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Goblin Sharp-Eye - Greenskin Creature Type. Scoundrel-Assassin Profession 2

Goblin Sharp-Eye by Keon Croucher using Midjourney
Goblins, in fact Greenskins in general do not normally prefer ranged combat, nor are they often known for any sort of magick, particularly of an arcane nature. However now and again some might buck the trend. A Sharp-Eye refers to a goblin whom does this very thing, doing their most dangerous fighting from a distance, unseen.
Perception 1d20+7
Languages Gobbok
Skills Acrobatics: 1d20+9 , Bribery: 1d20+5 , Intuition: 1d20+5 , Intimidate: 1d20+6 , Persuade: 1d20+5 , Stealth: 1d20+11

STR +2 , DEX +3 , CON +1 , INT +1 , WIS +1 , CHA +1

Items Hunting Bow: Sized appropriately of course, but made more skillfully, not the crude thing most goblins would use. Range: 75 feet, Two-Handed, Accurate)   Knuckle-Shank: A roughly made weapon sort of like a trench knife. Has the Crude trait, meaning on a natural 1 it breaks.   Leather Armor: Made for small size as with all items and weapons. +1 AC, +1 Stealth (noted in sheet stealth roll)   1x Lesser Healing Elixir: Only 25% chance any given Sharp-Eye has one of these. Heals for 2d4+2 Hit Points when consumed.
AC 20
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+5 , Ref 1d20+9 , Will 1d20+1 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+2 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+5 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+1
HP15 2d8+7 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 30 feet (35 feet so long as they have 1 Tempo in Tempo Pool)
Melee Knuckle-Shank: 1d20+10 to hit. 1d4-1+3 piercing or bludgeoning damage. Concealable Trait.
Ranged Ranged Attack, Hunting Bow: 75 foot range. 1d20+12 to hit. 1d6+3 piercing damage
Special Abilities Small Size: Goblins naturally need to either step down the damage dice of any weapon that would be its normal amount 1 step, or the weapon would become a Great Weapon or Polearm for them as appropriate as they are to small to wield weapons made for human/humanoid sized creatures. Similarly to gnomes and halflings.   Sneaky Little Murderer: Goblins, despite their brutal greenskin heritage, are actually rather sneaky bastards, and though not natural inclined to the arts of stealth and ambush, are generally pretty good at naturally moving quiet and not being spotted until they choose to be. They have a racial boost of +2 to Stealth skill rolls.   Violent Excitement: A goblin that is rolling initiative after witnessing an act of violence, or suffering from an act of violence, or participating in an act of violence, gets to roll their initiative with an additional +2   Wrathful Blood: Goblins, like all greenskins, are just inherently sort of resistant to poisoning or toxins. Though their small stature means their resistance to poison is not noteworthy, since you simply just dose them as you would a human to get the results you'd hope for, this more effects the ability to actually afflict them with the Toxic condition. Their blood seems to almost run at a temperature that most poisons simply don't last long in their blood stream. They get a natural +2 boost to Fortitude Saves against suffering instances of the Toxic (Persistent Poison Damage) condition, as well as any effect that would deal Poison Damage.   Small Fury Syndrome: Though when they have a notable numerical advantage, or believe the odds are equal, or are driven by religious zeal they are dangerous, goblins are quite frail of body when compared to well most other creatures or things they may be fighting. So very often they will gang up, and effectively goblin pile one target at a time. Because of their thirst for blood they also aren't what one would call careful of their compatriots. A goblin that rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with any melee weapon, if there is another goblin that is adjacent to the target of their attack, the failed attacker moves to be adjacent to that ally and hits them instead, basically throwing themselves so recklessly into battle they miss their target and crash into their other goblin companion.   Outposition 1d6 : Outposition is extra damage on attacks that the Scoundrel gets to add by meeting certain requirements. The damage dice is 1d6. If a foe is under the Surprised Condition, if the Scoundrel gets to act and attack and the foe hasn't had a turn yet, if a foe is flanked or outnumbered in melee (having enough of the scoundrels companions in melee range as well to count as outnumbering the target), if the target was unaware of the Scoundrel's position or presence before the attack. Having the benefit of Outposition on a target does not disappear after one attack, if you have it, it lasts until the end of your turn, so applies to all attacks you hit that target with.   Tempo Pool (2/2): Tempo is the resource pool Scoundrels use that allows them to utilize various special attacks and abilities as well as being tied to a variety of passives. Like all such resources unless you have some special ability or feat, you only recover these after a Rest (so as part of Daily Preparations).   Swift-Footed: This is a Tempo Passive. So long as the Scoundrel has at least 1 Tempo in their Tempo Pool, their movement speed is increased by 5 feet. This increases to 10 feet at 5th level, 15 feet at 10th level, 20 feet at 15th level and 25 feet at 20th level.   Break Sight: A Scoundrel can, as part of a movement action and by paying 1 Tempo, attempt a Subterfuge skill test to break line of sight. What this does, if successful, means so long as they do not allow that line of sight to be re-established this round, the targets' whom lost sight of them will once again be vulnerable to outposition damage.   Aimed Strike: As part of an attack test that is triggering Outposition, a Scoundrel can spend 1 Tempo and choose to declare it is an aimed strike. This allows them to also add the Outposition die roll (from the first dice only for higher level scoundrels, not the full total) to their attack test, and still add it to the damage as well should they hit.   Deadly Strike: So long as you have 1 Tempo in your Tempo Pool, whenever you would get to add your Outposition dice to damage, you add the first die roll your attack roll as well. This passive ability does stack with Aimed Strike, allowing you to add double the number you rolled on your first Outposition damage die to your attack roll, should you feel the need.   Everyone Has a Price: A good assassin knows that part of any well planned job, be it intimidation, grevious injury to send a message, or a murder for hire, is most often avoiding any collateral conflict and damage. They also know Bribery and Coercion are both fine ways to do this. Whenever an assassin is using Bribery, Persuade or Intimidation to try and come to an arrangement or to seek out someone to put pressure on in a target's personal circle, they get to add a roll of 1d6 to any skill rolls they must make of those three skills.   Smart Striker: So long as the Assassin has 1 Tempo left in their Pool, they add their Intelligence Modifier to their attack rolls. (not calculated on this sheet)   Bloody Strike: When making an attack roll, an Assassin may spend 1 Tempo to declare the intent of it being a Bloody Strike. If it connects, the target gains the Bleeding (2) Condition. (that's Persisting Bleed Damage for you PF2e types).
This is another example of an advanced sort of goblin. They aren't common but they do exist.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
