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Emerald Wyvern - Draconid 9

Glittering Emerald Green scales dominate the ridge of this reptilian creature along with its head and neck, granting it its name. These give way to a darker leafy green or conifer green depending on environment. Its hooked and long claws perfect for climbing, its whip like tail with stinger a deadly hunting implement, its jaws though narrow, vicious with a savage bite force. To say nothing of the deadly venom its bite can inject, or the toxic clouds it is capable of breathing forth. A true draconid, smaller than many of its cousins of other colors, wingless but no less majestic and terrifying. Similar in mass to a black bear, but even an enraged manticore would flee before this creature's wrath and abilities. The forests bend and bow to its will where it strides, it seems to disappear as easily as a thief in the black of night amidst the foliage. An Emerald Wyvern, as close a cousin to a true Tane, a true dragon, as most will ever see.
Perception 1d20+20
Languages Draconic, Valarian (Common), Sylvan dialect, at least two other languages common in creatures around its lair
Skills Athletics: 1d20+19 , Acrobatics: 1d20+21 , Arcana: 1d20+12 , Bribery: 1d20+13 , Diplomacy: 1d20+13 , Investigate: 1d20+12 , Intuition: 1d20+16 , Intimidate: 1d20+15 , Nature: 1d20+16 , Navigation (Terrestrial): 1d20+16 , Occult: 1d20+12 , Spell-weaving (Druidism): 1d20+14 , Stealth: 1d20+21 , Survival: 1d20+16

STR +4 , DEX +6 , CON +5 , INT +1 , WIS +3 , CHA +2

Items Besides the obviously highly valuable Wyvern parts, which naturally are worth a lot of gold themselves to the right buyers, Wyverns are draconic of heritage, and the Emerald is no exception. If you were to find its lair, you would likely find some trinkets and objects worth your while. Emerald Wyverns are primal hunters, keeping trophys of vanquished foes whom they deemed worthy of challenge. So you may find perserved within the toxic yet formeldahyde like pools within such a creature's den all manner of object, pieces of anatomy, and even perhaps some treasure. Emerald Wyverns have no love for coin or most gems or precious stones but do fancy Emeralds and likely have at least one or two smaller ones. These sorts of manna gems are extremely valuable. Besides this you will likely find at least a handful of expensive mundane and minorly magickal objects, trinkets and trophies, as well as perhaps one or two objects of more notable (moderate) magickal power.
AC 27 (30 if Draconic Protection is active)
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+18 , Ref 1d20+21 , Will 1d20+16 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+15 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+14 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+13
HP106 9d12+52 - Immunities Toxic (Persistent Poison Damage), Poison Damage, Druidism school of arcane/primal magicks. - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) to all damage types
Speed 50 feet, 25 feet climb speed
Melee Melee, Bite: 5 foot reach, Armor Penetration (2). 1d20+15 to hit. 2d10+4 piercing damage plus 2d6 poison damage. Any target bitten must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude Save. Critical Failure results in immediate paralysis and Toxic (3). A normal Failure merely results in Toxic (2), a normal Success Toxic (1) and a critical Success escapes with no conditions. This paralytic venom and poison damage only applies to one bite per round, the first.   Melee, Claw: 5 feet reach, Armor Penetration (1), Agile. 1d20+18 to hit. 2d8+4 slashing damage.   Melee, Tail Stinger: 5 feet reach, Finesse. 1d20+13 to hit. 1d12+6 piercing damage and 2d6 poison damage. Target must make a DC 23 Fortitude Save. Critical failure sees target suffer Confused (3) and Toxic (3) conditions. Normal failure means Confused (2) and Toxic (2) conditions. Success means Confused (1) and Toxic (1) conditions and Critical success avoids all conditions. Once used the stinger merely deals piercing damage until the Wyvern has had a Rest for the venom dose to replenish.
Special Abilities Skirmisher: Emerald Wyverns are natural skirmishers and seem skilled in fighting on the move. So long as they have moved at least half their maximum movement speed since their last attack, they deal an extra 3d6 damage.   Draconic Heritage (Pool=3/3): This pool represents the creatures bloodline, and decides how many Emerald Spell-Forms it can just call on freely. Wyverns need no casting roll to manipulate their given type of manna, they merely just can, at least when casting the lowest tier of any spell-form. They would only roll a Spell-Weave if attempting to spend one point of their Heritage to upcast it to Tier II or 2 points to upcast it to Tier 3. These points have other uses as well. They recover only over a Regroup or a Rest.   Draconic Protection: So long as the Wyvern has 1 point in its Draconic Heritage Pool, it recieves a +3 morale bonus to its Armor Class.   Awe-Inspiring Presence: When one first lays eyes on wyverns, or one would assume, a Tane, one cannot help but be awestruck. Any sapient being that lays eyes on this creature for the first time in a day must attempt a DC 23 Ego Save. If critically failed, they become Stunned (3). If they fail, they become Stunned (2). On a success they merely become Stunned (1). Only on a Critical Success do they overcome the awe and avoid any condition. This state only lasts 1 round/instance of the condition, it fades over time as the brain of the individual processes what they are seeing and catches up to well...reality.   Born of Nature: Emerald Wyverns are entirely immune to the effects of any Emerald magicks (Nature), as well as the Toxic condition and Poison damage.   Breath Weapon: The Wyvern releases a cloud of toxic fumes in a 50 foot cone. This gas is blinding, hallucingenic and toxic, and deals 6d8 poison damage. Targets in the area need to make a DC 23 Fortitude Save. Critical Failure results in taking double damage and being afflicted with Blind (1), Confused (1) and Toxic (1) conditions. A normal failure sees a target take normal damage and suffer all three conditions. A success results in half damage and merely suffering the Toxic (1) condition. A critical success takes half damage but suffers no conditions. This breath takes 1d4+2 rounds to recharge. Alternatively on its next turn the Wyvern may spend 1 point of Draconic Heritage and 1 action to automatically recharge it.   Emerald Magicks: Emerald Wyverns are, as all draconids, capable spell-weavers in some fashion. They know five emerald spells and can call upon them as they wish at Tier 1 without needing a casting roll in normal cirumstances (so without a Dead Zone, or a Scar upon Reality effecting them). The five spells presented on this template are not gospel, merely the ones that feel most likely, feel free to switch them around to suit your needs for your campaign and situation.   Sapience: Despite what some may think, these creatures are as sapient as they come. They are capable speakers in Valarian, Sylvan and Draconic and generally are at least fluent and capable in one or two languages that are common of the region they live in. They are not evil beasts and are natural entities that can be interacted with, reasoned with and talked too in most circumstances. However they are vulnerable to manna blight and the corruption of the Void, which can see this truth turned on its head to have them become more as stories of Tanes, drakes, wyverns, and dragon kind in general would present them to be.   Draconic Recovery: By activating this ability a Wyvern can recover 1d10+9 hit points and immediately sheds any condition that is not a scaling condition at (2) or more. This ability can only be utilized 1/day.

Caster DC: 23


Bramble Armor (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 19, Duration: Maintained up to 1 minute. Range: Self, Target: Self, Effect: You gain +4 Protective Bonus to AC and any creature that attempts a melee attack against you takes 1d6 piercing damage.  

Detect Flora/Fauna (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 13, Duration: 8 hours, Range: 10 Miles, Target: You must target a specific species of plant or animal. Effect: You will lock on to the specimen closest to you when you cast the spell. For the duration of the spell, you need only utilize an action to check direction and distance to the specimen, so long as you (or it if an animal) have not moved out of range of the spell's effectiveness.  

Dulra's Pulse (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 16, Duration: Instant, Range: 30 foot radius centered on self, Target: All creatures you deem not hostile in the area of effect. Effect: All allies within range heal 2d8 wounds and Gain Resist (2) to Poison damage for 1 round  

Thorn Barrage (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 21, Duration: Instant, Range: 30 foot cone, Target: Self extending in a direction. All creatures within the cone. Effect: All creatures within the cone must attempt a Reflex Save. Should they fail, they take 2d6 piercing damage and 2d6 poison damage and gain the Toxic (1) Condition. On a successful test they take half damage and do not become afflicted with the condition.  

Venomous Entanglement

  Casting DC: 27, Duration: Maintained (Up to 1 minute), Range: 300 feet, Target: 20 foot radius area centered on a point in range you can see. Effect: All creatures in the target area must make a Reflex Save. If they fail, they are restrained and take 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6 poison damage, as well as becoming afflicted by the Toxic (1) Condition. If they critically fail, they take double damage and are afflicted with Toxic (2) If they succeed, they are not restrained, and only take half damage, as well as not being afflicted with the condition. On a critical success they take no initial damage and are not restrained in any way, though they will still take damage for moving through the affected terrain. Moving through the affected area is treated as difficult terrain, and every 5 feet of movement through this terrain deals 1d6 piercing damage and 1d6 poison damage. Those whom become restrained may attempt a Power or Reflex Save at the end of their turn every round to attempt to escape.

Advancement/Alteration Options

  Though sapient, Wyverns and other dragon kind would never take profession levels. However they can learn skills, learn more magicks, and even increase their attributes and learn talents and abilities through study and effort. So feel free to alter any given Wyvern, as with any given Drake or Tane with any sort of abilities or spells or attributes, switching them from these here, adding and altering as you need. Just use caution as always, when considering EL balance.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
