctions and shuts down.

Explorer’s Pack: Contains 50 feet (15 m) of rope, rations for three days, three spikes, hammer, warm clothes, sturdy boots, three torches, and two minor glowglobes.

Pack of Light Tools: Contains small tongs, pliers, screwdriver, small hammer, small pry bar, lockpicks, 10 feet (3 m) of string, 3 feet (1 m) of wire, and miscellaneous screws and nails.
Cyphers (max: 2)
Sonic Hole 2
 Wearable: belt-mounted device (perhaps some kind of really, really powerful vibrational dampener ripped from a machine?)

Draws all sound within long range into the device for one round per cypher level. Within the affected area, no sound can be heard.
Warmth Projector 3
 Usable: Injector

Keeps the user warm and comfortable in the harshest cold temperatures for 28hrs (one day). During this time the user has Armor equal to the cypher level that protects against cold damage.
Special Abilities
Irrepressible Bonuses Other0
Sturdy Spirit: +4 to your Might Pool.   Bounces Back: You add +1 to your recovery rolls.   Skill: You’re enthusiastic, trained in all tasks related to positive social interaction.   Inability: You have a hard time recognizing confidence games and similar schemes, especially when you’re the target. Intellect defense tasks to do so are hindered.
Phase Sprint Action1
You can run up to a long distance as long as you take no other actions. During your action and until the beginning of your next turn, you are partially phased, and some attacks pass through you harmlessly. While phased, you gain an asset to your speed defense tasks, but you lose any benefit from armor you wear. Note that some of your other special abilities enable specific actions that you can take while using Phase Sprint. For instance, when using Disrupting Touch, you can make one touch attack while moving (though this ends your movement).
Disrupting Touch Enabler1
You can turn your Phase Sprint into a melee attack by purposefully grazing another creature as you run. When you do, the touch releases a violent blast of energy that inflicts 2 points of damage to the target (ignores Armor). Whether you hit or miss, your movement (and turn) ends immediately, which puts you within immediate distance of your target. If you apply Effort to increase damage rather than to ease the task, you deal 2 additional points of damage per level of Effort (instead of 3 points the target takes 1 point of damage even if you fail the attack roll.
Late Inspiration Enabler3
You retry a task you failed within the past one minute, using the same difficulty and modifiers, except this time you have an asset on the task. If this retry fails, you can't use this ability to retry it again.
Phased Pocket Enabler2
You connect yourself for one hour to a small space that is out of phase and moves with you. You can access this space as if it were a convenient pocket or bag, but nobody else can perceive or access the space unless they have the ability to interact with transdimensional areas. The space can hold up to 1 cubic foot. The space is a part of you, so you can’t use it to carry more cyphers than your limit, a detonation cypher activated inside the space harms you, and so on. When the connection ends, anything in the space falls out. For each 2 additional Intellect points you spend, the pocket lasts an additional hour.
  • Increase Capabilities
  • Moving Towards Perfection
  • Extra Effort
  • Skill Training
  • Other Advancement
Recovery: 1d6 + 1 + 1
Rest Duration Already Taken
First rest 1 Action
Second rest 1 Minute
Third rest 1 Hour
Fourth rest 10 Hours

Use all your options to reduce the difficulty, if it is still above zero, roll against its target number.
TN - 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
result 0 = failure, 1 = success

Created by

Sgt. Polaris.



Statblock Type

Numenera Character Sheet
