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Grizzly Bear - Animal 3

Larger, more powerful and dangerous than their black bear cousins, grizzly bears are widely found throughout temperate forests and hill lands and are a dominant and highly successful omnivore, though they are also an apex predator in their own right. They are highly territorial, aggressive and generally ill tempered, and are far less timid than their black bear cousins, being far more likely to seek and engage conflict with other creatures it doesn't recognize entering what it deems to be its domain. Unlike black bears, which are generally unlikely to feed on humanoid beings, seeming to find them distasteful for some reason or another, grizzlies have no such qualms, and if they maul someone and are hungry, they will not hesitate to feed. That said, they do not actively hunt humanoids, and seem to far more often attack out of percieved territorial invasion, or in the case of female grizzlies, percieved threat to their cubs.
Perception 1d20+8
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+9 , Intimidate: 1d20+7 , Stealth: 1d20+6 , Survival: 1d20+8

STR +4 , DEX +2 , CON +5 , INT -4 , WIS +1 , CHA -2

AC 19
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+10 , Ref 1d20+5 , Will 1d20+4 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+7 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-1 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+1
HP41 4d10+20 - Immunities None - Weaknesses None - Resistances Resist (2): Cold, Slashing and Piercing
Speed 35 feet, 20 Feet Swim)
Melee Melee, Bite: 1d20+9 to hit. 2d8+4 piercing damage.   Melee, Claw: 1d20+9 to hit. 1d10+4 slashing damage.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (3): +3 Natural Armor to Armor Class, already in their AC on sheet.   Aggressive: A grizzly bear that decides to attack a creature will usually not be easily driven off. No matter how bad the fight is going, the bear must attempt a DC 16 Will Save to decide to retreat or flee combat if it chooses to start a fight or is forced into one. This DC increases to 21 if it is a mother bear with cubs.   Bulky: Add 1/2 Constitution Modifier as deflection bonus to AC (already in sheet).   Cold Adaptation: Grizzly Bears reduce effects of natural cold weather effects upon themselves by 1 step.   Environmental Familiarity (Forests and Hills: This creature is naturally very comfortable in the woodlands and hills. They never have any challenge with that terrain in its natural form. It cannot suffer any movement penalties from any natural effects of terrain within these biomes.   Low-Light Vision: 30 feet   Scent: +2 to Perception when 60 feet, if smell would be a factor.   Gripping Claws: When it hits with a claw attack it can immediately sacrifice its reaction to attempt to initiate a Grab upon the target, that ignores any stacking Multiple Attack Penalty.   Mauler: A grizzly bear has a +2 circumstance boost to attack checks and damage rolls against any target it has grabbed. This is not accounted for in the attacks on this sheet.   Rush: The grizzly bear strides and makes a strike at the end of the movement. During this action, its movement speed increases by 10 feet.

Advancement/Alteration options

  Swimmer: Some Grizzly bears are quite successful swimmers, hunting the wild rivers of the north during the salmon runs, and even hunting around the lakes as well. Though they cannot swim long distances, these bears are skilled enough to swim and handle themselves for some small amount of aquatic travel, gaining a swim speed equal to 20 feet and a +2 to Athletics rolls involving swimming.   Note: This animal cannot be a base mount or companion, but is accessible as an advanced companion or mount should someone wishes to invest in the necessary feat, either via ancestry, general or perhaps by having it through a background, required for advanced animal/mount companion options.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
