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Faerrel - Animal Arcanium 1

Domestic Faerrel in a den of its 'loot'
Scrambling towards you, clearly excited and seeking to interact in some way, this small ferret like creature seems far smarter than it should, seeming to even understand your words. Its excitable behavior only increases as you acknowledge it, as it begins to jump and 'war dance', making squeak like sounds with glee. It seems friendly enough.
Perception 1d20+7
Languages Valarian (Common) can understand but not speak
Skills Athletics: 1d20+2 , Acrobatics: 1d20+12 , Bribery: 1d20+4 , Intuition: 1d20+3 , Investigation: 1d20+3 , Intimidate: 1d20+4 , Persuade: 1d20+4 , Stealth: 1d20+14 , Survival: 1d20+3

STR +0 , DEX +4 , CON +1 , INT +1 , WIS +1 , CHA +2

AC 16
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+5 , Ref 1d20+10 , Will 1d20+5 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+2 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+3 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+4
HP7 1d10-1 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 30 feet (15 feet climb, 15 feet burrow)
Melee Melee, Bite: 1d20+6 to hit. 1d4 piercing damage. Grab (can initiate grapple for free.)
Special Abilities Scent: 30 feet +2 to perception if sense of smell would apply.   Near-Sighted: Faerrels cannot see long distances like at all. They are at a -6 to any sight based Perception check for distances beyond themselves of 10 feet.   War-Dance: The Faerrel begins to leap and bounce and jump in place and whilst moving with great excitement randomly. This episode will last 4 rounds, granting the Faerrel +2 dodge boost to Armor Score, as well as the benefits of being under the condition of Haste (1). After the four rounds are up, the Faerrel gains the Exhaustion (1) condition that can only be removed by taking a Rest, as well as suffering the Slow (1) condition for the first round after the War-Dance Ends.   Fey-Blooded: Faerrels are Fey touched creatures, Animals Arcanium. They have +2 to Saving Throws against arcane spells, effects and random magickal phenomena or events.   Bonding Familiar: A Faerrel is capable, if reared from the age of a kit, to forming a singular telepathic bond, a two way communication of a mental nature, with one creature similarly touched by magick. In the wild this is normally reserved for a parent or sibling, it is assumed, and this is a seperate bond to the telepathic connection that likely forms between mated pairs. The creature seems to have discretion over these bonds in some way. This bond can form with magisters, making them an excellent familiar. Once formed, this bond allows communication via telepathy, between the Faerrel and the other creature up to distances of one mile.   Sub-Skeletal Flexibility: Faerrels, like many mustalidae mundane and magickal, seem to have more flexiblity than any vertebrae rightfully should. Their skeletal structure is flexible in a unique fashion, almost as if their spine has more tendon by percentage than most other vertebrates, allowing them to squeeze and manuevor in spaces even they should find tight. They are so small in combination with this that a Faerrel can almost never be subject to any sort of 'squeezing' or 'tight confines' penalties or modifiers.   Manna Sensitivity: Given their terrible eyesight, it is believed that it is their sense of smell that is tuned to the manna of the world and allows them to detect and locate magickal beings, creatures and objects, not their eyesight. This is confirmed, by all accounts, by magisters whom have such a familiar, though to be fair, they have a mischevious and prankster nature, and may just be lying for the sake of messing with everyone's understanding of how they do it. They are after all, highly intelligent, comparatively, for an animal.   Linguistic: Faerrels naturally can understand (and 'speak' in the telepathic sense) Valarian. No one truly knows why this is, however this does seem to be a naturally occuring attribute of the species now. In addition to this, they are intelligent enough that those whom bond with one as a companion or familiar as a kit can generally successfully teach them one more language quite easily if they so wish.   Faekin Stealth: Faerrels are naturally quite quiet creatures and are capable of being masterfully stealthy when they wish. They have +6 to Stealth skill rolls naturally, unless in an active War Dance, which reduces this bonus to +2, keeping part of it only because of their tiny size.   Lesser Fading: A Faerrel can fade from sight for 2 rounds, becoming invisible unless it takes any offensive action. This ability cannot be called upon during a War-Dance, the Faerrel seems to not have the capability to focus and maintain it or even summon it forth in such a state. This does count as a 'Maintained' power, and they may only summon it forth 2/day.   Silent Shroud: A Faerrel can seemingly summon forth a dampening effect from within its own fae-blood, creating a small aura around itself of sheer quiet. This acts as a 10 foot aura centered on the creature and is a full silencing effect, not allowing for any noise of any kind. No spoken words, no sounds of footfalls, nothing. This is not maintained. Creatures within the effect have the +2 to Stealth rolls. Lasts 1 minute. Can be used 3 times/day.   Minor Mirroring Image: A Faerrel can trigger this reaction the instant it is attacked or targeted with some sort of hostile effect directly (not AOE since it wouldn't help). The creature shifts a little, shimmering and suddenly there seem to be three of them. Two of these are merely fakes, optical illusions. This means any attack or the like that would hit the Faerrel might hit an illusion, and if it does, the illusion fades away immediately. So when the Faerrel would be struck by an attack or targeted effect for damage, 1d6 . On a 4 or less, it hits an image instead. The next time 1d6 and on a 3 or less it hits an image. This effect, if not ended by the images being struck, fades after 1 minute. It can only be called upon 1/day.   Rip and Tear: A Faerrel that has successfully latched onto a creature can use this ability. They end the grapple by violently shaking and yanking on the mouthful of the creature's flesh they have in swift frenzied motions, with clear intent of doing great harm. The creature takes damage equal to two bite attacks and must succeed a DC 12 Fortitude Save or be inflicted with the Bleed (1) condition. This is merely a pass or fail defensive test with no additional positives or negatives for critical success or failure.   Tremorsense: Faerrels are well adapted tunnel hunters, chasing prey items into their burrows often. They have a 20 foot tremorsense.
NOTE: Faerrels are very capable creatures and make excellent companions or familiars.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
