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Redcap - Faellen Kindred 4

Redcap by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
A rather pale skinned, thin and almost spindly looking humanoid that sits somewhere between a gnome and a dwarf in proportions, yet is corded with muscle and strength beyond those creatures. With a scarred face, an almost silvery rust colored beard, and beady crimson eyes, wielding jagged bladed polearms, almost a cross between a halberd and a scythe. They wear varied rags, their skin marked with crimson and black etch like tattoos. With peaky caps not unlike those popular in some urban settings all across Valerick, which are seemingly a dull almost burnt ochre color, but glow the brightest of crimson if they are dipped in freshly spilled blood. Vicious and murderous fell fey.
Perception 1d20+9
Languages Sylvan, Valarian (Common)
Skills Athletics: 1d20+12 , Acrobatics: 1d20+9 , Bribery: 1d20+9 , Intimidate: 1d20+9 , Intuition: 1d20+10 , Persuade: 1d20+9 , Stealth: 1d20+9

STR +4 , DEX +3 , CON +3 , INT +0 , WIS +2 , CHA +1

Items Blood-Drinker Great-Axe: Is a cursed item. Every day the axe must feast on blood via an act of wanton violence by its wielder or it will shatter. Furthermore the wielder of this weapon will begin to have urges, and count as suffering a minor Wrathful Influence, which should guide them to act out more violently and to have an increased capacity for anger, hate and violent actions. It is noticeable, but not immediately mutative, lethal, or even that drastic. It is a more subtle shift, perhaps at first seeming as if the individual is just grumpy or not sleeping well. It has +1 to attack rolls, +2 to damage rolls, and inflicts Persistent Bleed (1) on every strike. Its wielder also gains a permanent +1 to their Strength Attribute Modifier score.
AC 21
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+13 , Ref 1d20+9 , Will 1d20+8 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+12 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+6 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+9
HP58 5d10+22 - Immunities Thunder Damage - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) to all sources of non magick damage
Speed 30 feet (50 feet if Blood-Drunk)
Melee Melee, Fists: 1d20+14 to hit. 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage   Melee, Blood-Drinking Great-axe: 1d20+15 to hit. 1d12+6 Slashing damage, inflicts Persistent Bleed (1) on hit.
Special Abilities Fey Blood: Of the ancient fallen kindred, once known as the Courts of the Fae, Redcaps are of a lesser sort amongst them, but this does not mean they are without understanding or reason. Despite their violent disposition, like any Faellen Kindred, they seek less to first slaughter any one individual they meet, but instead make deals towards such ends on a larger scale, making allies and spreading the corruption of the Void into those societies and races that attempt to be beyond the reach of such things. Like all Faellen Kindred, they count as Expert Proficiency in the Bribery, Intimidation and Persuade skills.   Thundering Violence: So long as a Redcap has 1 point of Wrath left in their Wrath pool, their melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 thunder damage, their impacts blessed by their fell slaughter god.   Blood-Drunk: Redcaps earn their name from the strange ritual and object, the cap they all wear. Once dipped or splattered with the blood of a living creature that they have cut and injured, they gain the Blood-Drunk condition for 1 hour. The cap seems to have no real limitation for a Faellen Kindred, for a true Redcap, as to how many times this fell magick can be used in a given day, though the boon only seems to last for about a minute. A Redcap that is Blood-drunk gains +2 to their Strength and Dexterity Modifier, as well as having Fortune on all melee attacks it attempts, and becoming immune to both the Confused and Frightened Conditions. Furthermore they apply their Violence Seeker Damage Dice to their first successful melee attack of every round, regardless of if they would normally get to do so. It costs them 1 action to dip the cap quickly.   Wrathful Pool (4/4): Even the lowest of the Faellen Kindred have been 'touched' by their dark masters and Redcaps are no exception, having a unique pool tied to their violent disposition which they seem to tap into. For Redcaps like fellow Fallen Kindred of Blood, this pool is called 'Wrath'. It is some fell reserve that acts almost as manna, though of an indescribable nature to any true practitioner of the Arcane arts. This inherent energy, this dark power, allows Redcaps to tap into and wield a modest amount of unique abilities and powers. This resource only recovers over a Rest.   Violence Seeker 1d6 : Redcaps are Faellen Kindred of Wrath, and as such, are seekers of Violence. Whenever they successfully attack a target whom has not yet been hurt or cut, they get to roll their Violence-Seeker Dice as extra damage.   Blood Frenzy: As a reaction to being successfully attacked and by spending 1 point of Wrath, a Redcap can enter into a Bloody Frenzy. For the next 3 rounds they are fueled by their bloodlust to reach new heights of violence. They gain the benefits of Hastened (1), increasing their actions per round from 3 to 4.   Euphoria of Violence: A Redcap may spend 1 point of Wrath upon successfully striking a foe and they may recover wounds equal 1d6+3 .   Vicious Challenge: costs 1 Point of Wrath. A Redcap can attempt to initiate a Vicious Challenge upon a target within 30 feet. That target must attempt a DC 19 Ego Save. On a critical success (Natural 20 or beat the DC by 10+) the target is not effected. On a regular success, they are compelled to duel the Redcap in question, though suffer no other ill effects, and may use any tactics that feel appropriate to them. On a failure, the target is compelled to duel the redcap in question, and cannot move away from the creature, if they move at all they must get closer. On a critical failure (Natural 1 or fail by 10 or more) they must attempt to duel the Redcap in melee, and every attack the Redcap makes gets to add its Violence Seeker Damage Dice to the damage. While someone is so enthralled (so failure or critical failure) by their Vicious Challenge, a Redcap only takes 1/2 damage from all other sources.   Bloodrush Strike: This has the 'Press' trait If a Redcap takes down (so drives to unconsciousness) or kills a target, they may spend 1 point of Wrath and 1 action should they have any actions left, to make another melee attack against another target within range. This attack does not suffer nor count towards normal Multiple Attack Penalty rules.  

Advancements/Alterations Options

  Red-caps are sentient and can have Profession levels, though that is not presented here. If you give them Profession levels, realize each level increases their EL by +1. Braserkers and Warriors are most common. They can never be Magisters or Priests. Shamans are the rarest and least likely.   GM NOTE: Faellen Kindred are older than old. They are the remnants of powers long forgotten and a kingdom unlike anything any adventurers can possibly imagine. Though they are a shadow of what they once were, and disparate factions that are not allied, though not at open war, this....wisdom and history bleeds through in one facet that cannot be ignored, and is how they mess with the sapient beings whom now sit as the rightful rulers of this realm and reality. They are impressively fluent, perfectly so in common Valarian, and generally also in whatever racial languages would be the most common for the regions they are found living near (so for example, Faellen Kindred in Suranth would be disturbingly fluent in Dwarven).

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
