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Hobgoblin Worg Rider - Warrior 2

Some hobgoblins amongst larger tribes in the right regions will find themselves becoming more specialized raiders and warriors, those whom ride volatile worgs, evil wolf like creatures, as mounts.
Perception 1d20+7
Languages Gobbok, Valarian (Common) (Likely can crudely speak this)
Skills Acrobatics: 1d20+7 , Athletics: 1d20+6 , Intuition: 1d20+5 , Intimidate: 1d20+6 , Stealth: 1d20+9 , Survival: 1d20+5 , Ride (Canine): 1d20+9

STR +3 , DEX +4 , CON +3 , INT +1 , WIS +2 , CHA -1

Items Warhammer: Cavalry weapon, Great Weapon   Goblin Snapshot Pistol: Loading (2), Dangerous (4), Ranged 50 feet, Mounted, Armor Penetration (2)   Recurve Bow: Mounted, Finesse, Two-Handed, Accurate, Range 100 feet   Leather/Hide Tunic Armor: +1 AC, Light, +2 Stealth
AC 18
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+6 , Ref 1d20+9 , Will 1d20+2 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+8 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+4 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-1
HP24 2d10+12 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 40 feet (30 feet when on foot)
Melee Melee, Warhammer, Mounted: 1d20+8 to hit. 1d8+3+4 bludgeoning damage the +4 is the Mounted Boost.   Melee, Warhammer, On Foot: 1d20+6 to hit. 1d10+3 bludgeoning damage.
Ranged Goblin Snapshot Pistol: Range: 50 feet. Traits: Loading (2), Dangerous (4), Mounted, Armor Penetration (2). 1d20+7 to hit. 1d8+4 piercing damage.   Recurve Bow: Range: 100 feet. Traits: Mounted, Finesse, Two-Handed, Accurate. 1d20+7 to hit. 1d8+3 piercing damage.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (1): Hobgoblins are tough and have thick skin. They naturally begin play with a +1 Natural Armor Boost to their Armor Score.   Violent Excitement: A hobgoblin rolling initiative after witnessing an act of violence, or suffering from an act of violence, or participating in an act of violence, gets to roll their initiative with an additional +2.   Wrathful Blood: Hobgoblins, like all greenskins, are just inherently sort of resistant to poisoning or toxins. Their blood seems to almost run at a temperature that most poisons simply don't last long in their blood stream. They get a natural +2 boost to Fortitude Saves against suffering instances of the Toxic (Persistent Poison damage) condition, as well as against any effects trying to deal Poison Damage.   Snapping Assault: Has the Press Trait. A hobgoblin rider and his worg are driven by violence. When mounted, if the hobgoblin makes a successful melee attack against a target, they can spend another action to allow their worg mount to make a bite attack against that same target without it collectively counting towards their Multiple Attack Penalty.   Mounted Warriors: Hobgoblins are generally the most common of greenskins (with orcs a close second) to ride mounts, specifically creatures such as direwolves or worgs. If they are mounted, a hobgoblin can only use weapons with the Mounted Trait, or those from the Melee (Cavalry) family.   Wrathful Blessing: Blessed by Iracundia, a Hobgoblin with levels such as this one, if the profession comes with a resource pool, they simply add their Wrath Pool to the total of that profession resource Pool. So they count their Prowess Pool as 2 higher.   Blood-Hungry Strike: Has the Press Trait. By spending 1 Prowess, the Hobgoblin may still call upon this ability they were blessed with. So long as they have made a successful melee attack, they may activate this ability and spend one action to make a second attack on that same target, ignoring the penalty that should be incurred for the Multiple Attack Penalty.   Prowess Pool (8/8): The special Resource pool of warriors used to activate special abilities and techniques. This pool only recovers on a Rest not during a Regroup.   Training 1d4 : The warrior bonus dice, The way this works is quite simple. So long as the Warrior has a proficiency of at least Trained with the weapon group for a weapon they are wielding, they get to add their Training Dice to the attack rolls with that weapon or when attempting actions with the attack trait (such as trips with a Halberd).   Bravery: You get to add your Training Dice to any Saving Throw to be rolled against the Frightened or Confused Conditions.   Vital Strike: By spending a use of Prowess you may add your Training Dice to your damage roll on a successful attack.   Mounted Combat: At the cost of a use of Prowess 1/round you may take an extra action that is movement, using your mount's movement speed. You may also still use one or more of your actions to move (whilst still mounted) your own movement speed.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
